Ovid Technologies Field Guide


Read about the latest enhancements to BIOETHICSLINE in the 2000 BIOETHICSLINE Reload News!


Produced jointly by the Kennedy Institute of Ethics and the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the BIOETHICSLINE database includes English-language materials on bioethics. Documents are selected from the disciplines of medicine, nursing, biology, philosophy, religion, law, and the behavioral sciences. Selections from popular literature are also included. Covered document types include journal and newspaper articles, monographs, court decisions, bills, laws, and audiovisual materials. Approximately 100 primary sources and 40 indexes and databases are scanned for citations.

General Information

Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1065
(202) 687-3885
(800) MED-ETHX
Website: http://www.nlm.nih.gov
(Produced jointly with the U.S. National Library of Medicine)

Years of Coverage
1973 - Present

Default Fields for Unqualified Searches

All Display/Print Fields

Default Display/Print Fields

Elements of SO (Source) Field

Update Frequency
Online Systems: Bi-Monthly
Local Products: Quarterly

Searching the BIOETHICSLINE fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable BIOETHICSLINE Fields:

=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============

AB           Abstract [Word Indexed]
             assisted suicide.ab.

BIOETHICSLINE articles include brief abstracts written by staff members
of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics.  Abstracts are only written for
articles from selected journals, beginning with entry month 8211.  These
abstracts appear in the Abstract (AB) field.

The abstract index contains all searchable words from the abstract.
Stopwords, such as "the" and "of" are not searchable.

AF           All Searchable Fields
             drug abuse.af.

All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the
source documents, including value-added fields such as Subject Headings.
The only things excluded from an All Fields search are fields such as
"heading word" which are created by the loading process and do not
actually appear in the record.

AU           Authors [Phrase Indexed]
             smith j c.au.
             smith j david.au.
             smith $.au.

The Author (AU) field contains up to six authors.  The format for
authors is last name followed by first name or initials: Smith Marc D or
Smith J. Before the 8211 update, only three authors were included; if
there were more than three authors the first author was listed with the
designation "et al."

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and
first initial.  If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name
(macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the
list of names to find the other.

BK           Book Citation [Word Indexed]

The Book Citation (BK) field contains the citation for a book if the
title field contains a chapter title.  This field normally displays as
part of the Source (SO) field.

CA           Corporate Author [Word Indexed]
             dna advisory.ca.

The Corporate Author (CA) field contains the names of organizations
responsible for the authorship of a document, or the report number from
the authoring agency.  Enter the most significant words in a corporate
name to retrieve a corporate author.

CO           Collation [Word Indexed]

The Collation (CO) field contains supplementary information about
an item, including number of pages or form of material (beta, VHS, etc).
Collation information displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

EM, UP, IM, IR, ND   Entry Month [Phrase Indexed]

The Entry Month (EM) field contains the issue (year and month) in
which a document appeared in Index Medicus.  The EM field appears
in the format YYYYMM.

HW, ME       Heading Word [Word Indexed]

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every MeSH subject heading that
includes a particular word;  this is done by searching the single word
in the Subject Heading Word (HW) field.

You can also view every MeSH Subject Heading which contains a
particular word by using the pull-down menu TOOLS/Permuted Index.

IB           ISBN [Phrase Indexed]

The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number
(ISBN) for the journal in which an article was published.

IN           Institution [Word Indexed]
             case western.in.

The Institution (IN) field contains the primary author's affiliation, 
which is usually the source for a reprint of the article.

IS           ISSN [Phrase Indexed]

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number
(ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published.

JC           NLM Journal Code [Phrase Indexed]

The Journal Code (JC) is an alpha-numeric code established by NLM which
uniquely identifies every journal indexed in the NLM databases.

JN           Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
             new englan$.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in
which an article was published.  This field usually displays as part of
the Source (SO) field.

JW           Journal Word [Word Indexed]
             medical ethics.jw.

The Journal Word (JW) field contains individual words from every
journal name in BIOETHICSLINE.

Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included.  This field is used to
retrieve every occurrence of a journal which includes a particular word.

KF           Keyword Word [Word Indexed]

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every keyword that includes a
particular word; this is done by searching the single word in the
Keyword Word (KF) field.

KW           Keywords [Phrase Indexed]
             ethics advisory board.kw.
             "ethics advisory board*".kw.
             clinical approach.kw.

The Keywords (KW) field contains indexing terms from the BIOETHICSLINE
Thesaurus, and Subject Captions.  Keywords are phrases which should be
searched as they appear in the BIOETHICSLINE Thesaurus.  Keywords may
display with a trailing asterisk to indicate major focus.

Subject Captions are general terms which represent either broad subject
areas or general approaches to the study of bioethical issues.  Subject
Captions are phrases and can be searched using the full spelling
(clinical approach) or the 2-letter code (cl).  Subject Captions were
entered into BIOETHICSLINE with the 8211 entry month.

NT           Notes [Word Indexed]

The Notes (NT) field contains either a series name and number or general
supplementary information about an item.

