Ovid Technologies Field Guide

ABI/INFORM Global Edition® (INFO)


ABI/INFORM provides citations and abstracts for articles in over 1000 journals published worldwide and includes the full text at no extra charge for over 500 periodicals in the following business and management areas:

accounting/auditing                 law and taxation
banking and finance                 labor relations
data processing/information         marketing & advertising
management                          management science
economics                           public administration
government                          real estate
health care                         telecommunications
human resources                     transportation

Search this database for any aspect of business information. Descriptors and a classification code system are available to help focus your searches.

General Information

A Bell & Howell Information Company
300 North Zeeb Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
(313) 761-4700
(800) 521-0600
(800) 343-5299 (Canada)
Website: http://www.umi.com

Years of Coverage
1971 - Present

Default Fields for Unqualified Searches

All Display/Print Fields

Default Display/Print Fields

Elements of SO (Source) Field

Online Update Frequency

Local Update Frequency

Searching the ABI/INFORM Fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable ABI/INFORM fields:

=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============

AB           Abstract [Word Indexed]
             business ethic$.ab.

Every citation in ABI/INFORM contains an informative, 150 to 200 word
abstract. The Abstract field (AB) contains the text of the citation's
abstracts, which is a summary of the content of the article.

Except for proper names, British spellings in the original article are
changed to American usage.

AF           All Searchable Fields
             drug abuse.af.
             drug screen$.af.

All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the
source documents, including value-added fields such as subject headings.
The only thing excluded from an ALL fields search are fields such as
"heading word" (HW) which are created by the loading process and do not
actually appear in the record.

AN, UI       Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]

The Accession Number (AN) field contains an 8-digit number assigned
to each document to uniquely identify the record.

AU           Authors [Phrase Indexed]
             webb susan.au.

The Author (AU) field contains all of the authors for of an article or
or publication.  The author names are indexed in the format of last name
followed by first and middle names or up to two initials, as they
appeared on the original article.  Thus, a person named James Charles
Smith may appear as Smith James C, Smith J. Charles, Smith JC or Smith

In some earlier citations "et al" will appear after the last author. For
citations that list no authors "Anonymous" will appear.

CC           Classification Codes [Phrase Indexed]

Classification Codes (CC) are 4-digit numbers representing broad subject
categories within ABI/INFORM such as "Small Businesses" or "Statistical
Data".  Searching on the codes is a convenient way to subset the
database into desired subject areas. It is only possible to search by
the code itself, not the term it represents.

To view the Classification Codes hierarchy use the pull-down menu
TOOLS/Classification Codes. In this format you may view both the codes,
and the terms they represent.

CD           CODEN [Phrase Indexed]

The full six-letter CODEN for journals indexed by ABI/INFORM are
displayed in the CODEN (CD) field. CODENs are not available for every
journal title, so it is not advisable to rely upon them for journal

CO           Company Name [Word Indexed]
             ford motor.co.

The Company Name (CO) field contains the names of companies and
organizations discussed in the article.

Search this field by entering the single most descriptive word
(microsoft, not corporation), and try using both full spellings and

DE           Descriptors (SH, HW, CO, CC)
             small business.de.
             statistical data.de.

The Descriptor (DE) field is an alias for all of the fields in the
database which contain subject information and which are appropriate for
a subject search.

The Descriptor field in ABI/INFORM includes Subject Headings (SH),
Company Name (NM) and Classification Codes (CC).

EW, UP       Entry Week [Phrase Indexed]

The Entry Week (EW) field contains a 4-digit number in the format YYMM
representing the year and week in which an item was entered into the
ABI/INFORM database.

GL, GN       Geographic Location [Word Indexed]

The Geographic Location (GL) field lists the geographic locations
discussed in the article.

Some locations are abbreviated (US or USSR), so try both the full
spelling and any abbreviations.

HW           Heading Word [Word Indexed]

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every subject heading that includes a
particular word; this is done by searching the single word in the
Subject Heading Word (HW) field.

