Ovid Technologies Field Guide

BIOSIS Previews®
Biological Abstracts on CD
Biological Abstracts/RRM on CD


BIOSIS Previews is the world's most comprehensive reference database for life science research. It covers original research reports and reviews in biological and biomedical areas. Coverage includes traditional areas of biology, such as botany, zoology and microbiology, as well as related fields such as biomedical, agriculture, pharmacology and ecology. Interdiscplinary fields such as medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering and biotechnology are also included. Nearly 5,500 serials are monitored for inclusion. In addition, the database covers content summaries, books and meeting abstracts, papers and posters. Content summaries include notes and letters, technical data reports, reviews, U.S. patents from 1986 to 1989 and from 1999, meeting reports from 1980 to present, bibliographies, nomenclature rules, and taxonomic keys. The BIOSIS Previews database includes the contents of Biological Abstracts (1969 to present), Biological Abstracts/RRM (1980 to present) and BioResearch Index (1969 to 1979).

Biological Abstracts is one of the foremost sources of bibliographic references to the life science journal literature. This database enables researchers and students to retrieve references to vital biological and medical research findings, clinical studies, and discoveries of new organisms. Coverage is international, and includes agriculture, biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology, genetics, botany, ecology, microbiology, pharmacology, and zoology. Approximately 90% of the records include abstracts.

Biological Abstracts/RRM complements Biological Abstracts by providing unique coverage of increasingly important sources of research information. These sources include international reviews, reports, and meetings, as well as books. Users have access to breakthrough research findings often not yet reported in the journal literature or covered in other secondary databases. Biological Abstracts/RRM is a unique resource for current information in biology, medicine, agriculture, biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology, genetics, botany, ecology, microbiology, pharmacology, and zoology.

Ovid Implementation Highlights

General Information

Two Commerce Square
2001 Market Street, Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7095
(800) 523-4806 (USA and Canada)
(215) 587-4800
(215) 587-2016 (fax)
Website: http://www.biosis.org
Email: info@mail.biosis.org
54 Micklegate York, North Yorkshire
Y01 1LF, U.K.
+44 (0)1904 644269
+44 (0)1904 612793 (fax)
Website: http://www.york.biosis.org
Email: helpdesk@york.biosis.org
Years of Coverage
BIOSIS Previews (Online):
BIOZ: 1970 - Present
BIOL: 1990 - Present
BIOB: 1970 - 1984
BIOSIS Previews (Locally Installed - Consult Administrator for Site-Defined Segments):
BIOP00: 2000
BIOP99: 1999
BIOP98: 1998
BIOP97: 1997
BIOP96: 1996
BIOP95: 1995
BIOP94: 1994
BIOP93: 1993
BIOP92: 1992
BIOP91: 1991
BIOP90: 1990
BIOP89: 1989
BIOP88: 1988
BIOP87: 1987
BIOP86: 1986
BIOP85: 1985
Biological Abstracts on CD (Locally Installed - Consult Administrator for Site-Defined Segments):
BIOBA00: 2000
BIOBA99: 1999
BIOBA98: 1998
BIOBA97: 1997
BIOBA96: 1996
BIOBA95: 1995
BIOBA94: 1994
BIOBA93: 1993
BIOBA92: 1992
BIOBA91: 1991
BIOBA90: 1990
BIOBA89: 1989
BIOBA88: 1988
BIOBA87: 1987
BIOBA85: 1985 - 1986
BIOBA83: 1983 - 1984
BIOBA80: 1980 - 1982
Biological Abstracts/RRM on CD (Locally Installed - Consult Administrator for Site-Defined Segments):
BIOBR00: 2000
BIOBR99: 1999
BIOBR98: 1998
BIOBR97: 1997
BIOBR96: 1996
BIOBR95: 1995
BIOBR94: 1994
BIOBR93: 1993
BIOBR92: 1992
BIOBR89: 1989 - 1991
Default Fields for Unqualified Searches
All Display/Print Fields
Default Display/Print Fields
Elements of SO (Source) Field
Online Update Frequency
BIOSIS Previews: Weekly
Local Update Frequency
BIOSIS Previews: Monthly
Biological Abstracts on CD: Quarterly
Biological Abstracts/RRM on CD: Quarterly

Searching the BIOSIS Fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable BA & BA/RRM fields:
Label Name Indexing
AB Abstract [Word Indexed]
diagnostic data monitoring.ab.



The AB field contains abstracts for Biological Abstracts records from Volume 62, (July 1976) to the present and from the main book synopses which appear in Biological Abstracts/RRM records from 1985 to the present.
AF All Searchable Fields

drug abuse.af.



Use AF to search simultaneously in all fields in this list.
AI Alternate Indexing  (not carried prior to 1999)

sickle cell trait.ai.



The Alternate Indexing (AI) field will contain other types of indexing such as MeSH disease terms (1999 -).
AN, UI Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]

096119000.an. (1970 - 1992)
prev199900021461.an. (1993 - )



The Accession Number (AN) field contains a unique number.

From 1993 forward, the field begins with a four-character alphabetic sequence which indicates the product. This is followed by the four-digit product year, which is in turn followed by a unique eight digit number assigned to each citation record within that product, i.e., AAAAYYYYnnnnnnnn.

