The ATLA Religion Database, produced by the American Theological Library Association (ATLA), is a comprehensive reference tool designed to support religious and theological scholarship in graduate education and faculty research. This leading international database covers such topics as Biblical studies, world religions, Church history, and religious perspectives on social issues. The database consists of more than 990,000 records covering the research literature of religion in over 30 languages from 1,400 international journals and 14,000 multi-author works in and related to the field of religion. RDB includes a full range of index citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, and book reviews from Religion Index One (RIO), Religion Index Two (RIT), and Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR). The full file covers data from 1949 to the present.
The following alphabetical list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable ATLA fields.
===== ============ Label Name/Example ===== ============AB Abstract [Word Indexed] division of labor.ab. public morality.ab. The Abstract (AB) field is included in Article records from 1975 to 1985. The Abstract index contains all searchable words from the abstract, however, common words, such as "the" and "of" are not searchable. AF All Searchable Fields language All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the source documents, including value-added fields such as Subject Headings. AN Accession Number [Phrase Indexed] The Accession Number (AN) field contains an alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies the record in the ATLA Religion Database. AU Author [Phrase Indexed] gant sally The Author/Editor (AU) field contains the names of the authors, editors, translators or reviewers of an article, multi-author book, essay or book review. Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and the first initial. If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name (macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the list of names to find the other. BI Book Review Publication Information [Phrase Indexed] barcelona The Book Review Publication Information (BI) field contains the publisher, place of publication and date of publication of a reviewed book. The Book Review Publication Information field displays as part of the Reviewed Book Reference field. BT Book Title [Word Indexed] BP Book Title Phrase [Word Indexed] canterbury The Book Title (BT) field appears in Essay records, and contains the title of the parent book in which the essay or chapter appears. This title information, combined with publication information, enables users to obtain complete bibliographic data from essay records. The Book title index contains all searchable words from the abstract, however, common words, such as "the" and "of" are not searchable. The Book Title Phrase index (BP) allows users to browse the information in this field. CA Corporate Author [Phrase Indexed] church of american bible The Corporate Author (CA) field contains the name of the issuing organization or institution of an article, multi-author book, essay or book review. CC Classification Heading [Phrase Indexed] ancient The Classification Heading (CC) field contains the ATLA classification for master book records. The CC index is phrase indexed to allow browsing of the information in this field. CN Conference Name [Phrase Indexed] Lutheran World Federation, 7th The Conference Name (CD) field contains the names of conferences. CS Corporate Name as Subject [Phrase Indexed] aum shinrikyo sect.cs. solidarity union poland.cs. Corporate Name as Subject (CS) field contains corporate names which are the subject of the article, multi-author book or essay. The field can be browsed with subject heading/sub-heading distinctions using the Corporate Name as Subject Browse (CB) index. Corporate Name as Subjects are word indexed in the Heading Word (HW) index. DE Unified Subject [Phrase Indexed] jesus christ The Descriptor (DE) or Unified Subject field contains all of the subject bearing fields in the database. Although it is used primarily to support mapping, the index can also be searched directly. All of the subjects have been "stemmed" so that the user is not required to know the subheadings for each subject. For example, if the original subject heading is: United States -- History -- Historiography the Descriptor index will contain: United States -- History -- Historiography United States -- History United States ES Edition Statement [Word Indexed] The Edition Statement (ES) field contains the Edition of a multi-author book or monograph. GL Geographic Name [Word Indexed] The Geographic Location (GL) field contains geographic locations which are the subject of the article, multi-author book or essay. The field can be browsed with subject heading/sub-heading distinctions using the Geographic Location Browse (GB) index. Geographic Locations are word indexed in the Heading Word (HW) index. HW Heading Words [Word Indexed] calgary.hw. Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every Personal Name as Subject (PS), Corporate Name as Subject (CS), Meeting Name as Subject (MS), Uniform Title (UT), Topical Term (SU) or Geographic Location (GL) that includes a particular word or words; this is done by searching the desired word(s) in the Subject Heading Word (HW) field. Stopwords, which include commonly occurring words such as "of" and "the", will not be indexed. IB ISBN [Phrase Indexed] 0226508838.ib. The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). These are unique identification numbers which are allocated, by publishers, to books and other non-serial publications. An ISBN consists of ten digits divided into four groups: Group identifier (national, geographic, language, or other type of group) Publisher or producer identifier Title identifier Check digit which may be either a number or the letter X. However, despite this standard format, ISBNs vary enormously on the source documents, eg: 971-539-001-3 92-0-105595-1 0-913235-91-1 1-880653-23-0 0-08-042903-3 Consequently, they have also been put into the indexed and display without spaces or dashes, e.g.: 9715390013 9201055951 0913235911 1880653230 