Ovid Technologies Field Guide

CSA - Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)
CSA - Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management Abstracts (ESPM)
CSA - Life Sciences Collection (CLSC)

The Cambridge Scientific Abstracts family contains three databases. They are: (1) CSA - Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), (2) CSA - Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management Abstracts (ESPM), and (3) CSA - Life Sciences Collection (CLSC)

CSA - Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts


Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts is an internationally known bibliographic database for aquatic sciences. The database provides information on developments in science, technology, and management of marine, freshwater, and brackish water environments and organisms, including biology, ecology, and pollution. This database is produced by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts in cooperation with the following United Nations agencies: the U.N. Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, and the U.N. Environment Programme. It includes the complete contents of the U.N.-sponsored ASFIS Database, covering biological sciences, living resources, ocean technology, policy and non-living resources, aquatic pollution, and environmental quality. The database currently contains over 550,000 references.

Years of Coverage
1982 - Present

CSA - Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management Abstracts


Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management Abstracts is produced by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. It provides comprehensive access to the environmental information necessary to resolve day-to-day problems, ensure ongoing compliance, and handle emergency situations effectively. It combines information on scientific research and government policies in a single resource. Conference proceedings and hard-to-find documents are included, along with information from primary journals in the field. Issues of growing concern are extensively covered from the standpoints of atmosphere, emissions, mathematical models, effects on people and animals, and environmental action in response to global pollution issues. Topics include: air, marine, and freshwater pollution; detection, monitoring, and analysis of pollution; effects of oil spills; point and nonpoint pollution; sewage and wastewater treatment; industrial and municipal disposal of sludge; hazardous wastes and refuse; toxicology of pesticides; heavy metals; agricultural chemicals; noise pollution; radiation; environmental action; and other topics.

Years of Coverage
1984 - Present

CSA - Life Sciences Collection


The Life Sciences Collection is produced by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. It contains references to international literature in over 21 separate life sciences disciplines. Covered topics include cell and molecular biology, neuroscience, biochemistry, biotechnology, entomology, ecology, immunology, microbiology, genetics, AIDS and immunology, agriculture, and veterinary science. The database currently contains over 1.7 million references, with over 130,000 added yearly.

Years of Coverage
1982 - Present

General Information

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 601
Bethesda, MD 20814
(800) 843-7751
(301) 961-6700
(301) 961-6720 (fax)
Website: http://www.csa.com
E-mail: service@csa.com

Online Update Frequency

Local Update Frequency

Default Fields for Unqualified Searches

All Display/Print Fields
AN, AU, AG*, AC*, CA, IN, TI, OT, MT, SO, JA, ED, AB, NT, PN, CL, NO, AV, ON, RF, SF, CC, SH, ID, ER**, IS, IB, PT, LG, SL, YR, AI**, UP

Default Display/Print Fields
AN, AU, AG*, AC*, CA, IN, TI, OT, MT, SO, ED, AB, SF, CC, SH, ID, ER**, AI**, UP

Elements of SO (Source) Field

* ESPM only

** ASFA only

Searching the CSA Fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable CSA fields.

=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============

AB           Abstract [Word Indexed]
             fish populations.ab.

The Abstract (AB) field contains the full text of the abstract.

The abstract includes key points of the source article. Most records
have abstracts and when available, authors' abstracts are used,
although they may be edited to CSA style. The abstract index contains
all searchable words; however, to find precisely what you want, use
only distinctive words and phrases and do not use any stop words such
as "the" and "of."

AC           Agency Code (ESPM only) [Word Indexed]

The Agency Code (AC) field is unique to Environmental Impact Statements
and refers to the primary United States government agency that prepared
the impact statement.  This field displays as part of the Agency (AG)

AE           Added Entry [Phrase Indexed]
             nagel c$.ae.

The Added Entry (AE) field is an alias for the Author (AU) and Editor
(ED) fields.

AF           All Searchable Fields
             aquatic organisms.af.
             paper mill.af.

All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the
source documents, including value-added fields such as Subject Headings.
The only thing excluded from an All Fields search are fields such as
"floating subheading" or "Heading word" which are created by the loading
process and do not actually appear in the records.

AG           Agency (ESPM only) [Word Indexed]
             department of the army.ag.
             department of transportation.ag.