The formats presently used are as follows (we recommend that you allow for the addition of new products in this field):

BIOSIS Previews - PREVYYYYnnnnnnnn
BasicBIOSIS - BASBYYYYnnnnnnnn
BA on CD - BACDYYYYnnnnnnnn
BA/RRM on CD - BMCDYYYYnnnnnnnn

Prior to 1993, the field contains a 9-digit number. This number is composed of an 8-digit number assigned by BIOSIS and is preceded by a zero.
AU Authors [Phrase Indexed]




The author field contains up to 10 author names (from 1970 to 1994) and up to 100 author names from 1995 forward. The format for authors is last name followed by one or more initials, and full author names, when given, are retained from 1998 -. Use the "..ROOT" command to view a list of names if unsure of initials.
BC (1970-1992), ST(1993 - Biosystematic Codes/Super Taxonomic Groups [Phrase Indexed]


(1970-1992); use gastropoda.sh. or gastropoda.hw. or gastropoda.st. (1970- )



The BC field contains five-digit codes and Biosystematic Latin Names representing higher taxonomic groups above the genus level. Biosystematic Numbers were discontinued in 1998; however, the Biosystematic Names were retained. The field name was changed to Super Taxa (ST) in 1993 -

Search the backfile, 1970-1992 using either the five-digit number or the Biosystematic Name. Search the continuing Super Taxa field using the Biosystematic Name in the .ST. field from 1993 -.

For searches from 1970- present, search the Biosystematic Name in the Subject Heading (SH) field or the Heading Word (HW) field.
BC (1970-1992), TN(1993 - Super Taxa/Taxa Notes [Phrase Indexed]



(1993 -)
use fish.sh. or fish.hw. (1970- )



Super Taxonomic Groups contain common names for 65 broad groups of organisms. This field was renamed Taxa Notes from 1993 -. These are arranged in alphabetic order since 1993. Use the Tools bar to see the listing. New Taxons

When new organisms are reported from 1970 - 1992, the phrase "new taxon" is added to the Biosystematic Group. e.g., 75314 [new taxon]. Search the phrase for records containing new taxa. If you are interested in specific new taxa, e.g. new genus, new species, search the Biosystematic Name in the .BC. field and the new genus.ti,kw. from 1970-1993. From 1993 - search the organism the Organisms (OR) field followed by new genus (or other specific term) e.g. diptera new genus.or. These terms are phrase indexed in the OR field using relational indexing to provide excellent relevancy.

For searches from 1970 to the present, use the specific organism name or higher taxonomic group name, e.g. diptera new genus.sh.

To retrieve a list of taxonomic types use the Tools, type "new taxon modifiers" and search from the list or use the LIMIT to new taxon modifiers and display the list from the limit menu.
BE Book Author/Editor [Word Indexed] new




The Book Author/Editor contains the author/editor of a book. Personal names appear as last name, comma, space, first name, space, middle initials, comma, space, and patronyms, followed by modifiers such as 'Ed.', 'Eds.', 'Author' or 'Authors'.

Since 1995, up to approximately 100 names are included in this field. If more than the 100 authors/editors are cited in the source document, the first 99 names are added and the notation 'et al.' appears at the end of the string. When a corporate body (agency, organization, etc.) is responsible for a book, the group is cited as the editor.

In some cases an initial in a name may be more than one character in length. Typically, this occurs in Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian, or Macedonian names, since some letters of their Cyrillic alphabets are transliterated into two (and sometimes three or four) English letters. Each name is separated from the next by a semicolon and a space. Surnames may contain hyphens, apostrophes, or spaces.
BO Original Language Book Title [Word Indexed] new




The Original Language Book Title (BO) field contains the non-English original title of a book (both main and subtitles). The title may be transliterated and, therefore, may include one or more embedded double quotation marks. This occurs most often in Bulgarian transliterated titles.
BT Book Title [Word Indexed] new




The Book Title (BT) contains the English version of a book title (both main and subtitles). The book title may be transliterated and, therefore, may include one or more embedded double quotation marks. This occurs most often in Bulgarian transliterated titles. Note that the book title field may contain a Latin title.

This information is searchable in the TI field using the Publication Type for Book and keywords from the title from 1970-
CB Chemicals & Biochemicals [Phrase Indexed] (1993 -) new

rab5 analysis.cb.

The Chemicals & Biochemicals (CB) field contains the names of naturally occurring or synthetic chemicals and chemical components (for example, a specific carcinogen) that are described in a source document.

The general form is as follows:

term [variant]: modifier, modifier, modifier

The modifiers are individually added to the terms or variants to create phrases, as well as being indexed separately. You can search for individual terms or search for terms and modifiers as phrases.

For example if the source data is:

CAT [chloramphenicol acetyltransferase]: activity, analysis, labeling

You can search the phrase "cat labeling.cb." or "chloramphenicol acetyltransferase labeling.cb." to ensure that the modifier labeling refers to the term or variant of interest. You can search the modifiers separately, or search a term and modifier as a phrase (as above) to ensure the accuracy of your search.

Terms found in this field can also be searched using the Tree Search Tool.

The Gene Name (GN) also displays in this field. To search for the Gene Name field, you need to search the Chemicals & Biochemicals index.

CC Concept Codes [Phrase Indexed] (1970 - June 1999)



The CC field contains five-digit codes representing broad biological concepts mentioned in the document. Codes preceded by an asterisk in the display have been emphasized in the document. Note that codes groups are routinely uploaded to the first three digits. Concept Codes are searchable by five-digit numbers (e.g. 14506.cc. to retrieve records on Heart Pathology) or by three-digit numbers (e.g. 145.cc. to retrieve all studies on the Cardiovascular System). Concept Codes may be searched in two ways: enter the five-digit field code qualified to .cc. to retrieve all records indexed to the code or by using the field code .mc. to retrieve those records stressed by the author(s). See the MC field below for search examples for major Concept Codes.
CL Patent Class (1986-1989 and 1999- ) new

The Patent Class (CL) contains the class number and the subclass number, and is optional for patent records.
CR Correction/Retraction Note new

The Correction/Retraction Note (CR) contains a descriptive note which explains what information was amended in the original source document, or an explanation as to why the original document has been retracted.
CY Country [Phrase Indexed] (Searchable individually 1998-) new




The Country (CY) field contains the country name taken from an author's address if the author's address includes a country name. Multiple countries are linked back to an author based on an alpha assignment enclosed by square brackets [a].

