Ovid Technologies Field Guide

Bowker's Books in Print/Books Out of Print (BBIP), Bowker's Books in Print with Review (BREV)


Bowker's Books in Print/Books Out of Print database is the only current, comprehensive, and continuously updated source of information on virtually the entire U.S. book publishing output. The database includes scholarly, popular, adult, juvenile, reprint and all other types of books covering all subjects provided they are published or exclusively distributed in the U.S. and are available to the trade or to the general public for single or multiple copy purchase. Unbound materials, pamphlets, Bibles, free books, books only available to members of a particular organization, periodicals, government publications, puzzles, and subscription-only titles are not included. Complete bibliographic, book ordering and subject classification information for all titles is included.

Books in Print with Reviews includes access to over 200,000 full text book reviews from 13 different sources, including Boston Book Review, Booklist, Choice, Horn Book Guide, Horn Book Magazine, Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, Quill & Quire, Reference and Research Book News, School Library Journal, SciTech Book News, and University Press Book News.

General Information

R. R. Bowker
A Reed Reference Publishing Company
121 Chanlon Road
New Providence, NJ 07974
(800) 323-3288
(908) 665-3528
Website: http://www.reedref.com
Email: info@bowker.com
Years of Coverage
Contains all books in print and about to be published, as far as six months in advance. Also includes titles declared out of print from July 1979 to the present.
Default Fields for Unqualified Searches
All Display/Print Fields
Default Display/Print Fields
AN, TI, TR, AU, ED, VO, AB, IB, BG, PR, SC, PN, LG, DP, SM${Holdings Field}
Online Update Frequency
Local Update Frequency

Searching Bowker's Books in Print/Books Out of Print Fields

The following alphabetic list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable Books in Print/Books Out of Print fields:
=====        =============
Label        Name/Example
=====        =============

AB           Abstract [Word Indexed]
             breast cancer.ab.

The Abstract (ab) field contains publisher provided annotations that
describe the content of the work.

AE           Added Entry (AU, SP, CA)

Use the Added Entry (AE) field to search simultaneously in the
AU and SP fields.

AF           All Searchable Fields
             drug abuse.af.

Use the AF field label to search simultaneously in all searchable
fields in the database.

AN, UI, RN   Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]

The Accession Number field contains a unique 8-digit number assigned
to each document for identification.

AT, AD       Audience Type [Phrase Indexed]
             juvenile audience.at.

The Audience Type (AT) field describes the general audience type for
which the item was written IF the item is in the "Children's Books in
Print" index.    Valid audience types are  Juvenile Audience, Young
Adult Audience or Adult Audience.  Note, items which do not appear in
"Children's Books In Print" have no audience type assigned.  Thus,
audience type should only be used with children's material.

AU, ME       Authors [Phrase Indexed]
             mcdowell frank.au.
             mobil oil corp.au.

The author field contains all of the key contributors, in the format
last name, followed by first name, and middle initial:
   Doe Joy
   Doe Joy S.
The editor, photographer, illustrator or other key contributors may be
listed.  Non-author entries will be followed by their function, e.g.,
   smith a b editor

AW           Awards [Word Indexed]
             john newberry winner.aw.

The Awards (aw) field contains the name of the award, the year in
which it was given, and the country of the awarding organization.
The status of the award is also provided in parentheses and indicates
whether the item was honored with a nomination or as a winner.  Stopwords,
which include commonly occurring words such as "of" and "the", are not

BG           Binding [Word Indexed]
             trade cloth.bg.

The Binding field (BG) contains information about the format the item
is published in, e.g. trade cloth.  This field is also accessible using
the PR superlabel for compatibility with previous versions of BBIP.

BT           Bowker's Product Codes [Phrase Indexed]
             medical books in print.bt.

The Bowker Product Codes field (BT) contains the name of the
individual Bowker index in which the items appears (e.g. Medical
Books in Print, Children's Books in Print).  The abbreviated form for
the name of the index (e.g. mb for Medical Books in Print) as well
as the full name of the product code is indexed.

CA           Corporate Author [Phrase Indexed]
             microsoft corporation staff.ca.

The Corporate Author (ca) field contains the corporate name.  Stopwords,
which include commonly occurring words such as "of" and "the", are
not indexed.

CN           Library of Congress Card Number [Phrase Indexed]

The Library of Congress Card Number (CN) field contains the LC number
assigned to a book or journal.  Hyphens must be included in the
search statement.

CP           Country of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
             hong kong.cp.