You can also view every subject heading which contains a particular word
by using the pull-down menu TOOLS/Permuted Index.

IP           Issue/Part [Phrase Indexed]

The Issue/Part (IP) field contains the issue or part number for the
source publication.

Issue/Part is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

IS           ISSN [Phrase Indexed]
             1010 4143.is.
             8750 6874.is.

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number
(ISSN) for the journal in which the article was published.

JN           Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
             business week.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in
which an article was published.

Journal names are indexed as phrases -- to view journal titles in the
index enter as many of the words or letters in a journal name as are
needed to distinguish it from other journals:  eurom for "Euromoney."

Stopwords such as "of" ARE included in the journal name index but when
"The", "A", or "An," is the first word of a journal, it has been

JW           Journal Word [Word Indexed]
             wall street.jw.

The Journal Word (JW) field contains individual words from every journal
name in ABI/Inform.

Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included.  This field is used to
retrieve every occurrence of a journal which includes a particular word,
such as "marketing."

LG           Language [Phrase Indexed]

The Language field (LG) contains the language(s) of publication of an
article.  The language name is indicated by a 3-letter code (such as fre
for French).

NT           Notes [Word Indexed]

The Notes (NT) field contains notes about the article, such as Reference
information, or whether Maps, Charts or Graphs are included.

The Notes field is displayed as part of the Source (SO).

PG           Pagination [Phrase Indexed]

The first page on which an article appears is indexed in the Page (PG)
field.  Often a journal title combined with a beginning page number is
enough to locate a citation.

Page is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

SH           Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]
             small business.sh.
             online data bases.sh.

The Subject Headings (SH) field contains the subject headings used by
indexers at UMI to describe the content of an article.

ABI/INFORM subject headings are taken from a Thesaurus published by UMI.
You can look up any of these terms by using the pull-down Menu option

SO           Source (JN, IP, PG, VO, NT, YR)

The Source (SO) field includes a display of the Journal Name, the
volume/issue, pagination and date of publication.

TI           Title [Word Indexed]
             drug test$.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the English language version of a title.

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not
appear in the Title index.  However, the word "a", which is a stopword
in other fields can be searched in the title.

TW           Text Word (AB, TI, TX)
             employee testing.tw.
             competitive intelligence.tw.

The Textword (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in a database
which contain text words and which are appropriate for a free text
subject search.

The Textword field in ABI/INFORM includes Title (TI), Abstract (AB) and
Full Text (TX).

TX           Full Text [Word Indexed]
             oil explor$.tx.

The Full Text (TX) field contains the original full text of the
article for some records in ABI/INFORM.  These records are from over
250 periodicals covering all aspects of business information.

Stopwords, such as "the" or "of" are not searchable.

VO           Volume [Phrase Indexed]

The Volume (VO) field contains the volume number for the source
publication. Volume is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

YR, PD       Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed]

The Year (YR) field contains the year in which an article was published.
Only the last two digits of the year appear in the index, but the year
can be searched as two or four digits.

The Year (YR) is displayed as a part of the Source (SO).


The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen:

Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:

Available from UMI
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to available from umi

English Language
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 en=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to english

Full Text
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to fulltext

Geographical Region
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to western europe

Command Syntax:        ..l/1 lg=fre
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to dutch

Latest Update
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 up=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to latest update

Organizational Type
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to small businesses

Publication Type
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to biographies
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to short articles

Publication Year
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 yr=89
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to yr=1993