The Country field is available from 1978 for Biological Abstracts and 1980 for Biological Abstracts/RRM. This field was searchable in SO prior to 1998 and in the CY field with the release of relational indexing.
DG Date Granted new




The Date Granted (DG) field contains the Date Granted for U.S. patents. It contains the date found on the front cover of the issue of the Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office Patents from which the patent record was taken which correlates to the patent issue date. The month is abbreviated using up to 4 characters.
DS Diseases [Phrase Indexed] (1998 -) new

haemobartonella felis infection bacterial disease.ds.



The Diseases (DS) field contains the names of human, animal, and plant diseases, disorders, and pathological conditions as described in the source document.

The general form is as follows:

term [variant]: modifier, modifier, modifier.



The modifiers include controlled disease terms e.g. immune system disease and are individually added to the terms or variants to create phrases, as well as being indexed separately. You can search for individual terms or search for terms and modifiers as phrases.

For example if the source data is:

Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, viral disease, vascular disease, prevention, pathogenesis

You can search the phrase "Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever treatment.cb." or to ensure that the modifier treatment refers to the term of interest. You can search the modifiers separately, or search a term and modifier as a phrase (as above) to ensure the accuracy of your search.

Terms found in this field can also be searched using the Tree Search Tool.

These terms were indexed in Miscellaneous Descriptors from 1993-1997. For searches from 1970 to the present, Title and Subject Heading must be searched from 1970-1992; for maximum retrieval from 1993-, search terms in the SH field.
DU Item URL Date new

The Item URL Date (DU) contains the date the URL electronic address for an item was cited or revised.
EW Entry Week [Phrase Indexed] prior to 1993




The EW field contains the entry week in the format YYWW, in which YY is the 2-digit year and WW is the 2-digit week of input by BIOSIS.
GE Geopolitical Location [Phrase Indexed] new

ivory coast.ge.



The Geopolitical Location (GE) field describes the locations and place names mentioned in the original source document. BIOSIS added continents and regions to this field from 1993.

The general form is as follows:

term [variant] (classifier, classifier...classifier): modifier, modifier ... modifier



where the classifiers appear in hierarchical order.

For example if the source data is:

Edmonton (Alberta, Canada, North America, Neararctic region)

each term is searchable (ie. neararctic region or edmonton).

Terms found in this field can also be searched using the Tree Search Tool.

From 1970-1992 search specific geographic names in the TI, KW fields. Prior to 1993 BIOSIS indexed these terms to the country level. New Indexing provides a hierarchical tree expanded to include regions and continents.
HW, ME Heading Words [Word Indexed]




Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every Subject field that includes a particular word or phrase. You may do this by searching the word or phrase word in the Heading Word (HW) field.

For segments after 1993, Heading Word includes the fields: Chemicals & Biochemicals (CB), Diseases (DS), Industry (ID), Major Concepts (MC), Miscellaneous Descriptors (MI), Methods & Equipment (MQ), Institutions & Organizations (NC), Persons (NP), Organisms (OR), Parts, Structures & Systems of Organisms (PS), Registry Numbers (RN), Sequence Data (SQ), Super Taxa (ST) and Taxa Notes (TN)

For segments prior to 1993, the Heading Words includes Biosystematic Codes/Super Taxa (BC) names and the Concept Codes (CC) names.

Stopwords, which include commonly occurring words such as "of" and "the", will not be indexed.
IB ISBN [Phrase Indexed] new




The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). These are unique identification numbers which are allocated, by publishers, to books and other non-serial publications. An ISBN consists of ten digits divided into four groups:

For records added to the database before 1993 ISBNs are included in the Source (SO) field and may be searched using SO or PD (Publication Description).
ID Industry [Word Indexed] new
aerospace industry.id.



The Industry (ID) field describes the type of industry mentioned in the original source document.
IN Institution [Word Indexed] new




The Institution (IN) field contains contains the address at which the author(s), editor(s) or inventor(s) of a source document can be contacted. The address appears in upper and lower case and in the language of the source document; addresses published in Cyrillic and Oriental languages are transliterated. The address may include the following information: the name of a department or corporate division; the name of an institution or organization; a street address; the name of a city or town; the name of a state, province or prefecture; and the US ZIP or foreign postal code. Multiple addresses are linked back to an author based on an alpha assignment enclosed by square brackets [a] (1993 -).

The information is taken from the source document and is not standardized. Enter the single most descriptive word in an institution (harvard, not university). Consider both full spellings and abbreviations.

Institution addresses can be found in Biological Abstracts since 1978 and Biological Abstracts/RRM since 1980.
IP Issue [Phrase Indexed] new




The Issue field (IP) contains the Issue and/or part for a particular volume of a journal. Supplement information will also appear here when applicable. The IP field usually displays as part of the Source (SO) field.
IS ISSN [Phrase Indexed]




The IS field contains the International Standard Serial Number for the journal in which an article was published.
IU Item URL [Word Indexed] new




The Item URL (IU) field contains the URL address for an item. The format is highly variable, but follows the Internet-common practice for URL
JL Journal URL [Word Indexed] new




The Journal URL (JL) field contains the URL electronic address from which a serial publication may be obtained. This data element is optional for serials. The format is highly variable, but follows the Internet-common practice for URLs.
JN Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]

journal of virology.so.
journal of virol$.jn.



The JN field contains the full name of the journal in which an article was published. Journal names are indexed as phrases, so enter enough letters of the journal name to locate the name in the index, e.g. new engl for "New England Journal of Medicine." Stopwords such as "of" are included in the JN index, but when "the" is the first word of a journal, it is stripped.
JW Journal Words [Word Indexed]

tropical ecology.jw.