The notes may include information on the availability of a
bibliography, ordering information for dissertations or hearings, or
general summaries of materials such as manuals or scripts.  A series
title may appear for a book or for audiovisual materials.

PB           Publisher [Word Indexed]

The Publisher (PB) field contains publisher information for books,
monographs or any non-journal publications.  This information is taken
from the source document as it appears, so variant forms of a publisher
are possible.  PB displays as part of the Source field.

The Publisher field was added to BIOETHICSLINE with the 8211 update.

PG           Pagination [Word Indexed]

The Page (PG) field consists of the inclusive pagination of a journal
article.  This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO)

PL           Place of Publication [Word Indexed]

The Place of Publication (PL) field consists of the City of publication.
If necessary, a country or state may appear as well to resolve an

PT           Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]
             court decision.pt.

In addition to indexing documents with Medical Subject Headings and
keywords, indexers assign one of nine terms to describe the article
type.  These terms appear in the Publication Type (PT) field.

To view the index, enter enough letters to distinguish a publication
type (ana for "analytic"); the entire index is quickly scrollable to
determine all possible publication types.

SH, DE, SW, CT     MeSH Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]
                   ethics committees/
                   ethics medical.sh.

The MeSH Heading (SH) field contains NLM Medical Subject Headings. In
BIOETHICSLINE, the BIOETHICSLINE Thesaurus is used to index specific
articles; these terms appear in the Keyword (KW) field.  These thesaurus
terms are then mapped to MeSH terms to provide an alternative indexing

NLM's MeSH terms are organized in a hierarchy, or "tree" structure.  You
can look up any subject heading using the TOOLS/Tree pull-down menu.

MeSH headings are entered into the index as phrases and should be
searched as they appear in the NLM MeSH books or in our Tree display.

SO           Source (JN, PB, VO, PG, CO, OS, PL, BK, YR)

The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information
needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Name or Monograph
Publisher, Book Title, the Vol/Issue, pagination and year of

TI           Title [Word Indexed]
             assisted suicide.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the title of a document.  If the title is
a book chapter, the book title will display as part of the Source and
can be searched in the BK (Book Citation) field.

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not
appear in the Title index.  However, the word "a", which is a stopword
in other fields CAN be searched in titles.

TW           Textword (TI, AB)
             ethical code.tw.

The Textword (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in a database
which contain text words and which are appropriate for a subject search.

The Textword field in BIOETHICSLINE includes Title (TI) and Abstract

UI, AN       Unique Identifier [Phrase Indexed]

The Unique Identifier (UI) field contains a number which uniquely
identifies a particular record.   The number always consists of 5
numerals preceded by 3 zeros, e.g.: 00039360.

VO           Volume/Issue [Word Indexed]

The Volume (VO) field consists of the volume and issue of a serial
publication.  This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO)

XM           Exploded MeSH Headings [Phrase Indexed]
             "domestic violence*".xm.

NLM Medical Subject Headings are hierarchical, with up to twelve levels
of narrower terms from the top of a hierarchy.  In order to retrieve a
term and all of its narrower terms, a subject heading must be
"exploded", that is, the subject heading and all narrower terms are
"OR'd" together. OVID pre-explodes highly-posted broader terms with
their narrower terms during loading.  These pre-exploded MeSH Headings
appear in the XM field.

YR           Publication Year [Phrase Indexed]

The Publication Year (YR) field contains the year in which an article or
monograph was published.  The year can be searched only as four digits.


The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen:

Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:

Command Syntax:        ..l/ ab=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to abstracts

Broad Subject Captions
Sentence Syntax examples:
  limit 1 to "bioethics and professional ethics"
  limit 1 to bioethics
  limit 1 to "mental health therapies and behavior control"
  limit 1 to mental

General Subject Captions
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to clinical approach
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to clinical
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to religious approach
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to religious

Journal Articles
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to journal articles

Latest Update
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 to up=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to update

Publication Types
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to analytic
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to court decision

Publication Year
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 yr=1998
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to yr=1996

Change to BIOETHICSLINE From Another Database

Sentence Syntax:  use bioe
Command Syntax:   ..c/bioe

Sample BIOETHICSLINE Documents

Citation 1
Unique Identifier
Richmond, Caroline.
Debate about multiple pregnancies moves to new heights in Britain. [News].
Canadian Medical Association Journal. 155(9): 1314-1315, 1996 Nov 1.
NLM Journal Code
Local Messages
Held by Ovid Technologies
MeSH Subject Headings
*Abortion, Eugenic
Fees and Charges
*Great Britain
Mass Media
National Health Programs
*Pregnancy, Multiple
Reproduction Techniques
Socioeconomic Factors
legal aspects. mass media. motivation. multiple pregnancy*. physicians. remuneration. reproductive technologies. selective abortion*. socioeconomic factors. twins. Allwood, Mandy. Bennett, Philip. Great Britain*. National Health Service. Clinical Approach. Genetics, Reproduction and Abortion.
The controversy about multiple pregnancy and abortion has taken on a new dimension in Britain as a result of two widely publicized cases. A mother who was carrying twins wanted to give birth to only one child, so one fetus was aborted. Public outrage turned to dismay when it was revealed another mother who had been taking fertility drugs refused selective termination, a standard procedure to ensure the growth of healthy fetuses, in an ill-fated attempt to give birth to eight babies.
Publication Type
Journal Article. News.
Entry Month