The Agency (AG) field refers to the primary US government agency that
prepared the impact statement. Usually, a full name and acronym are
provided, as in:

Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland,
Oregon; DOI

AI           ASFA Input Center Number (ASFA Only)

The ASFA Input Center Number (AI) is unique to ASFA: Aquatic Sciences
& Fisheries Abstracts and its component subfiles. The letters at the
beginning of the number indicate which ASFA center indexed and input
that record. For a complete list of the available input centers, look
under the ASFA Input Center Limit.

If you know the two letter code for the Input Center, you can search
that code directly in the tr index by using the qualification .tr.

AN           Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]

The Accession Number (AN) field contains a unique seven-digit abstract
number assigned by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.

AU           Author [Phrase Indexed]
             jeon j k.au.

The Author (AU) field currently contains up to 14 author name(s) per
record, but this has not always been the case.  If the document
is a patent this field contains the inventor name(s).  Each author name
has the format: Lastname I I.

Some of the computer science and engineering databases include first
names. Because you will not know before you start searching whether
first names or initials are used, you may want to do a test search
first, display and record and look at the format of the author name.

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and
first initial.  If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name
(macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the
list of names to find the other.

AV           Availability [Phrase Indexed]
             http wwwcdc$.av.

The Availability (AV) field contains any additional or explanatory
information about the document.  It may include ordering information,
availability, etc.

CA           Corporate Author [Word Index]
             dow corning.ca.
             environmental protection agency.ca.

The Corporate Author (CA) field contains corporate authors in the format
Organization name, city (country), for example:

National Research Council, Washington, DC (USA)

It can also include departments and sub-departments.

This is the name of the organization that has produced the original
source document. This field is often present when there is no personal
author field. However, for patent records, the name in the Corporate
author field is the patent holder (and the name[s] in the Author field
is the inventor).

Often, the city and country are also provided; in older records the
following abbreviations may still be seen--FRG for the former West
Germany; GDR for the former East Germany, and USSR for former Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The information is taken from the source document and is not
standardized.  Enter the single most descriptive word in an a corporate
author, for example, "harvard" not "university".  Use the distinctive
parts of the name and do not search for designations such as Corp, Co,
Company, Ltd. etc. Consider both full spellings and abbreviations.

CC           Classification [Phrase Indexed]
             q4 4450.cc.

The Classification (CC) field contains the Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts Journal name, the classification codes and classification
code names in square brackets.  This field is browsable by way of a
Classification Code Tool.

The classification codes and descriptions are broad subject headings
that are specific to various databases.  For example, SW 0850 is the
classification code used in the Water Resources Abstracts to denote
that the source document in primarily about lakes. Due to the
interdisciplinary nature of much of the material covered, one record
may have several classifications.

CL           Patent Classification [Phrase Indexed]
             435 886.cl.
The Patent Classification (CL) field contains the United States
and International Classifications for patents.

CO           Collation [Word Indexed]
             vol 1, pp 445-446.co.

The Collation (CO) field contains the volume number, issue number and
inclusive page numbers of a book or other monograph.  This field
usually displays as a part of the Source (SO) field.

CW           Classification Word [Word Indexed]

The Classification Word (CW) field allows you to search for all
instances of a particular word in a Classification (CC).

The classification codes and descriptions are broad subject headings
that are specific to various databases. For example, SW 0850 is the
classification code used in Water Resources Abstracts to denote that
the source document is primarily about lakes. Due to the
interdisciplinary nature of much of the material covered, one record
may have several classifications.

DP           Date of Publication [Phrase Indexed]

The Date of Publication field contains the date of publication.  This
field usually displays as a part of the Source (SO) field.

ED           Editor [Phrase Indexed]
             guillou m.ed.

The Editor (ED) field contains up to 10 author name(s).  Each editor
name has the format: Lastname I. I. In most CSA databases, editors of
books and conference proceedings appear in this field.

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and
first initial.  If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name
(macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the
list of names to find the other.

ER           Environmental Regime (ASFA records only) [Phrase Indexed]

The possible values in the Environmental Regime (ER) field are marine,
brackish, and freshwater. Typical uses of the Environmental Regime
include limiting a search for a biological species to its occurrence in
only brackish water, or retrieving all records relevant to the
freshwater environment in a specific country.