The JW field contains individual words from every journal name in BIOSIS Previews. Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included.
KW Keywords [Word Indexed]

magnetic resonance imaging.kw.
antineoplastic drug.kw.



The KW field contains significant words and phrases added by BIOSIS editors. Most keywords are not controlled. There are some controlled words and phrases for drug therapies and interactions, etc. See the Search System Information section of the current BIOSIS Search Guide for a complete listing. Keywords are not phrase indexed. Beginning in 1994, individual keywords and keyword phrases appearing in this field are separated by periods to facilitate searching e.g., .antineoplastic drug. drug interaction. Include TI and KW in all free text searches, for dna probe.ti,kw. (1970-1992).
LG, LA Languages [Phrase Indexed]




The LG field contains the language(s) of publication of an article. The language field is spelled out in full form, but may be searched using the three-letter code created from the first three letters of the full language name.

Language is available in BIOSIS Previews and Biological Abstracts from 1978 and Biological Abstracts/RRM from 1980.
LM Local Messages [Display only]

The Local Messages (LM) field contains messages created by your Ovid System administrator to indicate holdings information about journals held in your library or institution.
LS Summary Language [Phrase Indexed] new




The Summary Language (LS) field indicates the language or languages in which the summaries (abstracts) found within the source document were published. This field may contain up to 10 language names.
MC Major Concepts [Phrase Indexed] (1993 - ) new

allied medical sciences.mc.



The Major Concepts (MC) field indicates the broad subject areas in the life sciences stressed by the author(s).

These 168 major concepts are assigned to each citation by BIOSIS staff indexers.

Terms found in this field can also be searched using the Tree Search Tool and is required for all items.
MF Meeting Information [Word Indexed] (1993 - ) new




The Meeting Information (MF) field contains the title, location, date or date range of a scientific meeting or conference and the URL electronic address when given from which a meeting document may be obtained. The format is highly variable, but follows the Internet-common practice for URLs.
MI Miscellaneous Descriptors [Word Indexed] (1993 - ) new

tubal implantation window.mi.



The Miscellaneous Descriptors (MI) field contains additional words and phrases added by BIOSIS editors to enable product users to retrieve citations relevant to their areas of interest in the life sciences. Literalizations (for example, alpha) are substituted for special characters and symbols.

The general form is as follows:

term [variant]: modifier, modifier, modifier....



The data will appear in upper and lower case and in all uppercase prior to 1997.
MQ Methods & Equipment [Word Indexed] (1998 - ) new

scanning electron microscopy.mi.



The Methods & Equipment (MQ) field contains descriptors for the methods, apparatus, and scientific techniques mentioned in the source document.

The general form is as follows:

term [variant]: modifier, modifier, modifier....



Prior to 1998, these terms were indexed in the Miscellaneous Descriptor field and can be searched in SH. Prior to 1993, specific terms should be searched in TI,KW (or SH) fields.
NC Institutions & Organizations [Word Indexed] new

educational institution.nc.



The Institutions & Organizations (NC) field contains the name of a company, organization, or institution mentioned in the original source document. The name may be followed by the city, state or country in which the company, institution, or organization is located.

The general form is as follows:

term [variant]: modifier, modifier, modifier....


NP Persons [Word Indexed] (1993 - ) new

charles darwin.np.



The Persons (NP) field contains the name(s) of the person(s) discussed in the source document. Names appear with last name first, and include first and second name and initials, followed by a comma (,) and a corporate title, if available. This is followed by a comma and a company name. This may be followed by the role the person has in the item. The person's title, company name and role are optional.
OR Organisms [Phrase Indexed] (1993 - ) new

muridae male.or.



The Organisms (OR) field contains the formal scientific name, or informal common name, for organisms (living, extinct, or fossil), the higher taxonomic categories, or the names of cell lines mentioned in the source document.

The general form is as follows:

Term [variant] (classifier): modifier, modifier ... modifier.



The modifiers are individually added to the terms or variants to create phrases, as well as being indexed separately. You can search for individual terms or search for terms and modifiers as phrases.

For example if the source data is:

Charles Foster rat (Muridae): adult, animal model.

you can search the phrase "charles foster rat adult.or." or "muridae adult.or." to ensure that the modifier adult refers to the term of interest. You can search the modifiers separately, or search a term and modifier as a phrase (as above) to ensure the accuracy of your search.

Terms found in this field can also be searched using the Tree Search Tool.

Prior to 1993, search specific organism names in the TI,KW (or SH) fields.
OT Original Title [Display only] new

The Original Title (OT) field contains the non-English title of an item (both main and subtitles), and is primarily used for books. This field is optional for all item types and will not appear if the source document was written in English. Literalizations are substituted for special characters and symbols. The title appears in upper and lower case with natural-language punctuation and ends with a period, question mark, parentheses, brackets, or exclamation point. The title may be transliterated and, therefore, may include one or more embedded double quotation marks. This occurs most often in Bulgarian transliterated titles.

The Original Title is indexed in the Title (TI) index.
PA Patent Assignee (1999 - ) new

The Patent Assignee (PA) field contains the name of the person or organization to whom the rights to the patent have been assigned. This field is optional for patents. The data appears in upper and lower case, and lists the name of the assignee, the assignee's city, and the assignee's country when available.
PB Publisher [Word Indexed]




Search the PB field for publisher information (not available in all records.) Up to tw publishers may be carried in a citation with multiple occurrences delimited by a semicolon followed by a space. Each publisher name is visually linked to a publisher address. The link is based on assignment of alpha terms, enclosed in braces.

