Ovid Technologies Field Guide

EconLit (ECON)

Read about EconLit's latest addition in the 2001 EconLit Reload News!


Produced by the American Economic Association, EconLit indexes and abstracts more than 550 international economic journals. EconLit source material includes journal articles, essays, research papers, books, dissertations, book reviews, and working papers. The database contains more than 350,000 records and covers subjects from accounting, consumer economics, monetary policy, labor, marketing, demographics, modeling, economic theory, planning, and more. Years of coverage are 1969-present with approximately 26,000 records added annually.

General Information

American Economic Association
Journal of Economic Literature
4615 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3661
(412) 268-1039
(412) 268-6810 (fax)
Website: http://www.econlit.org
E-mail: info@econlit.org
Years of Coverage
1969 - Present
Default Fields for Unqualified Searches
All Display/Print Fields
Default Display/Print Fields
Elements of SO (Source) Field
Online Update Frequency
Local Update Frequency

Searching the EconLit Fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable EconLit fields.
=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============

AB           Abstract [Word Indexed]
             capital gain.ab.

The Abstract (AB) field summarizes the content of the document and
generally describes the background, methods, results, and conclusions.
Abstracts appear in records for Journal Articles, Books, and Working

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in the Abstract field,
but are not searchable and will not appear in the Abstract index.

AF           All Searchable Fields
             variable rate loans.af.

All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in
the source documents, including value-added fields such as Subject
Headings.  The only thing excluded from an All Fields search are
fields such as "floating subheading" or "heading word" which are
created by the loading process and do not actually appear in the

AN           Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]

The Accession Number (AN) field contains a unique 7 digit number which
uniquely identifies each record.

AU           Author [Phrase Indexed]
             tishler, asher.au.

The Author (AU) field contains the first three authors of an article
or publication. The author names are indexed in the format of last name
followed by first and middle names or initials. Thus, a person named
Roger Douglas Blair could appear as Blair R. D., Blair Roger Douglas,
Blair Roger D, or Blair R.

Enter the last name with the "$" truncation symbol, or if it is a
common name, enter the last name, a space, and then the first initial.
If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name, root on one version
and then scroll through the list of names to find another.

AV           Availability [Word Indexed]
             department of economics, queens university.av.
             copies available.av.

The Availability (AV) field contains the publisher or other document
supplier information, plus information on ordering the document.

CC           Subject Heading Codes [Phrase Indexed]

The Subject Heading Codes (CC) field contains 4 digit alpha numeric
or numeric codes representing Subject Headings (or descriptors) within
EconLit. Descriptor codes for post-1990 records are four digit alpha
numeric codes. Pre-1991 descriptor codes are numeric. The Subject
Heading Codes are displayed in the Subject Headings field next to the
corresponding Subject Heading.

EconLit includes the older "Journal of Economic Literature" numerical
classification system, which appeared from 1969 till 1990. To
maintain consistency, old subject descriptors have been added to
records from 1991 forward. A searcher using the new descriptor codes
will retrieve post-1990 records only. However, those records will
contain the pre-1991 subject descriptors that will be most helpful in
retrieving comparable 1969-1990 records. A searcher using the 1969-1990
numerical descriptor codes retrieves both old and recent records, but
there is some loss of accuracy with the recent records.

CR           Copyright [Word Indexed]
             academic press.cr.

The Copyright (CR) field contains copyright information about the

CT           Country as Subject [Phrase Indexed]
             pacific basin.ct.

The Country as Subject (CT) field contains the name of a country or
geographic area greater than a country that is relevant to the
document. The geographic names are occasionally abbreviated. CT codes
do not appear with books or book reviews.

DG           Degree [Phrase Indexed]

The Degree (DG) field displays the degree awarded the author.  This
field is used with the publication type "Dissertation" only.

DP           Full Publication Date [Word Indexed]

The Full Publication Date (DP) field contains the date of publication,
including the month or season, and year.

EM           Entry Month [Phrase Indexed]

The Entry Month (EM) field is in the format YYYYMM, where YYYY is the
four digit year and MM is the month of the update. For example,
"199707" signifies the July update of 1997.

FS           Festschrift Honoree [Phrase Indexed]
             moore g$.fs.
             spry irene m.fs.

The Festschrift Honoree (FS) field contains the name of the honoree.
The format for Festschrift Honoree is the same as for Author - last name
followed by first and middle names or initials. Enter the last name, or
if it is a common name, the last name and first initial.

HW           Heading Words [Word Indexed]

The Heading Words (HW) field allows you to search using all Subject
Headings (SH) containing a particular word.

The postings for a particular Heading Word will include all postings
which would be obtained by searching every Subject Heading containing
that word.