HW           Heading Words [Word Indexed]
             ultraviolet radiation.hw.
             ecosystem management.hw.

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every Subject Heading or Identifier
that includes a particular word or words; this is done by
searching the desired word(s) in the Subject Heading Word (HW) field.

IB           ISBN [Phrase Indexed]

The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book
Number (ISBN). Its purpose is to uniquely identify a book title, an
edition of a book, or a monograph produced by a specific publisher.

Each ISBN number consists of ten digits. They have been put into the
index without spaces or dashes.

ID           Identifiers [Phrase Indexed]
             exxon valdez.id.
             endangered species act.id.

The Identifier (ID) field contains free language words or phrases
assigned by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts to give fuller notation of
the document content than that provided by the controlled index terms.

This field contains subject terms not included in the controlled
vocabulary but considered by the indexer to be extremely relevant to
the record. They may be single word or multiple word terms. Since
identifiers are not selected from the controlled vocabulary, different
synonyms for the same subject may appear in this field, as well as
abbreviations and acronyms. Also, company names, trademarks, the names
of legislative acts, government policies and new and up-coming methods
and procedures are often assigned as identifiers. Like descriptors,
these terms may not appear in the title or abstract, and therefore serve
as additional ways to focus your search.

The Identifiers field may have more value when you are looking for
activities or mentions of an organization and you do not want all
fields to be searched, because you may retrieve irrelevant records
containing the organization name, e.g., the affiliation of the author
or sponsor of a conference.

This field is used in two different ways in the backfiles.

In backfiles from 1982 through 1992 (issue 7), it contains both
descriptors and identifiers mixed together.

In backfiles from 1992 (issue 8) to the present, it contains only

Identifiers are entered into the index as phrases and should be searched
exactly as they appear.

IN           Institution [Word Indexed]

The Institution (IN) field contains the primary author's
affiliation.  The affiliation appears as shown in the printed document.
If there are multiple authors, only the first author's affiliation is
given, unless another author is "asterisked". Affiliation is always
abbreviated and includes the complete mailing address, when available.
The affiliation could have changed since the original document was

The information is taken from the source document and is not
standardized.  Enter the single most descriptive word in an
institution, for example, "harvard" not "university".  Consider both
full spellings and abbreviations.

IS           ISSN [Phrase Indexed]
             0022 1317.is.

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number
for the journal in which an article was published.

The ISSN is the International Standard Serial Number and is a unique
number identifying serial publications such as journals. It appears as
an 8 digit number, separated by a hyphen. The ISSN consists of two
groups of four digits in Arabic  numerals, except possibly for the last,
check digit, which may be an X. This conformity makes it easy to search
for ISSNs, which can be entered with or without the hyphen between the
two groups of four characters.

JA           Journal Abbreviation [Phrase Indexed]
             folia zool.ja.
             fish news int.ja.

The Journal Abbreviation (JA) field contains the Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts abbreviation of the Source journal title.

JN           Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
             scientia marina barcelona.jn.
             atmospheric environment.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
journal title of the Source.

The information is not standardized.  If you are not sure of that a
particular title is abbreviated or a full title, enter one version and
then scroll through the list of names to find the other.

JW           Journal Word [Word Indexed]
             veterinary .jw.

The Journal Word (JW) field contains the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
abbreviation of the Source journal title and/or the full title of the
source journal.

The information is not standardized.  Enter the single most descriptive
word in a journal title.  Consider both full spellings and

A single heavily posted word, such as "journal" will search slowly.

LG           Language [Phrase Indexed]

The Language (LG) field contains the original language(s) of the entire
document.  The language French will appear as "French" but is also
indexed with the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts two character language
code as well as the Ovid three digit language code.

If there is no language field in the record, it can be assumed the
original text is in English.

LM           Legal Mandate (ESPM only) [Word Indexed]
             water resources development act of 1986.lm.
             flood control act of 1948.lm.

The Legal Mandate (LM) field is unique to Environmental Impact
Statements and contains the Acts and Laws to which the EIS pertains.
This field displays as a part of the Abstract (AB) field.