The Country of Publication (cp) field contains the name of the
country where the work was published.

CY           City of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
             long island.cy.

The City of Publication (cy) field contains the name of the city
where the work was published.

DN, DD       Dewey Decimal Number [Phrase Indexed]
             891 2802.dn.

The Dewey Decimal Number field (DN) contains a Dewey Decimal Number
assigned by the Library of Congress, when available.

DP           Date of Publication [Phrase Indexed]

The Publication Date field (DP) is the new name for the PD field.  This
was done for consistency with other Ovid databases.  The format for
data in this field is YYYYMM.

DU           Duration [Word Indexed]

The Duration (du) field contains the running time, in literal minutes,
for video items.

ED           Edition [Word Indexed]

The Edition (ED) field consists of the edition statement for a book,
e.g. 100th anniversary

EM, UP       Entry Month [Phrase Indexed]

The Entry Month field contains the date, in the format YYMM, the record
was added or changed in the Ovid load of the database.

HW           Subject Heading Word (SW, CW)

Use the Subject Heading Word (HW) field to search simultaneously in the
SW and CW fields.

IA           Interest Age Level [Word Indexed]

The Interest Age Level (ia) field contains the age, or range of ages,
for which the material is primarily of interest.

IB           International Standard Book Number (ISBN) [Phrase Indexed]

The International Standard Book Number -- ISBN field (IB) contains the
ISBN associated with a book.  Note, multiple ISBNs may be assigned to
a single author/title combination when multiple formats or publishers
are available.  Multiple ISBNs will result in multiple ANs.  Hyphens
must be included in the search statement.

IG           Interest Grade Level [Word Indexed]

The Interest Grade Level (ig) field contains the appropriate grade level
for the material being indexed. Grade levels contained in this field
include PS (preschool), 0 (Kindergarten), 1-12 (1st through 12th grade),
and 13 (pre college). The field may also contain "up" which means all
subsequent grades, e.g. "7-up" translates to 7th grade through college.

IS           International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
             [Phrase Indexed]

The International Standard Serials Number - ISSN field (IS) contains
the ISSN assigned to a journal.  Hyphens must be included in the search

LC           Library of Congress Call Number [Phrase Indexed]
             microfilm 20 262.lc

The Library of Congress Call Number (LC) field contains the Library of
Congress Classification Number assigned to a particular item.

LG           Language [Phrase Indexed]

The Language (LG) field contains the language(s) of the publication of
an article.  The language name will appear in the index as both a three
letter code and the fullname for the language, e.g. French (FRE).

LN           Library of Congress Control Number
             [Phrase Indexed]

The Library of Congress Control Number (LN) contains the
LC Control Number assigned to a book or journal when available.
Hyphens should be entered as appropriate.

OI           Other Standard Identifier [Phrase Indexed]

The Other Standard Identifier (oi) field may contain the
International Standard Recording Number (ISRN), U.S. Universal
Product Code (UPC), the International Standard Music Number (ISMN),
or the International Article Number (EAN).

OL           Original Language [Word Indexed]

The Original Language (ol) field contains the original language in
which the work was published.  You may search this field using the
name of the language or its corresponding MARC three-letter code.

OT, TT       Original Title [Word Indexed]
             gaining financial control.ot.

The Original Title (OT) field includes a previous title for the book or
journal if it existed.

PD           Physical Description (DM, PG) [Word Indexed]

The Physical Description (pd) field contains the number of pages when
the item is a book and the number of cassettes when the item is either
audio or video. Physical Description also includes "ill" when the item
is illustrated, the hue when the item is a video (black/white or color),
and the dimensions of the item.

PR           Pricing [Word Indexed]

Use the Pricing (PR) field to search for the price of the item.  For
example, the search "1000.pr." would retrieve items with a price of
$10.00.  The search "2350.pr." would retrieve items with a price of

SC           Status [Phrase Indexed]
             active record.sc.

The Status field (SC) now contains the full status information
(previously BBIP's SC field contained only an abbreviation).   Status
information includes:
   Active Record
   On Demand
   Out of Print
   Out of Stock Indefinitely
   Publication Canceled

SH           Subject Heading (SU, CH, DE)
             peru antiquities.sh.

The SH field is a superlabel for the SU and CH fields.  Search the SH
field to search across both the SU and CH fields.  Use the SW field for
word-indexed version of the SH field.