IB           ISBN [Phrase Indexed]

The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number
(ISBN) for monographs.

IN           Institution [Word Indexed]
             colby college.in.
             czech national bank.in.

The Institution (IN) field contains the institution with which the
authors are affiliated. If there is more than one author, more than one
institution will be listed. Affiliations are listed in the Institution
field in the same order as the authors in the Author field.

IP           Issue/Part [Phrase Indexed]

The Issue/Part (IP) field includes the Issue and/or part for a
particular volume of a journal. This field displays as part of the
Source field (SO).

IS           ISSN [Phrase Indexed]
             1017 6772.is.
             1380 2011.is.

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Serial Standard Number
(ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published. It appears as
an 8 digit number, separated by a hyphen: 0570-1864.

JN           Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
             monthly labor review.jn.
             bulletin of economic research.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in
which the article was published. Journal names are indexed as phrases,
so enter enough letters of the journal name to locate the name in the
index: "accounting rev" for "Accounting Review".

Stopwords such as "of" ARE searchable in the JN index, but "the" has been
stripped when it is the first word of a journal name.

JW            Journal Word [Word Indexed]

The Journal Word (JW) field contains individual words from every
journal name in EconLit.

Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included. This field is used
to retrieve every occurrence of a journal which includes a particular

KW           Key Word [Phrase Indexed]
The Key Word (KW) field contains subject heading phrases used to 
describe the content of EconLit records.
PB           Publisher [Word Indexed]
             department of applied economics.pb.
             geo books.pb.

The Publisher (PB) field contains the publisher name and location,
as well as series and edition information for books, collective volume
articles, working papers, and dissertations.  Searching on Publisher
(PB) will also retrieve information on the publisher of a reviewed book.

PG           Pagination [Word Index]

The Pagination (PG) field consists of the inclusive pagination in the
printed journal in which the document was published. The field displays
as part of the Source or Book field.

PN           Personal Name as Subject [Phrase Indexed]
             mill, john stuart.pn.
             hume, d$.pn.

The Personal Name as Subject (PN) field contains the name of a person
referred to in the document who has contributed to the history of
economic thought.

The format for Personal Name is the same as for Author - last name
followed by first and middle names or initials: Wallace Phyllis A or
Keynes John Maynard. Enter the last name with the "$" truncation symbol,
or if it is a common name, enter the last name and first initial.

PT           Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]
             working paper.pt.
             book review.pt.

The Publication Type (PT) field contains the type of document that the
record describes. All records in the database are assigned one of the
following publication type designations: Book, Book Review, Collective
Volume Article, Dissertation, Journal Article, or Working Paper.

RA           Reviewed Author [Phrase Indexed]
             sorenson, elaine.ra.

The Reviewed Author (RA) field contains the author of a reviewed work.
The author names are indexed in the format of last name followed by
first and middle names or initials. Thus, a person named Roger Douglas
Blair could appear as Blair R. D., Blair Roger Douglas, Blair Roger D,
or Blair R.

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name,
a space, and then the first initial. If you are unsure of the spelling
of the last name, enter one version and then scroll through the list of
names to find another.

RD           Reviewed Book Publication Date [Word Indexed]

The Reviewed Book Publication Date (RD) field contains the date the
reviewed book was published. This field only applies to the Publication
Type "Book Review."

RF           Cited References [Word Indexed]
             audretsch, david.rf.
             america's technology dilemma.rf.

The Cited References (RF) section of Book Reviews is available in
EconLit when the Full Text of Book Reviews is also provided. The
Cited Reference index contains all searchable words from the references.

SH           Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]
             economic history europe.sh.
             welfare theory externalities.sh.

The Subject Headings (SH) field contains the Subject Headings (also
known as "descriptors") from the "Index of Economic Articles." Subject
Heading Codes (CC) can also be searched in the SH field and will
display in the Subject Headings Field.

Enter the term in which you are interested, and scroll the index to
view and select multiple terms.

EconLit also includes the older "Journal of Economic Literature"
numerical classification system, which appeared from 1969 till 1990,
as subject descriptors. To maintain consistency, old subject descriptors
have been added to records from 1991 forward. A searcher using the new
subject descriptors or new descriptor codes will retrieve post-1990
records only. However, those records will contain the pre-1991 subject
descriptors that will be most helpful in retrieving comparable 1969-1990
records. A searcher using the 1969-1990 terms or numerical descriptor
codes retrieves both old and recent records, but there is some loss of
accuracy with the recent records.

SO           Source 
             journal of forensic economics.so.
             march 1994.so.

The Source (SO) field includes all the basic information needed to
locate a citation, including Journal Name (JN), Source Title (ST),
Publisher (PB), Degree (DG), Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP),
Pagination (PG), and Full Publication Date (DP).