MT           Meeting [Word Indexed]
             new mexico water conference.mt.
             30 apr-2 may.mt.

The Meeting (MT) field  includes the following information for a meeting
or conference citation: the Conference Name, Conference Location, and
Conference Date.

Records retrieved include the papers presented at the particular
meeting and the "master record" for the complete proceedings.

The information is taken from the source document and is not
standardized.  Enter the single most descriptive word in a conference
name, location or date. Consider both full spellings and abbreviations.

NI           Negative Impact (ESPM only) [Word Indexed]
             air pollution.ni.
             sea turtles.ni.

The Negative Impact (NI) field is unique to Environmental Impact
Statements and contains the full text of an abstract of the Negative
Impact of the EIS. This field displays as a part of the Abstract (AB)

NO           Number [Word Indexed]
             nih 97-218.no.
             epa 600 8-90 003.no.

The Number (NO) field lists any type of bibliographic number attached
to a document that is not already in its own field.  It can include
report number, dissertation codes, contract number, grant number, etc.

NT           Note [Word Indexed]
             special issue.nt.

The Notes (NT) field contains miscellaneous information such as
explanatory information, ordering data, price, scale of maps, number
of references in a bibliography and, in some older records, patent
numbers and classification codes. The field is meant for display
purposes only, although it is searchable.

ON           NTIS Order Number [Phrase Indexed]
             ad a239 683 6.on.

The NTIS Order Number (ON) field contains order numbers for ordering
the document from NTIS (National Tech. Info. Service).

OT           Original Title [Word Indexed]
             polluants aquatiques.ot.

The Original Title (OT) field contains non-English titles in the
original published language.  If the original title was in a
non-Roman alphabet, the OT is transliterated.

PI           Positive Impact (ESPM only) [Word Indexed]
             traffic congestion.pi.

The Positive Impact (PI) field is unique to Environmental Impact
Statements and contains the full text of an abstract of the Positive
Impact of the EIS. This field displays as a part of the Abstract (AB)

PL           Place of Publication [Word Indexed]

The Place of Publication (PL) field contains the names of the city,
state and country where the document was published.  Normally this
applies to books and monographs.  This field usually displays as a part
of the Source (SO) field.

PN           US Patent Number [Phrase Indexed]

The US Patent Number (PN) field contains the patent number of a patent

PR           Prior Reference (ESPM only) [Word Indexed]
             department of agriculture.pr.

The Prior Reference (PR) field is unique to Environmental Impact
Statements and serves to link related statements, such as Drafts and
Final Reports. This field displays as a part of the Abstract (AB)

PT           Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]
             review articles.pt.

The Publication Type (PT) field contains the following types:
Analytical article; Bibliography; Book; Computer file; Conference
proceedings, meeting reports, papers presented; Dictionaries or
glossaries; Dissertations, theses, etc.; Drawing; Environmental Impact
Statements; Film; Journal article; Laws, statutes, etc.; Map;
Numerical data in tables or graphs; Patent; Report; Standard; Review
article; Sound recording; Summary, abstract or condensation; Training
manuals and other didactic documents.

PU           Publisher [Word Indexed]
             john wiley.pu.
             raven press.pu.

The Publisher (PU) field contains the publisher of a book or other
monograph.  This field usually displays as a part of the Source (SO)

SD           Source Description [Word Indexed]
             vol 2, no 4.sd.
             vol 10, no 1, pp 1.sd.

The Source Description (SD) field includes the Volume/Issue and
Pagination. This field usually displays as a part of the Source (SO)

SF           Subfiles [Phrase Indexed]
             asfa aquaculture abstracts q3.sf.
             marine biotechnology abstracts q4.sf.

Many of the major CSA databases are composed of several Subfiles (SF)
merged into one comprehensive and cohesive database. In these major
databases, a subfile name corresponds to the print product (for
example, the abstracts journal) in which the record originally
appeared. A few subfiles exist only as archives because the print
equivalent is no longer published. In these large databases, the
Subfile field can be used to limit a search to a specific discipline.

Other databases that do not have subfiles, merely list the database
name in the Subfile field.

SH           Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]
             finite element method.sh.