Citation 2
Unique Identifier
Murphy, Timothy F.
Sperm harvesting and post-mortem fatherhood.
Bioethics. 9(5): 380-398, 1995 Oct.
MeSH Subject Headings
Advance Directives
Brain Death
Case Report
*Parent-Child Relations
Presumed Consent
*Reproduction Techniques
Single Person
Social Change
Third-Party Consent
*Tissue Donors
advance directives. brain death. cadavers*. case studies. death*. fathers*. homosexuals. legal aspects. males. married persons. mothers. motivation. parent child relationship*. presumed consent. reproductive technologies*. semen donors*. single persons. social impact. sperm*. third party consent. Death, Euthanasia, and the Prolongation of Life. Genetics, Reproduction and Abortion. Health Care and Health Care Policy.
The motives and consequences of harvesting sperm from brain dead males for the purpose of effecting post mortem fatherhood are examined. I argue that sperm harvesting and post mortem fatherhood raise no harms of a magnitude that would justify forbidding the practice outright. Dead men are not obviously harmed by the practice; children need not be harmed by this kind of birth; and the practice enlarges rather than diminishes the reproductive choices of surviving partners. Certain ethical and legal issues nevertheless require attention. As a matter of consistency with other harvesting protocols, there ought to be a mechanism for respecting the wishes of men who when alive do not wish to become fathers post mortem. Mechanisms governing entitlement to harvest and use sperm will also be required. I note that the law is unlikely to recognize the paternity of children born from harvested sperm, though there may be reasons to recognize that paternity in some instances. [References: 29 fn.]
Publication Type
Journal Article.
Entry Month
199606. Revised: 19970225

BIOETHICSLINE Producer Copyright Information

NLM represents that the data provided within BIOETHICSLINE is formulated with a reasonable standard of care. Except for this representation, and as otherwise specifically provided herein, NLM makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied. This includes but is not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the NLM databases, and NLM specifically disclaims any such warranties and representations. Downloading data is permitted for personal use only. Some material in the NLM databases is from copyrighted publications of the respective copyright claimants. Users of the NLM databases are solely responsible for compliance with any copyright restrictions and are referred to the publication data appearing in the bibliographic citations, as well as to the copyright notices appearing in the original publications, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference.

The following use of data from MEDLINE, AIDSLINE, BIOETHICSLINE and HEALTHSTAR requires no written permission from or signed licence agreement with NLM:

Users may download small amounts of data, e.g., the bibliographic citation and MeSH terms, for a small number of citations from the databases listed above for redistribution either via a printed publication or in electronic form using the Internet, World Wide Web, etc. Downloading from a MEDLARS licensee, such as OVID is subject to the licensee's approval.


1. Download includes ftping results of an online search, arranging for the results of an automatic stored search to be available for ftp, ftping MEDLARS data from the NLM server (nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov), or a traditional download using a modem.

2. Small is defined as approximately 1,000 records per month from MEDLINE; 12,000 per year. Retrospective pulls of MEDLINE may include up to approximately 12,000 records for each year covered. For other MEDLARS databases, fewer than 25% of records in the file may be downloaded. For larger portions of a MEDLARS database, contact Janer@nlm.nuh.gov or 301-496-7706 for licensing information.

3. Data is defined as bibliographic citations and MeSH terms. This document grants permission to download only the bibliographic citations and MeSH terms, it does not cover author abstracts from the journals which are included in MEDLINE and other MEDLARS databases. Users should obtain an opinion from their legal counsel for any use they plan for the author-generated abstracts in the MEDLARS database.

Terms and Conditions:

Users must ensure that all downloaded publicly accessible data stored in electronic form for over one year must be in compliance with the following provisions of the NLM license agreement:

A. Users of this data must be provided a clear description of how the product/service was derived, indicating the currency and the source database.

B. At least annually, the data downloaded must be corrected to incorporate the corrections NLM has made to these records during the year and in year end maintenance. MEDLARS data in any subsequently produced product/service must be carefully checked with that maintained on NLM's version of the database at the end of each calendar year and corrections made.

C. Users are advised to consult legal counsel to ensure compliance with intellectual property laws. NLM cannot provide advice about copyright issues.

D. Since NLM goes to considerable efforts to assign MeSH terms, it prefers that these be retained as assigned by the indexers.

E. All downloaded NLM records (or portions thereof) must be labeled so as to identify NLM as the source.

F. Trademark symbols must properly be used when referring to the NLM databases, system and products. A product/service using downloaded data must be named in a fashion that clearly distinguishes it from NLM-produced databases accessible at NLM.

Revised 9 June, 1999