Search publisher information in the Source (SO) field from 1970-1992
PC Patent Country (1999 - ) new

The Patent Country (PC) field contains the name of the country in which the patent was granted. This field is required for patents.
PD Publication Description [Word Indexed] (not carried after 1993

raven press.pd.



The PD field contains publisher information for books, monographs or any non-journal publications, as well as meeting information for both journal and non-journal publications. This field may include the author/editor name, full title and section identifier, symposium name and location, publisher name and address, and pagination. The information is taken from the source document as it appears, so variant forms of a publisher are possible.
PI Publisher Information [Word Indexed] new




The Publisher Information (PI) field contains the name and address of the publisher holding the copyright.

The information is not standardized. Enter the single most descriptive word in an institution (heart not association). Consider both full spellings and abbreviations.
PN Patent Number 1986-1989, 1999- new

The Patent Number (PN) field contains a character string indicating the country which granted the patent (for example, 'US') followed by a blank space and a unique number. This field is required for patents.
PR Product/Brand Name 1998- new

The Product/Brand Name (PR) contains the name(s) of any products discussed in the source document.

The general form is as follows:

term [variant]: modifier; term: modifier, modifier, modifier....


PS Parts, Structures & Systems of Organisms [Phrase Indexed] (1998 - ) new

pelvic floor.ps.
The Parts, Structures & Systems of Organisms (PS) contains the components of organisms above the macromolecular level as described in the source document. This data element is optional for all items. The general form is as follows:
term [variant]: modifier, modifier, modifier....



The modifiers are individually added to the terms or variants to create phrases, as well as being indexed separately. You can search for individual terms or search for terms and modifiers as phrases.

For example if the source data is:

liver: digestive system, DNA repair (free text modifier)

you can search the phrase "liver dna repair.ps." to ensure that the modifier "dna repair" refers to the controlled term of interest. You can search the modifiers separately, or search a controlled term and modifier as a phrase (as above) to ensure the accuracy of your search.

Terms found in this field can also be searched using the Tree Search Tool.

From 1993-1997, these terms appear in the Miscellaneous Descriptor Field. Search using SH; From 1970-1992, search specific organ names and cell lines in the TI, KW (or SH) fields
PT Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]




The PT field contains the following types: Article, Meeting, Patent, Book, Meeting Report. Note that you must field-qualify with full words.
PY Publication Year [Phrase Indexed] new




The Publication Year (PY) contains the four digit year as it appears in the source document. If the year is unknown, the string 'Publication Date Unknown' appears in place of an actual year.
RN Registry Numbers [Phrase Indexed] (1993 - ) new




The Registry Numbers (RN) field contains a five to ten-digit CAS Registry Number (R), which is assigned to chemical(s) mentioned in individual article(s). The Registry Number defines a unique entity independent of nomenclature. Two hyphens appear in every Registry Number, which separate the number into three parts. The first part will contain a number between two and six digits long; the second part will always contain a two digit number; and the third part will be a one digit number or a one digit number with one character following.

The format is the following:


where xxxxxx represents a number between two and six digits, yy represents a two digit number, z represents a single digit number, and w represents a single character. The w is an optional character that indicates that the substance's identity is questionable when multiple RNs appear in the source document or the substance is a derivative.

Each number is followed by the chemical name, which can be searched by word in the Registry Words (RW) index.

The general form is as follows: number: chemical name.

Q (Questionable) is added to RN names which occur in more than one chemical substance; D is added to Registry numbers which are derivatives, when the specific compound is not listed in the record.

NOTE: CAS Registry Number is a registered servicemark of the American Chemical Society.
RW Registry Words Index [Word Indexed] (1993 - ) new




The Registry Words Index contains single words from the registry numbers field and is used to search portions of chemical names.
SB Journal Subset [Phrase Indexed]




Use the SB field to retrieve all records from the "A" or "R" subsets.
SD Source Description [Word Indexed] (1970 - 1992)

"42 1".sd.



The SD field includes the Vol/Issue, Year of Publication and Pagination.
SH, DE Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed] changed




From 1993- 1998-, the Subject Headings (SH) field brings together all of the subject fields in the database: Chemicals & Biochemicals (CB), Diseases (DS), Industry (ID), Major Concepts (MC), Miscellaneous Descriptors (MI), Methods & Equipment (MQ), Institutions & Organizations (NC), Persons (NP), Organisms (OR), Parts, Structures & Systems of Organisms (PS), Registry Numbers (RN), Sequence Data (SQ), Super Taxa (ST) and Taxa Notes (TN)

For segments prior to 1993, the SH is an alias for the Biosystematic Codes/Super Taxa (BC) names and the Concept Codes (CC) names.
SO Source
1970 to 1992(PD, JW, SD, PB, YR)
1993 -(JN, PB, BE, BT, BO, MM, VO, IP, DU, DA, PY, PG, IL, II, JL, IU)

journal of virology.so.
"42 1".so.
raven press.so.



The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information needed to locate a citation, including the full Journal Name, Book Title or Monograph Publisher, the Volume/Issue, Year of Publication, Pagination, Book Author/Editor, Original Language Book Title, Medium, Item URL Date, Cover Date, Publication year, Item Identifier, Journal URL and Item URLs.
SP Meeting Sponsor [Word Indexed] (1993 - ) new




The Meeting Sponsor (SP) field contains the name of an organization that supported or funded a scientific meeting or conference.
SQ Sequence Data [Word Indexed] (1993 - ) new




The Sequence Data (SQ) field contains databank accession numbers, which are modified by appropriate databank names and sequence types.

Three controlled sequence names added are: amino acid sequence, nucleotide sequence, sugar sequence.
ST Super Taxa [Phrase Indexed] new (formerly called Biosystematic Codes/Names (1970-1992)




The Super Taxa (ST) field contains high-level taxonomic terms to permit retrieval of citations which refer to broad categories of organisms, including microorganisms.

