Derwent Drug File is the definitive source of drug journal and conference information on all aspects of drug development, synthesis, evaluation, manufacture and use. The unique indexing of this information enables you to search quickly and precisely for new developments in your field, or from key competitors. In addition, the unique combination of biological and chemical information is ideal for exploring all types of structure-activity relationships. An estimated 20% of the data in Derwent Drug File is not available in any other drug database. Drug structure GIFs are available to Ovid Web users.
The following alphabetical list provides the two-letter label, the relevant alias, and an example for each Derwent Drug File field.
===== ============ Label Name/Example ===== ============ ab Abstract [Word Indexed] example: anaphylactic shock.ab. The Abstract (AB) field is a concise abstract, generally around 90 words which summarizes all the important qualitative data in the original article. This abstract is not identical to the author's abstract which is found in other databases. It is written by subject specialists at Derwent to highlight the important aspects of the drugs which may not be disclosed in the author's abstract. an Accession Number [Phrase Indexed] example: The Accession Number field (AN) contains a unique sequential seven-digit number assigned to each document. au Author [Phrase Indexed] example: pyne The Author (AU) field contains both the names of individual authors, editors or compilers. Individual author names appear Last Name followed by Initials and should be searched without using periods, for example, Smith AB cd Coden [Word Indexed] example: The Coden (CD) contains the Journal Coden. This is either the standard coden for the journal, or if the journal didn't have one, the coden is made by Derwent. cs Corporate Source [Word Indexed] example: kagoshima.cs. The Corporate Source (CS) field contains the name of the company, university or research institute for which the authors were working. ct Common Terms - For Display Only - hw Heading Word [Word Indexed] example: shock.hw. The Heading Word (HW) field contains a word index list of all of the subject headings. ic Corporate Information - For Display Only - im Image - For Display Only - Drug structure GIFs are available to Ovid Web users. ip Journal Issue [Phrase Indexed] example: "114".ip. The Journal Issue (IP) field contains the issue or part number of the Serial in which the article was printed. is ISSN [phrase Indexed] example 1: "0365-9615".is. The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published. It appears as an 8-digit number, separated by a hyphen: 0028-4793. jn Journal Title [Phrase Indexed] example: new engl jmed.jn. The Journal Title (JN) field contains the abbreviated title of the journal in which the article was published. Journal names are indexed as phrases, so enter enough letters of the journal name to locate the name in the index: new engl (for New England Journal of Medicine). Stopwords such as "of" ARE included in the JN index, but when "the" is the first word of a journal, it has been stripped. lg Language [Word Indexed] example 1: eng.lg. example 2: english.lg. The Language (LG) field contains the language or languages of the document. It is possible to have more than one language assigned to a document. It is searchable by language abbreviation or by the full name of the language. lo Location of Corporation [Word Indexed] example: aachen.lo. The Location (LO) field contains the location of the corporation that the authors were working for. lt Linked Terms - For Display Only - pg Pagination [Phrase Indexed] example: The Pagination (PG) field contains the page numbers for the Serial where the article is found. pn Profile Subject [Phrase Indexed] example: enzyme The Profile Section (PN) field contains one or more of 54 drug related