The Subject Headings (SH) field contains the Subject Headings, also
known as descriptors (DE), used by indexers to describe the content
of a document.  Subject Headings may be controlled subject index terms
taken from the controlled vocabulary or thesaurus for each database,
Latin taxonomic names for biological organisms, which are indexed to
the appropriate hierarchical level (usually genus and species names),
or controlled terms for geographic locations taken from the ASFIS-7
Geographic Authority List.  A geographic term may include a hierarchy
of place names separated by commas. Subject Headings are entered into
the index as phrases and should be searched exactly as they appear.

This field contains indexing terms taken from a thesaurus or controlled
vocabulary. These descriptors may be single or multi-word terms and
serve as standard ways to describe the subject of the original
document. They may refer to very specific items or to general concepts;
often the word or term is not to be found anywhere else in the record,
including in the title or the abstract, so a descriptor provides
another way for finding the information you want. If you are already
familiar with the vocabulary used to index a particular database or can
easily refer to it, searching this field retrieves focused results.

SL           Summary Language [Phrase Indexed]

The Summary Language (SL) field indicates the language(s) of abstracts
printed with the source document. Often, if the abstract is only in
English, then no summary language displays.

SO           Source [Phrase Indexed]
             functional ecology.so.
             marine geophysical researches.so.

The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information
needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Name (JN) (sometimes
Journal Abbreviation) or Monograph Publisher, Place of Publication,
Book Title, the Source Description (the Vol/Issue, pagination) and
Publication date.

TI           Title [Word Indexed]
             dna analysis.ti.
             leaf rust.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the English language version of a title
of journal paper, book, book chapter, conference proceedings, report,
report section, patent.

For documents which were not written in English, the original or
transliterated title usually appears in a separate field,
Original Title (OT).

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not
appear in the Title index.  However, the word "a," which is a
stopword in other fields, can be searched in the title.

UP           Update Code [Phrase Indexed]

The Update Code (UP) is in the format YYYYMM, where YYYY is the 4 digit
year and MM is the month of the update. For example, 199706 signifies
the June update of 1997.

YR           Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed]

The Year of Publication (YR) field contains the year in which a document
was published. The year may be searched using two or four digits,
e.g., "94" or "1994."

Only individual years may be searched here; do not enter a range of

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Limits

The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen:

Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:

Command Syntax:        ..l/ ab=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to abstracts

English Language
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 lg=en
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to english

Command Syntax:        ..l/1 lg=fre
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to french
                       limit 1 to russian

Publication Types
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to journal article
                       limit 1 to conference
                       limit 1 to analytical article
                       limit 1 to environmental impact statement

Publication Years
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 yr=96
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to yr=1996

Environmental Regime
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to brackish
                       limit 1 to marine

Change to ASFA, ESPM, or CLSC From Another Database

CSA - Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
Command Syntax:        ..c/asfa
Sentence Syntax:       use asfa

CSA - Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management Abstracts
Command Syntax:        ..c/espm
Sentence Syntax:       use espm

CSA - Life Sciences Collection (CLSC)
Command Syntax:        ..c/clsc
Sentence Syntax:       use clsc