0080429033 IS ISSN [Phrase Indexed] 0169 The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number for the journal in which an article was published. The ISSN is the International Standard Serial Number and is a unique number identifying serial publications such as journals and some series. The ISSN consists of two groups of four digits in Arabic numerals, except possibly for the last, check digit, which may be an X. This conformity makes it easy to search for ISSNs, which can be entered with or without the hyphen between the two groups of four characters. It appears as an 8 digit number, separated by a hyphen: 0028-4793. JN Journal Title [Phrase Indexed] modern judaism.jn. The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which the article was published. Journal names are indexed as phrases, so enter enough letters of the journal name to locate the name in the index: religious ed (for Religious Education). LC Library of Congress Number [Phrase Indexed] Library of Congress Number (LC) contains the Library of Congress Card Number for multi-author books. LG Language [Phrase Indexed] french.lg. fre.lg. The Language (LG) field is phrase indexes and contains the original language(s) of the entire document. The language French will appear as "French" but is also indexed with the Ovid three character language Code (ie. fre). LK Linking Record [Phrase Indexed] Linking Record (LK) connects all of the essays in a multi-author book. This field is particularly useful if you have retrieved an individual essay from a multi-author book and wish to retrieve the rest of the essays in that work. LN Book Review Linking Record [Phrase Indexed] bibr19950000104812.ln. Book Review Linking Record (LN) links a Book Review to the master book record for that book. For a book review record, this field will contain the Accession Number (AN) for the book that is being reviewed. You can also use this field to find different book reviews of the same book. Book Review Linking Record (LN) links a Book Review to the master book record for that book. For a book review record, this field will contain the Accession Number (AN) for the book that is being reviewed. You can also use this field to find different book reviews of the same book. MS Meeting Name as Subject [Phrase Indexed] luther research congress erfurt germany The Meeting as Subject (MS) field contains Conferences or meetings which are the subject of the article, multi-author book or essay. The field can be browsed with subject heading/sub-heading distinctions using the Meeting as Subject Browse (MB) index. The Meeting as Subject field is word indexed in the Heading Word (HW) index. NF Formatted Contents Notes [Word Indexed] Formatted Contents Note (NF) contains the contents of Polygraph records. All of the chapters/essays in the work are listed in this field. NT Note [Phrase Indexed] baptist.nt. The Note (NT) field contains additional information which may be helpful identifying a work or its content. PD Physical Description [Word Indexed] vii.pd. Physical Description (pd) field contains pagination information for Book Master records. PG Page Number [Phrase Indexed] The Page (PG) field consists of the inclusive pagination of the item. This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field. PI Publication Information [Word Indexed] mcgill queens.pi. Publication Information (PI) contains the publisher, place of publication and date of publication of a book. This field displays as part of the Source field. PS Personal Name as Subject [Phrase Indexed] dante The Personal Name as Subject (PS) field contains the names of people which are the subject of the article, multi-author book or essay. The field can be browsed with subject heading/sub-heading distinctions using the Personal Name as Subject Browse (PB) index. The Personal Name as Subject field is word indexed in the Heading Word (HW) index. PT Publication Type [Phrase Indexed] Book The Publication Types (PT) field contains both the type of work as well as the contents of a work. In the ATLA Religion Database, the possible publication types include: Article - Journal article records Book master - Records of books reviewed Essay - Analytic records contained in a polygraph (multi-author works) Polygraph - Master polygraph (multi-author works) records Review - Review records of book masters RA Book Review Author [Phrase Indexed] visser t hooft willem a.ra. The Book Review Author (RA) contains the names of the authors of a book that has been reviewed, and displays as part of the Reviewed Book Reference field. Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and the first initial. If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name (macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the list of names to find the other. RR Book Review Series [Word Indexed] religious.rr. The Book Review Series (RR) contains the title and number of the series of a book that has been reviewed. RS ATLA Subset [Phrase Indexed] index to book reviews in religion The ATLA Religion Database is divided into subsets of documents based on whether they appear in "ibr" the Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR), "rio" Religion Index One (RIO), or "rit" Religion Index Two (RIT) The ATLA Subset (RS) field may be searched using either the letter three character code quoted above, or the complete title of the subset: ie. "" or "index to book reviews in religion" RT Book Review Title [Word Indexed] dieu.rt. The Book Review title contains the title of the book that has been reviewed as well as the complete citation of the book, under the heading Reviewed Book Reference. SD Source Description [Word Indexed] "1996".sd. The Source Description (SD) field includes the Volume/Issue, Pagination and Year of Publication. SE Series [Word Indexed] ST Series Title Phrase [Phrase Indexed] nanzan studies in asian religions Series (SE) contains the series title (and volume or number, if applicable) of the book or of the essay/chapter's "parent" book. To browse complete series titles, use the Series Title (ST) index. SO Source "religion and society bangalore".so. The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Name or Publisher, the Source Description, pagination and