topics based on subjects in the abstract. These are very useful for general concept searching. ra Reprint Address [Word Indexed] example: bristol.ra. The Reprint Address (RA) field contains the address to which further enquiries should be sent. rf Number of References [Word Indexed] example: 200.rf. The Number of References (RF) field contains the number of references in the document. sd Source Description [Word Indexed] example: The Source Description (SD) field contains the Derwent's original volume, issue, pages and year for the article. sh Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed] example 1: example 2: bac-1829 example 3: "bac-1829/ph antibiotics".sh. example 4: "human/ft".sh. The Subject Headings (SH) field contains the phrase indexing for the Linked and Common Terms. This field will allow you to narrow down a search to an article containing information only on the drug and its description. To search this, put the drug name and one descriptor in the field. Example: Common Terms HUMAN/FT. IN-VIVO/FT. TOPICAL/FT. OINTMENT/FT. EMULSION/FT. BIOPHARM./FT. RUBEFACIENT/FT. DRUG-COMPARISON/FT. PHARM.PREP./FT Linked Terms NONIVAMIDE/PH; FINALGON-CREME/PH; BOEHR.INGELHEIM/FT; NONIVAMID/RN; PH/FT; NICOBOXIL/PH; FINALGON-EXTRA-STARK-SALBE/PH; BOEHR.INGELHEIM/FT; NICOBOXIL/RN; PH/FT; To allow for precision in searching, these terms are combined in two word phrases in the following fashion: NONIVAMIDE NONIVAMIDE FINALGON-CREME NONIVAMIDE BOEHR.INGELHEIM NONIVAMIDE NONIVAMID NONIVAMIDE PH NONIVAMIDE HUMAN NONIVAMIDE TOPICAL NONIVAMIDE IN-VIVO etc (the rest of the common terms) NONIVAMIDE/PH NONIVAMIDE/PH FINALGON-CREME/PH NONIVAMIDE/PH BOEHR.INGELHEIM/FT NONIVAMIDE/PH NONIVAMID/RN NONIVAMIDE/PH PH/FT NONIVAMIDE/PH HUMAN/FT NONIVAMIDE/PH TOPICAL/FT NONIVAMIDE/PH IN-VIVO/FT etc. NICOBOXIL NICOBOXIL FINALGON-EXTRA-STARK-SALBE NICOBOXIL BOEHR.INGELHEIM NICOBOXIL NICOBOXIL NICOBOXIL PH NICOBOXIL HUMAN NICOBOXIL TOPICAL NICOBOXIL IN-VIVO etc. NICOBOXIL/PH NICOBOXIL/PH FINALGON-EXTRA-STARK-SALBE/PH NICOBOXIL/PH BOEHR.INGELHEIM/FT NICOBOXIL/PH NICOBOXIL/RN NICOBOXIL/PH PH/FT NICOBOXIL/PH HUMAN/FT NICOBOXIL/PH TOPICAL/FT NICOBOXIL IN-VIVO/FT etc. So if you were looking for an article on NICOBOXIL and NONIVAMIDE, this article would not come up. But if you were looking for an article on NICOBOXIL FINALGON-EXTRA-STARK-SALBE, it would come up. When you are searching using the roles you need to make it a literal search. This is done by putting quotation marks around the string. So to search for HUMAN/FT, you would type "human/ft".sh. so Source - For Display Only - st Subject Terms [Phrase Indexed] example: The Subject Terms (ST) field is for records that are pre 1983. ta Number of Tables [Word Indexed] example: 4.ta. The Number of Tables (TA) field contains the number of tables and figures contained in the article. tg Thematic Groups [Phrase Indexed] example 1: example 2: The Thematic Group (TG) field contains the broad fields of work studied. This field can be searched by letter code or full term. ti Title [Word Indexed] example: infarction.ti. The title (TI) field contains the original authors' title when in English. Otherwise it is a translation into English made by Derwent together with an indication of the original language. Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not appear in the Title index. However, the word "a", which is a stopword in other fields CAN be searched in titles. vo Volume [Phrase Indexed] example: 103.vo. The Volume (VO) field consists of the volume and issue of a Serial publication. up Update Code [Word Indexed] example: 199917.up. The Update Code (UP) field contains the 6 digit code for each update. yr Date of Publication [Word Indexed] example: 1996.yr. The Year (YR) field contains the four digit year of publication for the article.
The following limits are available for the Derwent Drug File database.