The general form for an indexing entry is as follows:

term: modifier, modifier, ... modifier.



A Super Taxa entry (formerly called Biosystematic Name) begins with the most specific taxonomic category appropriate taken from the list of controlled vocabulary for taxonomic terms. The modifiers are higher level taxa, in order from lower to highest.

Terms found in this field can also be searched using the Tree Search Tool.

Prior to 1993 Biosystematic Codes/Biosystematic Names were in the BC field. Search the SH field for retrieval from 1972-.
TI Title [Word Indexed]

dna probe.ti.



The TI field contains the English language version of a title. Documents from 1970-1991 contain BIOSIS edited titles. Original titles are searchable from 1992-present. Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not appear in the Title Index. However, the word "a" which is a stopword in other fields can be searched in titles. Include TI and KW in all free text searches, for dna probe.ti,kw.
TM Time [Phrase Indexed] (1993 - ) new




The Time (TM) field describes the geological time period or era mentioned in the original source document.

Terms found in this field can also be searched using the Tree Search Tool.

Prior to 1993, these terms were part of the Concept Codes CC647 for Geological Periods.
TN Taxa Notes [Phrase Indexed] (formerly Super Taxa, 1970 - 1992) new

nonvascular plants.tn.



The Taxa Notes (TN) field contains common names of broad groups of organisms and microorganisms mentioned in the source document.

The terms appear in alphabetic order.

Taxa Notes (1993-) formerly indexed under Super Taxa (1970-1992). For retrieval from 1970 to present, search in the Subject Headings (SH) field.
TW Textword (TI, AB, KW)




The Textword field in BIOSIS includes the Title (TI), Abstract (AB) and Keywords (KW) fields.
UP Update Code [Phrase Indexed] new




The Update Code field may contain the quarter (1995 forward and 1984 back) or week (1985 - 1994) in which a document was added. The quarterly format is YYYYQn, where n is equivalent to the number of the quarter. For example, 1995Q1 signifies the first quarter of 1995. The weekly format is YYYYWW, where WW indicates the week in which the document was added. For example 199436 signifies the 36th week of 1994.
VO Volume [Phrase Indexed] new




The Volume (VO) field consists of the volume number of a serial publication. This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.
YR Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed]




The YR field consists of the date of publication for a citation, and usually displays as part of the Source [SO] field. Only the second year of a date range is indexed.


The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen:
English Language, Abstracts, Review Articles, Humans, Microorganisms, Plants and Latest Update



Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:

Command Syntax:        ..l/1 ab=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit to abstracts

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to animals
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to animal

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to algae
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to cryptophyta

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to bacteria
(Super Taxonomic       limit 1 to cyanobacteria

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to asia
                       limit 1 to south america

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to canada
                       limit 1 to burkina faso

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to nutritional disease
                       limit 1 to metabolic disease

English Language
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 en=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to english

Fossil Modifiers
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to paleobiology
                       limit 1 to paleobotany
                       limit 1 to paleozoology

Geopolitical Region
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to antarctic region
                       limit 1 to australasian region
                       limit 1 to ethiopian region
                       limit 1 to nearctic region
                       limit 1 to neotropical region
                       limit 1 to oriental region
                       limit 1 to palearctic region

Institution Type
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to company/organization
                       limit 1 to educational institution
                       limit 1 to government agency

Command Syntax:        ..l/1 hu=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to humans
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to human

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to invertebrates
                       limit 1 to insects

Command Syntax:        ..l/1 lg=fre
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to french

Latest Update
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 up=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit to latest update

Local Holdings
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to local holdings

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to mammals
(Super Taxonomic       limit 1 to primates

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to microorganisms
Sentence Syntax:       limit to microorganism

New Taxa
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to new taxon

New Taxon Modifiers
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to new species
Sentence Syntax:       limit to new subgenus

Nonvascular plants
Sentence Syntax:       limit to nonvascular plants
(Super Taxonomic       limit to fungi

Oceans and Bodies of Water
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to pacific ocean
                       limit 1 to mediterranean sea

Organ System
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to reproductive system
                       limit 1 to dental and oral system

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to plants
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to plant

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to ciliata
                       limit 1 to cnidosporidea
                       limit 1 to flagellata
                       limit 1 to sarcodina
                       limit 1 to sporozoa
                       limit 1 to suctoria

Publication Type
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to meeting

Publication Year
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 yr=1993
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to yr=1993

Sequence Data
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to amino acid sequence
                       limit 1 to nucleotide sequence
                       limit 1 to sugar sequence

States, Provinces and Territories
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to alberta
                       limit 1 to texas
                       limit 1 to queensland

Vascular plants(Super Taxonomic Group)
Sentence Syntax:       limit to vascular plants
Sentence Syntax:       limit to dicots

Vertebrates(Super Taxonomic Group)        
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to vertebrates
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to birds

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to viruses
                       limit 1 to bacterial viruses
                       limit 1 to plant viruses
                       limit 1 to animal viruses

Change to a BIOSIS Database From Another Database

Search Labels: See "General Information/Years of Coverage" section of this field guide (above) for applicable database segment labels. Users of locally-installed BIOSIS databases should consult their Ovid Administrator for applicable site-defined segment names.