Change to ABI/INFORM From Another Database

Command Syntax:     use info
Sentence Syntax:    ..c/info

Sample ABI/INFORM Documents

Accession Number
  Ford offers leaner Taurus, plans "superdoor" for Windstar.
  Ward's Auto World.  32(3): 9.  1996 Mar.
Subject Headings
  Automobile industry.  Product development.
Company Name
  Ford Motor Co (DUNS: 00-134-4746; Ticker: F).
Classification Codes
  United States [9190].  Short articles [9000].  Transportation equipment
  industry [8680].  Product planning & development [7500].
Geographic Location
  Ford Motor Co.  will emphasize value as it introduces its latest Taurus
  sedan in April 1996.  It is also investing $500 million to offer a
  driver's side sliding door on its Windstar minivan by 1999.
Full Text
  From $600 rebates to the new no-frills Taurus and Sable, Ford is finally
  getting the message about affordability. The bare-bones midsize sedans,
  both available in April, will come without cruise control, floor mats,
  power door locks or a cassette player. All interiors will be gray. You can
  have any exterior color you want as long as it's white, red, gray, silver
  or green. The Taurus G will be stickered at $18,545 and the Sable G at
  $18,910, both including delivery and destination charges. Meanwhile, to
  catch up with Chrysler, which introduced its current generation of
  minivans with sliding doors on both sides, Ford this fall will introduce a
  "superdoor" on the driver's side of its Windstar minivan. Retooling for
  the change will cost an estimated $115 million. Combined with a driver's
  seat that flips forward, the larger door will allow children to slip
  through to the middle bench behind the driver's seat. General Motors Corp.
  will have two sliding doors on its new minivans coming later this fall.
  Ford is investing an additional $500 million to give Windstar a driver's
  side sliding door by the 1999 model year. Chrysler officials say about 85%
  of their minivan customers order the $500 option.  (Copyright Ward's
  Communications 1996)
Document Delivery
  Fulltext online. Photocopy available from ABI/INFORM.
Entry Week

Accession Number
  Ovid has Biomedical Collection, BIOSIS GenRef CD.
  Information Today.  13(8): 27.  1996 Sep.
Subject Headings
  Health care.  CD-ROM.  Product introduction.
Company Name
  Ovid Technologies Inc.
Classification Codes
  Short articles [9000].  United States [9190].  Software & systems [5240].
  Health care industry [8320].  Product specific treatment [9120].
Geographic Location
  Ovid Technologies has announced Ovid Biomedical Collection II a new
  product that allows physicians, librarians, and researchers to procure
  critical health-related literature from their desktops.  The title
  complements Ovid Core Biomedical Collection, which features the full text
  and graphics from 15 core journals.
Full Text
  Ovid Technologies has announced Ovid Biomedical Collection IH-a new
  product that allows physicians, librarians, and researchers to procure
  critical health-related literature from their desktops. The title
  complements Ovid Core Biomedical Collection, which features the full text
  and graphics from 15 core journals.

  The new product adds the content of 15 additional journals as well as
  links to the original collection. Ovid also plans to release Biomedical
  Collection III, which will include links to its sister collections and add
  an additional 15 core journals.

  The products are available on CDROM for networked or standalone use,
  magnetically for storage on a local server, and remotely via Ovid Online
  and the Web.

  Source: Ovid Technologies, New York, 800/950-2035, ext. 400; Fax:
  212/563-3784; http://www.ovid.com.

  In related news, Ovid has collaborated with BIOSIS to make BIOSIS GenRef
  on CD, a comprehensive bibliographic database covering multiple genetics
  disciplines. It includes records selected from 6,000 scientific journals,
  300 business and industry publications, and the proceedings of nearly
  2,000 meetings.

  Source: BIOSIS, Philadelphia, 800/ 532-4806; e-mail: info@mail.biosis.org.
  (Copyright Information Today Inc 1996)
Document Delivery
  Fulltext online. Photocopy.  Photocopy available from ABI/Inform.  UMI
  Article Clearinghouse Number: 16322.00.
Entry Week

ABI/INFORM Producer Copyright Information

ABI/Inform contains copyrighted materials of UMI and its licensors which retain sole ownership of these materials. Only fair use, as provided by the United States copyright law is permitted. UMI makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the service or the entries which constitute it, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use, and shall not be liable for any damages of any kind or lost profits or other claims related to them or their use.

Revised 25 February 1997