Update Code Command Syntax: ..l/3 up=199611 Sentence Syntax: limit 3 to up=199611 Thematic Group Command Syntax: ..l/3 tg=biochemistry Sentence Syntax: limit 3 to biochemistry Profile Subject Command Syntax: ..l/3 pn=cardiants Sentence Syntax: limit 3 to cardiants Publication Year Command Syntax: ..l/3 yr=1998 Sentence Sytnax: limit 3 to 1998Change to DERD from another database
Command Syntax: ..c/derd Sentence Syntax: use derdSample DERD Documents
<1> Accession Number 98-00768 Author Coelho D D. Title Metronidazole resistant trichomoniasis successfully treated with paromomycin. Corporation Information Chelmsford, U.K. Abstract A case of a woman suffering from trichomoniasis caused by Trichomonas vaginalis is described. The patient received erythromycin with no effect and was treated with p.o. and topical intravaginal metronidazole. This had no effect, nor did further treatment with p.o. tinidazole, nimorazole, mebendazole, intravaginal clotrimazole, povidone-iodine, Aci-Jel, nonoxynol-9 pessaries, hydrogen peroxide douches and inactivated lactobacilli vaccines. The patient underwent a hysterectomy for menorrhagia. A metronidazole free period was tried to see if the organism reverted to susceptibility. She was prescribed a specially made preparation of paromycin for topical application. This caused tender areas of erosion on the vulva but was successful against T. vaginalis. The lesions healed with saline soaks. This case history shows the effectiveness of paromycin against resistant T. vaginalis. A 42 yr old woman presented with a 10 mth history of persistent vaginal discharge that had been treated with intermittent erythromycin. Trichomoniasis caused by T. vaginalis was detected and she was given 400 mg metronidazole 400 mg b.i.d. for 7 days with no effect. She denied any further sexual activity. Further p.o. and topical metronidazole also had no effect. She was then treated with p.o. tinidazole, nimorazole, mebendazole, intravaginal clotrimazole, povidone-iodine, Aci-Jel, nonoxynol-9 pessaries, hydrogen peroxide douches and inactivated lactobacilli vaccines (Solotrichovac). She then underwent a hysterectomy for menorrhagia. The MIC of metronidazole for T. vaginalis was found to be 125.0 mg/ml (aerobic 2.0 mg/ml) and 2.0 mg/ml (anaerobic 1.0 mg/ml) and a year later these values were 64.0 mg/ml and 2.0 mg/ml. The patient was recommended a 6 mth metronidazole free period to see if the organism reverted to susceptibility but this did not occur. Paromycin was known to be active against T. vaginalis but no suitable preparation was available and therefore the hospital pharmacy made a preparation consisting of paromomycin and Unguentum Merck. The patient was prescribed 250 mg daily for 7 days but discontinued after 5 days due to external genital soreness and erosion of the left vulva. A small amount of creamy fluid was observed but no evidence of vaginitis was found and microscopy and culture were negative. Vulval lesions cleared with saline soaks. (HO) Linked Terms PAROMOMYCIN/TR; PAROMOMYCIN/ST; INFECTION,PROTOZOON/TR; TRICHOMONIASIS/TR; VULVA/ST; LESION/ST; VAGINA-DISEASE/ST; VAGINAL/TR; VAGINA-DISEASE/TR; REFRACTORY/TR; TINIDAZOLE/RC; NIMORAZOLE/RC; MEBENDAZOLE/RC; CLOTRIMAZOLE/RC; POVIDONE-IODINE/RC; ACI-JEL/RC; NONOXINOL-9/RC; HYDROGEN-PEROXIDE/RC; LACTOBAC.VACCINE/RC; ERYTHROMYCIN/RC; PAROMOMYC/RN; CASE-HISTORY/FT; IN-VIVO/FT; TOPICAL/FT; INTRAVAGINAL/FT; TRICHOMONAS/FT; VAGINALIS/FT; ANTIBIOTIC/FT; PROTOZOACIDE/FT; CASES/FT; PROTOZOON/FT; ANTIBIOTICS/FT; TR/FT; ST/FT; CAS # 7542-37-2 Thematic Groups Microbiology. Therapeutics. Adverse effects Profile Subject Antibiotics. Adverse Reactions. Infection. Fungicides Date of Publication 1997 ISSN 0266-4348 Coden GEMEEZ Language English Reprint Address Department of G.U. Medicine, St John's Hospital, Wood Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9BG, England. Number of References 9 Ref. Number of Tables 1 Tab. <2> Accession Number 97-47747 Author Ladenson P W., Braverman L E., Mazzaferri