Sentence Syntax:   use biol
Command Syntax:    ..c/biol

Sample BIOSIS Documents

Documents from BIOSIS Previews:
Accession Number
Boenner Gerd [a].
[a] Heidelberg Germany.
22nd Scientific Conference of the German League for the Control of High Blood

Pressure of the German Hypertension Society in cooperation with the Swiss
Union Against High Blood Pressure and the Austrian Society for the Study of
Hypertension (Freiburg, Germany; November 25-28, 1998).
Kidney & Blood Pressure Research. 21(5). 1998. 336-398.
Year of Publication
Publication Type
Concept Codes
Cardiovascular System/General; Methods [14501]

Genetics and Cytogenetics/Human [03508]
Biochemical Studies/General [10060]
General Biology/Symposia, Transactions and Proceedings of Conferences,
Congresses, Review Annuals [00520]
Biosystematic Codes
Hominidae [86215]
This meeting contains abstracts of 188 papers, written in English, covering genetic, clinical and experimental studies of hypertension, renal failure, and cholesterol metabolism.
Major Concepts
Cardiovascular System (Transport and Circulation).
Super Taxa
Hominidae: Primates, Mammalia, Vertebrata, Chordata, Animalia.
human (Hominidae).
Taxa Notes
Animals; Chordates; Humans; Mammals; Primates; Vertebrates.
hypertension: vascular disease; renal failure: urologic disease.
Chemicals & Biochemicals
cholesterol: metabolism.
Registry Numbers
Miscellaneous Descriptors
clinical studies; experimental studies; genetic studies; Austrian Society

for the Study of Hypertension; German Hypertension Society; Meeting
Summary; Swiss Union Against High Blood Pressure.
Alternate Indexing
Hypertension (MeSH); Kidney Failure (MeSH).
Update Code
199905. BIOSIS Update: 19990119.

Accession Number
Uzuka Yuji [a]. Furuta Tomohiro. Yamaoka Mayumi. Ohnishi Takafumi. Tsubone Hirokazu. Sugano Shigeru.
[a] Lab. Veterinary Med., Obihiro Univ. Agriculture Veterinary Med., Inada-cho, Obihiro 080 Japan.
Threshold changes in auditory brainstem response (ABR) due to the administration of kanamycin in dogs.
Experimental Animals (Tokyo). 45(4). 1996. 325-331.
Year of Publication
Publication Type
Concept Codes
Cytology and Cytochemistry/Animal [02506]

Pathology, General and Miscellaneous/Therapy (1971- ) [12512]
Sense Organs, Associated Structures and Functions/Physiology and Biochemistry [20004]
Sense Organs, Associated Structures and Functions/Pathology [20006]
Sense Organs, Associated Structures and Functions/Deafness, Speech and Hearing [20008]
Toxicology/Pharmacological Toxicology (1972- ) [22504]
Medical and Clinical Microbiology/Bacteriology [36002]
Veterinary Science/Pathology [38004]
Chemotherapy/Antibacterial Agents [38504]
Biosystematic Codes
Canidae [85765]
Auditory brainstem response (ABR) is a useful method in evaluating auditory function in human. To investigate the ABR threshold is more effective than to pursue the trends in each component of ABR. In this study, tone burst sound stimuli were employed and the ABR threshold shift caused by kanamycin administration was investigated in dogs. In a series of monitoring of ABR against short-period auditory lesions, changes in the ABR waveform after intravenous administration of kanamycin were detected. These changes returned gradually and were reversible. The changes in ABR against long-period auditory function disorder were perceived by an increase in the ABR threshold. The ABR threshold shift occurred earlier in the high frequency sounds than in the lower frequency sounds. This is why amino glycoside antibiotics damage the cochlear hair cells in the basal layer and lead to the loss of hearing selectively for high frequency tones. These findings suggest that tracing of the ABR threshold by tone bursts could provide information that has a specificity for frequency in hearing tests and is a useful method in clinical veterinary medicine or/and toxicological tests.
Major Concepts
Cell Biology. Infection. Pathology. Pharmacology. Sense Organs (Sensory Reception). Toxicology. Veterinary Medicine (Medical Sciences).
Super Taxa
Canidae: Carnivora, Mammalia, Vertebrata, Chordata, Animalia.
dog (Canidae).
Taxa Notes
animals; carnivores; chordates; mammals; nonhuman mammals; nonhuman

vertebrates; vertebrates.
Chemicals & Biochemicals
Registry Numbers
59-01-8Q: KANAMYCIN; 8063-07-8Q: KANAMYCIN.
Miscellaneous Descriptors
Update Code

Accession Number
Yamaguchi N. Macdonald D W [a]. Passanisi W C. Harbour D A. Hopper C D.
[a] Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Dep. Zool., Univ. Oxford, South

Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS UK.
Parasite prevalence in free-ranging farm cats, Felis silvestris catus.
Epidemiology & Infection. 116(2). 1996. 217-223.
Year of Publication
Publication Type
Local Messages
Held by Ovid Technologies
Concept Codes
Mathematical Biology and Statistical Methods [04500]

Ecology; Environmental Biology/Animal [07508]
Medical and Clinical Microbiology/Bacteriology [36002]
Medical and Clinical Microbiology/Virology [36006]
Public Health/Epizootiology [37003]
Veterinary Science/Pathology [38004]
Veterinary Science/Microbiology [38006]
Parasitology/Medical [60504]
Invertebrata, Comparative and Experimental Morphology, Physiology and
Pathology/Protozoa [64002]
Biosystematic Codes
Caliciviridae (1993- ) [02606]

Coronaviridae (1993- ) [02607]
Herpesviridae (1993- ) [02612]
Papovaviridae (1993- ) [02616]
Parvoviridae (1993- ) [02618]
Poxviridae (1993- ) [02621]
Reoviridae-animal host only (1993- ) [02622]
Retroviridae (1993- ) [02623]
Anaplasmataceae (1992- ) [07111]
Chlamydiaceae (1992- ) [07121]
Sporozoa [35400]
Trogoniformes [85570]
No animals tested were positive for feline leukaemia virus antigen and Chlamydia psittaci antibodies, but all were positive for antibodies to feline calicivirus (FCV), feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV 1) and rotavirus. They had antibodies to feline parvovirus (96%), feline coronavirus (84%) and cowpox virus (2%). Antibody to feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) was found in 53% of animals, which were less likely to be infected with Haemobartonella felis, and had higher FHV antibody titres than cats without FIV. FCV was isolated from 51% cats and FHV1 and feline reovirus each from 4%. H. felis was present in 42% of animals, and antibody to Toxoplasma gondii in 62%. Clinical abnormality had a significant association with FIV and feline calicivirus infections, but sex, age, social status and feeding group had no significant association with prevalence of any parasites. Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina eggs were found, respectively, in 91% and 82% of animals tested.
Major Concepts
Ecology (Environmental Sciences). Infection. Mathematical Biology