Sample Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Documents

Accession Number
  Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, Florida. (ARMY).
Corporate Author
  Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers.
  Florida, Department of Environmental Protection.
  EPA number: 960523F. November 4, 1996. 682 pages and maps. (Final).
Abstract: EIS Purpose
  The implementation of beach nourishment, dune stabilization, and sand
  transfer plant construction measures in order to address shoreline erosion
  and storm damage in southeastern Florida is proposed. The project area
  includes 88 miles of shoreline in Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade counties,
  extending from the southern end of Key Biscayne to the Jupiter Inlet in
  northern Palm Beach County. All of Florida's 8,400 miles of tidal
  shoreline are low-lying and vulnerable to storm surge and other
  storm-associated damage. The southeastern beaches (Region III) were
  identified as the first section of a statewide study because it is the
  most densely populated coastal region in Florida, and has the largest
  local, state, and federal investment in shore protection. Issues
  identified in the scoping process include the source of the sand to be
  used for beach nourishment, impacts of nourishment on sea turtle
  populations and sea grass beds, and impacts of turbidity and sedimentation
  on hardgrounds. Under the currently proposed combination of alternatives,
  beaches would be restored within 21 distinct segments of shoreline through
  beach fill and nearshore berm placement. Permanent sand transfer plants
  would be established for the Lake Worth and South Lake Worth Inlets. Dune
  stabilization through grassing would occur where necessary. Bahamian sand
  would be used for sand-starved areas in Broward and Dade Counties,
  creating 215 acres of new beach that should be an ideal habitat for sea
  turtle nesting. The total estimated first cost to implement these projects
  is $87.5 million.
Positive Impact
  The project would protect against erosion damage and offset erosion
  effects, improve management of federal shore protection projects, provide
  effective protection for the economy, enhance the appearance of the
  coastal zone and its suitability for beach recreation and sea turtle
  nesting, and reduce expected storm-induced damage. Sand placed within the
  project limits would also feed the downdrift beaches to the south.
Negative Impact
  Dredging and beach restoration activities would destroy benthic habitat,
  temporarily increase water turbidity, and possibly injure such endangered
  species as manatees and sea turtles. The immediate adverse effects to the
  borrow site would be the temporary defaunation of the benthic community.
Legal Mandate
  Coastal Zone Management Act, Amendment of 1976 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.),
  Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.),
  Public Law 98-360, and Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (P.L.
Prior Reference
  For the abstract of the draft EIS, see 96-0407D, Volume 20, Number 5.
  Preparation date: October 1996
  Environmental Impact Statements.  Water.  [E255]
Subject Headings
  Beaches.  Borrow Pits.  Coastal Zones.  Cost Assessments.  Dredging.
  Endangered Species (Animals).  Erosion Control.  Geologic Assessments.
  Marine Systems.  Recreation Resources.  Sand.  Section 404(b) Statements.
  Shores.  Water Quality.  Florida.  Coastal Zone Management Act, Amendment
  of 1976, Compliance.  Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, Section
  404 Permits.  Public Law 98-360, Project Authorization.  Water Resources
  Development Act of 1986, Compliance.
Publication Type
  Environmental Impact Statement
Year of Publication
Update Code

Accession Number
  Wu, Yanyu.  Wang, Xin.  Li, Ying.
  Inst. Appl. Ecol., Chinese Acad. Sci., Shenyang 110015, People's Rep.
  Compound pollution of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, As in plant-soil system and its
Journal Abbreviation
  Journal of Environmental Sciences (China). 1996. vol. 8, no. 4, pp.
  By means of both pot and field tests, this paper studied the contents of
  Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and As and their ecological effects on plant-soil system,
  in tissues of crops and soil microorganisms. It was found that there exist
  synergistic effect among these five elements, especially for Cd in
  combination. The reclamation of soil polluted by these elements in
  combination is rather difficult to be carried out. The distinctive
  ecological and chemical behaviors between Cd and As make various
  reclamation measures less applicable, and thus, further research measures
  are necessary.
  Pollution Abstracts.  LAND POLLUTION.  [P 5000]
Subject Headings
  cadmium.  lead.  copper.  zinc.  arsenic.  heavy metals.  soil
  contamination.  plants.  crops.  pollution prevention.
Publication Type
  Journal article.  Analytical article
Summary Language
Year of Publication
Update Code

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Producer Copyright Information

Cambridge Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)

This database is made available by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts under an agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Although this database was formulated with a reasonable standard of care, neither FAO nor Cambridge Scientific Abstracts makes representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for use of the database. The database may not be reproduced, stored in machine-readable form, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) Copyright 1978-present FAO (on behalf of the ASFA Advisory Board). All rights reserved.

Cambridge Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management (ESPM)

The majority of the information contained in Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management is copyrighted by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA). The remainder of information is made available by CSA under an agreement that CSA has with Engineering Information, Inc. (EI). EI owns the copyright in the information that is supplied.

Although this database was formulated with a reasonable standard of care, neither CSA nor EI make any representation warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy , completeness, merchantability, or fitness for use of the database. The database may not be reproduced, stored in machine readable-form, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of CSA.

Cambridge Life Sciences Collection (CLSC)

Although this database was formulated with a reasonable standard of care, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for use of this database. The database may not be reproduced, stored in machine-readable form, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Life Sciences Collection Database copyrighted by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA). All rights reserved.

Revised 17 November 1997