E L., Brucker Davis F., Cooper D S., Garber J R., Wondisford F E., Davies T F., DeGroot L J., Daniels G H. Title Comparison of administration of recombinant human thyrotropin with withdrawal of thyroid hormone for radioactive iodine scanning in patients with thyroid carcinoma. Corporation Information Univ.Johns-Hopkins; Univ.Massachusetts; Univ.Ohio-State; Nat.Inst.Diabetes-Dig.Kidney-Dis.Bethesda; Univ.Chicago. Baltimore; Bethesda, Md., Worcester, Mass., Columbus, Ohio; Chicago, nglish Abstract Thyrotropin (TT) stimulated radioiodine uptake for scanning in 127 patients with thyroid cancer, but the sensitivity of scanning after the administration of TT was less than that after the withdrawal of thyroid hormone (TH). 62/127 patients had positive whole-body radioiodine scans by one or both techniques. The scans obtained after stimulation with TT were equivalent to the scans obtained after withdrawal of TH in 66%, superior in 5%, and inferior in 29%. When the 65 patients with concordant negative scans were included, the two scans were equivalent in 83%. After radioiodine in those with superior scans, serum thyroglobulin concentrations increased in 15/35 patients after withdrawal of TH and after administration of TT. Patients had more symptoms of hypothyroidism and dysphoric mood states after withdrawal of TH than after administration of TT. 152 Patients (aged 20-84 yr, mean 44) with differentiated thyroid cancer were given thyroxine (n=97), triiodothyronine (n=6) or both (n=49) to reduce serum TT (i.m. 0.9 mg/day) to under 0.5 mU/l. 24 Hr later, all patients were given 2-4 mCi p.o. iodine-131. TH therapy was continued for 2 wk, then discontinued until serum TT was over 25 mU/l. Results Mean serum TT levels rose from 0.2 to 101 and 132 mU/l 24 hr after the first and second doses of TT, resulting in a mean TT concentration of 16 mU/l vs. 101 mU/l after TH withdrawal. In 65 patients (51%), both scans obtained after administration and withdrawal of TT and TH were negative. The 2 scans were equivalent in 41/62 patients (66%) who had at least 1 positive scan. The scan obtained after administration of TT was superior in 3 patients (5%), and the scan obtained after withdrawal of TH was superior in 18 patients (29%). Thyroid cancer staging would thus be similar in 40/62 patients. Among all 127 patients, the reviewers rated the scans obtained after administration of TT as equivalent (n=106) or superior (n=3) to those obtained after withdrawal of TH in 86% and as inferior in 14%. The average fractional-uptake value of iodine-131 did not differ in scans obtained after administration of TT and scans obtained after withdrawal of TH. Serum thyroglobulin increased to 5 ug/l or more in 15 patients, either after TT administration or TH withdrawal. Serum thyroglobulin was highest 72 or 96 hr after the first dose of TT in the 33 patients studied at these times. Side-effects included nausea. (JLH) Controlled Terms CASES/FT. CLIN.TRIAL/FT. DIAGNOSIS/FT. IN-VIVO/FT. THYROGLOBULIN/FT. THYROID-HORMONES/FT. THYROTROPIN/FT Linked Terms THYROTROPIN-HUMAN/PH; THYROTROH/RN; CARCINOMA/OC; NAUSEA/ST; NEOPLASM/OC; BLOOD-SERUM/FT; I.M./FT; INJECTION/FT; PH/FT; PITUITARY-HORMONES/FT; THYROTROPIN-AGONISTS/FT; THYROXINE/TR; THYROXINE/RN; CARCINOMA/OC; HYPOTHYROIDISM/TR; NEOPLASM/OC; THYROID-DISEASE/TR; THYROID-HORMONE/FT; TR/FT; WITHDRAWAL/FT; CAS # 51-48-9 TRIIODOTHYRONINE/TR; T3/RN; CARCINOMA/OC; HYPOTHYROIDISM/TR; NEOPLASM/OC; THYROID-DISEASE/TR; THYROID-HORMONE/FT; TR/FT; WITHDRAWAL/FT; CAS # 6893-02-3 Thematic Groups Pharmacology. Therapeutics. Endocrinology. Adverse effects Profile Subject Adverse Reactions. Peptide Hormones. Chemotherapy - clinical. Clinical Trials Date of Publication 1997 ISSN 0028-4793 Coden NEJMAG Language English Reprint Address The Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 600 N. Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21287-4904, U.S.A. Number of References 25 Ref. Number of Tables 2 Fig. 3 Tab.Last Revised 27-May-1999