(Computational Biology). Parasitology. Physiology. Public Health (Allied
Medical Sciences). Veterinary Medicine (Medical Sciences).
Super Taxa
Anaplasmataceae: Eubacteria, Bacteria; Caliciviridae: Viruses;

Chlamydiaceae: Eubacteria, Bacteria; Coronaviridae: Viruses; Felidae:
Carnivora, Mammalia, Vertebrata, Chordata, Animalia; Herpesviridae: Viruses;
Nematoda: Aschelminthes, Helminthes, Invertebrata, Animalia; Papovaviridae:
Viruses; Parvoviridae: Viruses; Poxviridae: Viruses; Reoviridae - Animal
Host Only: Viruses; Retroviridae: Viruses; Sporozoa: Invertebrata,
Protozoa, Animalia; Trogoniformes: Aves, Vertebrata, Chordata, Animalia.
coronavirus (Coronaviridae); cowpox virus (Poxviridae); feline calicivirus

(Caliciviridae); feline immunodeficiency virus (Retroviridae); parvovirus
(Parvoviridae); rotavirus (Reoviridae - Animal Host Only); Chlamydia
psittaci (Chlamydiaceae); Felis sylvestris catus (Felidae); Haemobartonella
felis (Anaplasmataceae); Herpesviridae (Herpesviridae); Papovaviridae
(Papovaviridae); Reoviridae (Reoviridae - Animal Host Only); Toxascaris
leonina (Nematoda); Toxocara cati (Nematoda); Toxoplasma gondii (Sporozoa);
Trogoniformes (Trogoniformes).
Taxa Notes
animals; aschelminths; bacteria; birds; carnivores; chordates;

eubacteria; helminths; invertebrates; mammals; microorganisms; nonhuman
mammals; nonhuman vertebrates; protozoans; vertebrates; viruses.
Miscellaneous Descriptors

Update Code

Accession Number
Joachims M. Etchison D.


Journal of Virology 66 (10). 1992. 5797-5804.
Year of Publication
Publication Type
Local Messages
Held by Ovid Technologies
Concept Codes
*Cytology and Cytochemistry/Human [02508]

*Biochemical Studies/Proteins, Peptides and Amino Acids [10064]
*Virology/Animal Host Viruses [33506]
Biophysics/Molecular Properties and Macromolecules [10506]
Biosystematic Codes/Super Taxa
Picornaviridae (1979-92) [02232]

Hominidae [86215]
Microorganisms. Viruses. Animals. Chordates. Vertebrates. Mammals.
Primates. Humans.
Poliovirus infection results is profound changes in cellular metabolism and architecture. To identify alterations in cellular proteins following poliovirus infection which might account for these changes, monoclonal antibodies were prepared by screening for differences in antigen pattern in infected and uninfected cell lysates. Further characterization of the antigen of one such antibody (25 C C1) is described in this report. The 25 C C1 antigen is a cytoskeleton-associated protein which decreases in size 4 to 5 h postinfection. It copurifies with some of the protein synthesis initiation factors but not with eucaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-4F, the p220 subunit of which is cleaved following infection (D. Etchison, S. C. Milburn, I., Edery, N. Sonenberg, and J. W. B. Hershey, J. Biol. Chem. 257: 14806-14810, 1982). Unlike alteration of p220, alteration of the 25 C C1 antigen is not due to a protease which can be detected by cell lysate mixing experiments. Alteration of the antigen occurs during purification, suggesting progressive proteolysis, but the alteration is more extensive in preparations from infected cells than in those from uninfected cells. A recombinant phage expressing the antigenic determinant was isolated from a human fibroblast cDNA library, and the sequence of the cDNA insert was found to be entirely contained within the established sequence of microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 4 (R. R. West, K. M. Tenbarge, and J. B. Olmsted, J. Biol, Chem. 266:21886-21896, 1991). The antigen distribution, as detected by indirect immunofluorescence, was similar to, but more diffuse that the distribution of tubulin. The antibody recognized the largest abundant HeLa cell MAP, which copurified with tubulin after three cycles of polymerization-depolymerization, thus confirming the identity of the antigen as MAP 4. These results indicate that poliovirus infection of HeLa cells affects the structural integrity of a cytoskeletal protein, MAP 4.
Entry Week

BIOSIS Producer Copyright Information

For all databases produced by BIOSIS:

This database is copyrighted by Biological Abstracts Inc. (BIOSIS). All rights reserved. No part of this information may be reproduced in hard copy, machine-readable or other form without advance written permission from BIOSIS. Information has been obtained by BIOSIS from public sources believed to be reliable. BIOSIS makes a diligent effort to provide complete and accurate representation of the bioscientific and other literature in its publications and services. However BIOSIS does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information and BIOSIS makes no warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. BIOSIS disclaims all liability for errors or omissions that may exist and shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or other damages (whether resulting from negligence or otherwise) including, without limitation, exemplary damages or lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use of this database. Errors or omissions may be reported to Biological Abstracts Inc., Two Commerce Square, 2001 Market Street, Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19103-7095.

Revised 19 February 1997, March 10, 1999, May 5, 1999, February 9, 2000