year of publication. The fields which make up the Source field are Journal Name (JN), Book Title (BT), Publication Information (PI), Series (SE), Physical Description (PD) and Source Description (SD). SR Scripture Citations [Phrase Indexed] SW Scripture Citations Word [Word Indexed] john 1 1 jubilees 39.sw. Scripture Citations (SR) are browsable, phrased indexed versions of the Scripture References. Use this field to retrieve an article or essay that makes reference to a particular scripture citation. Most references indexed in this field are canonical; there are very few apocryphal references. For numbered books, the arabic numeral follows the book name. Citations referencing specific scriptural passages are also indexed in the Subject Heading (Uniform Title) data field under the heading "Bible". Because indexing practices vary between the two data fields, a search for the same scripture citation in the Subject Heading and Scripture Citation Search fields may not yield identical results. It may be profitable to perform a scripture search using both fields, when they are available. The Scripture References are word indexed in the Scripture Citation Word (SW) index. TI Title [Word Indexed] TP Title Phrase [Phrase Indexed] systems.ti. systema moralis The Title (TI) field contains the title of an article, multi-author book, essay, or reviewed book. Included in the TI field is access to title enrichments, that is, title supplements created by the indexer that add descriptive clarity to the original title of a work. The Title Phrase (TP) index contains an index entry for each title in the database. UA Uniform Title Author [Phrase Indexed] national catholic Uniform Title Author (UA) contains Uniform titles, such as "Helsinki Agreement" that are considered to be authors by the indexer. UP Update Code [Phrase Indexed] 199712.up. The Update Code (UP) is in the format YYYYMM, where YYYY is the 4 digit year and MM is the month of the update. For example, 199706 signifies June of 1997. UT Uniform Title [Word Indexed] psalms of solomon.ut. The Uniform Title (UT) field contains Uniform Titles which are the subject of the article, multi-author book or essay. The field can be browsed with subject heading/sub-heading distinctions using the Uniform Title Browse (UB) index. The Meeting as Subject field is word indexed in the Heading Word (HW) index. YR Year [Phrase Indexed] 1997.yr. The Year of Publication (YR) field contains the year in which a document was published. The year may be searched using four digits, e.g. "1994" Only individual years may be searched here; do not enter a range of years. (Use the Limit to Publication Year to restrict sets to a range of years.)
The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen:
A limit to English will restrict retrieval to records which are written in the English language. Foreign language articles with English abstracts will be eliminated by a limit to English.
A limit to Article will restrict retrieval to article records.
A limit to Essay will restrict retrieval to citations of individual essays published within a polygraph or multi-author work. All citations of this type are linked to their corresponding book using the Linking Record (LK) field.
A limit to Review will restrict retrieval to book reviews.
New documents are added to the ATLA Religion Database at regular intervals. A limit to latest update will restrict retrieval to documents which were most recently added to the database.
The ATLA Religion Database is divided into subsets of documents based on whether they appear in the Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR), Religion Index One (RIO), or Religion Index Two (RIT). This limit will restrict retrieval to any of these three categories.
Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:
English Command Syntax: ..l/1 en=y Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to english Languages Command Syntax: ..l/1 lg=fre Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to french Publication Types Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to article limit 1 to book master limit 1 to essay Publication Years Command Syntax: ..l/1 yr=96 Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to yr=1996
Command Syntax: ..c/atla Sentence Syntax: use atla
[All fields, Two examples, Ovid Output, formatted like this:] Accession Number erit19950001201003 Author Perroni, Marinella. Title Il Cristo Maestro (Lc 10,38-42) : l'apoftegma di Marta e Maria: problemi di critica testuale Source Mysterium Christi. Rome : Pontificio Ateneo S Anselmo, 1995. (Studia Anselmiana ; 116). p. 57-78. Personal Name as Subject Martha and Mary Jesus Christ -- Person and offices Uniform Title Bible. N.T. Luke -- Criticism, Textual Bible. N.T. Luke X, 38-42 Scripture Citations Luke 10 : 38-42 Linking Record prit19950001201000 Publication Type Essay ATLA Subset Religion Index Two (RIT) Update Code 199708 Year 1995 Language Italian Accession Number ario19960030786003 Author Van Kooten, Robert. Title Guarding the Entrance to the Place of Rest : Hebrews 4:12-13 Source Kerux. 11 (D 1996), p. 29-33. Uniform Title Bible. N.T. Hebrews I-IX Bible. N.T. Hebrews IV, 12-13 Topical Term Rest -- Biblical teaching Scripture Citations Hebrews 4 : 12-13 ISSN 0888-8513 Publication Type Article ATLA Subset Religion Index One (RIO) Update Code 199712 Year 1996 Language English Accession Number ribr19970000047805 Author Dohar, William J, [Reviewer]. Title The Register of John Kirkby, Bishop of Carlisle, 1332-1352, and the Register of John Ross, Bishop of Carlisle, 1325-1332, 2 V : [Review] / Reviewed by Dohar, William J Source Catholic Historical Review. 83 (Ja 1997), p. 89-90. Reviewed Book Reference Register of John Kirkby, Bishop of Carlisle, 1332-1352, and the Register of John Ross, Bishop of Carlisle, 1325-1332, 2 V, The. Woodbridge, England : Canterbury & York Soc, 1995. (Canterbury and York Society ; 79; 81). ISSN 0008-8080 Book Review Linking Record bibr19960000115797 Publication Type Review ATLA Subset Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR) Update Code 199712 Year 1997 Language English
ATLA Religion Database is a copyright of the American Theological Library Association, (1998). All Rights Reserved.