SM           Stock Number (OR, RO) [Phrase Indexed]

The Stock Number (sm) index contains the publisher order number,
which may be used to order the item or its reproduction.

SP           Supporting Contributors [Phrase Indexed]
             jaanus maire editor.sp.

The Supporting Contributors field contains all of the non-primary

contributors (writers of preface, forward or introduction).  Non-author
entries will be followed by their function(s), such as:
   smith anne introduction by
Thus if you were interested in finding only those items where Anne
Smith wrote the introduction, you would search smith anne introduction
by.sp.  This field displays as part of the author field.

ST           Series Title [Word Indexed]
             backpacker guide.st.

The Series Title (ST) field contains the title of the series for which
the particular book or journal title is a part.

TI, TS       Title, Subtitle [Word Indexed]
             royal tombs.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the English language version of the
title.  For documents which were not written in English, the translated
transliterated title appears in a separate field, Translated Title.
Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in the documents and in
the title Index.

TR           Translated Title [Word Indexed]
             petit prince.tr.

The Translated Title (TR) includes any non-English titles in the
original language.  If the original title was in a non-Roman alphabet,
then the OT is transliterated.

TW           Text Word (TI, OT, TR, AT, ST, AB, HW)

Use the Text Word (TW) field to search simultaneously in the text fields
listed above.

YR           Year [Phrase Indexed]

The Year (YR) field contains the year of publication.

**The following fields are for display only**

PI           Previous ISBN

The Previous ISBN (PI) field contains International Standard Book
Numbers which are no longer used by the publisher.  Previous ISBN
numbers are searchable in the ISBN  (IB) index.

CI           Canceled ISBN

The Canceled ISBN (CI) field contains International Standard Book
Numbers which have been canceled.  Canceled ISBN numbers are searchable
in the ISBN (IB) index.

Bowker's Books In Print/Books Out of Print Limits

The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen: Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:
Latest Update
Command Syntax:          ..l/1 to up=y
Sentence Syntax:         limit 1 to update

Sentence Syntax:         limit 1 to english
                         limit 1 to french

Sentence Syntax:         limit 1 to illustrated

Active Record
Sentence Syntax:         limit 1 to active record
                         limit 1 to out of print
                         limit 1 to out of stock indefinitely
                         limit 1 to publication cancelled
[Note: Use these limits to limit to the available print status

Command Syntax:         ..l/ ab=y
Sentence Syntax:        limit 1 to abstracts

Sentence Syntax         limit 1 to reviews

Change to Bowker's Books In Print/Books Out of Print From Another Database

Sentence Sytnax:   use BBIP
Command Syntax:    ..c/BBIP

Sample Bowker's Books In Print/Books Out of Print Document

Accession Number                                                            
       Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary  [Illustrated]                   
       Williams, Juan.                                                            
Country of Publication                                                      
       New York (State).                                                          
City of Publication                                                         
       New York.                                                                  
Publisher Name                                                             
      Times Books.            
       Trade Cloth.        
Status of Work                                                             
       Active Record    
Date of Publication                                                         
       Oct. 1998                                                                  
Subject Headings                                                            
       UNITED STATES -- SUPREME COURT; MARSHALL, THURGOOD, 1908-1993              
       Retail 30.00 (U.S. Dollars)                                                
Physical Description                                                       
       459, 09.570 x 06.580 inches.      
       Black Caucus of the America Library Association Award (nomination), 1999,  
       United States, New York Times Notable Books of the Year (winner), 1998,  
       United States.                                                                                                                                                  
Bowker Product Code                                                         
       Law Books in Print                                                         
Library of Congress Call Number                                             
       KF8745.M34W55 1998                                                         
Dewey Decimal Number                                                        
      347.73/2634 B                                                              
Library of Congress Control Number                                          
Update Code                                                                 
       BOOKS IN PRINT (r), (c) R.R. Bowker, Reed Elsevier Inc.                 

Bowker's Books In Print/Books Out of Print Producer Copyright Information

This database has been supplied by R. R. Bowker, a Reed Publishing Company, and is proprietary to R. R. Bowker. No part of the database may be duplicated in hardcopy or machine-readable form without prior written authorization from R. R. Bowker, except for reproduction of limited quantities of reasonable proportions of the database for buyer's internal use provided a suitable notice of copyright is included on all copies. Under no circumstances may copies be made for resale in any media. Licensor makes no warranty, express or implied, including, without limitation, any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use, as to results to be obtained by any person or entity from the use of the database or any data therein.

Revised 29 Jan 2001