ST           Source Title [Word Indexed]
             applied behavioural economics.st.

The Source Title (ST) field contains the Title of the Collective Volume
in which an article appears. It applies to the publication type
"Collective Volume Article" only. Source Title displays as part of the
Source (SO) field. Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included.

TI           Title [Word Indexed]
             consumer confidence.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the title of the journal article, book
in review, book, dissertation, article within a collective volume, or
working paper.

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not
appear in the Title index. However, the word "a," which is a stop word
in other fields CAN be searched in titles.

TX           Full Text  [Word Indexed]
             reagan administration.tx.
             nonlinear pricing.tx.

The full text of Book Reviews is available in EconLit in the
Full Text (TX) field. The full text index contains all searchable
words from the text. Stopwords, such as "the" and "of" are not

VO           Volume [Phrase Indexed]

The Volume (VO) field contains the volume of the printed journal in
which the document was published. This field displays as part of the
Source field (SO).

YR           Year of Publication [Word Indexed]

The Year of Publication (YR) field contains the four digit year in
which a document was published.

**The following field is for display only**
BK Book (display only) The Book (BK) field is for Book Reviews only. This field displays all relevant information about the book being reviewed, including Book Title (BT), Reviewed Author (RA), Reviewed Book Publication Date (RD), and the book's publisher.

EconLit Limits

The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen: Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:
Command Syntax:        ..l/ ab=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to abstracts

Publication Years
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 yr=96
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to yr=1996

Publication Type
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to book reviews
                       limit 1 to journal articles
                       limit 1 to working papers
                       limit 1 to dissertations

Change to EconLit From Another Database

Command Syntax:        ..c/econ
Sentence Syntax:       use econ

Sample EconLit Documents

Accession Number 
Publication Type 
  Working Paper.
  Chiappori, Pierre-Andre, et al.
  U Chicago.
  The Identification of Preferences from Equilibrium Prices Under Uncertainty.
  Universite Catholique de Louvain CORE Discussion Paper: 2000/25. p 14. March 2000. 
Subject Headings 
  Household Behavior: General (D100)
  Exchange and Production Economies (D510)
  Incomplete Markets (D520)
Key Words 
  Uncertainty; Identification; General Equilibrium; Preferences.
  The competitive equilibrium correspondence, which associates equilibrium 
  prices of commodities and assets with allocations of endowments, identifies 
  the preferences and beliefs of individuals under uncertainty; this is the 
  case even if the asset market is incomplete.
  This record is part of the Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics (AWPE) 
  Database, copyright (c) 2001 Cambridge University Press.
  Copies available from: Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, 
  Universite Catholique de Louvain, 34 Voi du Roman Pays, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, 
  Belgium. Website: www.core.ucl.ac.be. $100 per year.
Entry Month 

Accession Number 
Publication Type 
  Brzeski, Andrzej; Winiecki, Jan, eds.
  A liberating economic journey: Post-communist transition: Essays in 
  honour of Ljubo Sirc.
  London: Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies. p viii, 379. 2000. 
Subject Headings 
  Socialist Systems and Transitional Economies: General (P200)
  Socialist Institutions and Their Transitions: General (P300)
Key Words 
  Communism; Economic Systems.
  Festschrift Honorees 
  Sirc, Ljubo.
  Twelve papers, written in honor of the Ljubo Sirc on the occasion of his eightieth 
  birthday, span the range of Sirc's interests in the Marxist experiment in Central 
  and Eastern Europe and in the ongoing transformation of the economic system inherited 
  from communism once the long expected failure of the experiment could no longer be 
  denied. Papers focus on the final days of the Stalinist economy (Zoltan Krasznai); 
  the steep fall of output and some other alleged puzzles in economics of transition 
  (Jan Winiecki); Russia after a decade of transition (Silvana Malle); a decade of 
  transformation (Laslo Csaba); whether transition was a success or failure (Joze 
  Mencinger); a decade of postcommunism (Andrzej Brzeski); the EU attitude to 
  unilateral Euroisation (Andrzej Bratkowski and Jacek Rostowski); reforms in Russia 
  (Sergei A. Vasiliev); cultural self-determination, decentralization, and the growth 
  of prosperity (Deepak Lal); formal and informal rules in postcommunist transition 
  (Winiecki); a singular constraint on the economic development of the Federal Republic
  of Yugoslavia (Ljubomir Madzar); and Europe's new third way (Christian Watrin). No index.
  0-948027-37-1, cloth; 0-948027-38-X, paperback
Entry Month 

EconLit Producer Copyright Information


© Copyright 1998 American Economic Association, All Rights Reserved.

Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics

© Copyright 1998 Cambridge University Press.

Revised 31 July 2001