Ovid Technologies, Inc.

2001 CINAHL: Nursing & Allied Health News

CINAHL Reloaded to Reflect 2001 Vocabulary
The annual vocabulary maintenance for CINAHL has been completed by CINAHL Information Systems.  For further details, consult CINAHL products and services online at http://www.cinahl.com..

New Fields
For the 2001 Reload of CINAHL, four new fields have been added.

BY         Bibliography—The Bibliography field contains additional bibliographic references cited by the author.  All cited references are included.  This field is formatted like Cited References and may contain a CINAHL accession number that indicates if the original article is indexed in the database.  In addition, the Bibliography field may be multiply occurring to accommodate author(s), title, source, and abstract. This field is displayable and searchable, and has been added to selected publications in the CINAHL database for 2001.

NT        Notes—The Notes field includes such information as publisher changes and instances of an article being published in multiple journals.  In addition, Inactive Journal Description Records (descriptions of inactive journal titles) display in the Notes field.  These descriptions can include historical details, such as ceased publications, name changes, and so on.  The Notes field is displayable and searchable.

OS         Original Study—The Original Study field contains references to the original studies cited by the author.  All cited references are included.  This field is formatted like Cited References and may contain a CINAHL accession number, as well as author(s), title, and source information. This field is displayable and searchable, and has been added to selected publications in the CINAHL database for 2001.

DF         Description Field—The Description filed contains detailed information on the particular research instrument or other document type.

In addition to these new fields, several existing fields have received changes and enhancements, as follows.
Beginning in 2001, the following fields may now include a CINAHL accession number: the Abstract (AB) field, the Citations (CT), the Description (DF) field, the Full Text (FT) field, and the Review (RV) field.  Additionally, the Abstract field may be multiply occurring.

The Entry Month (EM) field has changed its 6-digit code (that represented the year and the month of the update) to an 8-digit code that reflects weekly updates (YYYYMMDD, as in 20010213 that indicates the update date of February 13, 2001).  Note that updates prior to 2001 will retain their 6-digit code.

The Cited References (RF) field can now occur to accommodate author(s), title, source, and abstract information.  Accession numbers may be added to each reference if the article is indexed in CINAHL.  There should be hypertext links to the original records. This field is displayable and searchable.

The Revised Date (RD) field has been revised for 2001 to accommodate weekly updates.  So now, instead of a 6-digit code, this field displays an 8-digit code (YYYMMDD, as in 20010215 that indicates a revision date of February 15, 2001) that indicates the date of last revision.  Note that this field does not include global changes for heading revisions that occur due to deletion of terms or Tree number changes.

New Publication Types
For the 2001 reload of CINAHL several new Publication Types have been added.

New Specific Interest Categories
Seven new Specific Interest Categories have been added for 2001.

Note that these Specific Interest Categories have been added retroactively to as far back as 1998 records.

New Journal Subsets
Two new journal subsets have been added for 2001: Online/Print Journals and Public Health.
In addition, the subset Peer Reviewed has been expanded to include blind peer reviewed, double-blind peer reviewed, editorial board reviewed, and expert peer reviewed.

New Subheading
Risk Factors [RF]: The Risk Factors subheading is used with diseases or disorders to indicate any elements that may predispose an individual to the development of that disease or disorder.

New Geographic Heading
Six new Geographic Headings have been added for 2001.

Note that three Geographic Headings have been deleted for 2001: Burma, Ivory Coast, and Zaire.

2001 CINAHL Segments
In 2001, CINAHL is comprised of 2 segments that are split by year, as follows.

Nursing1     1982 to 1997
Nursing2     1998 to present

Other Notable Enhancements
With the 2001 CINAHL Reload, the following enhancements have occurred.

New Terms in the Thesaurus—Beginning in 2001, a new Tree has been added for the Omaha terms.
Cochrane Records—The ISSN field has been added to Cochrane records that appear in CINAHL.
Publisher’s Names in Book Records—Publisher’s names now are spelled out completely in the Full Name field.