Ovid Technologies Field Guide


2001 Global Update News!


Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the MEDLINE database is widely recognized as the premier source for bibliographic and abstract coverage of biomedical literature. MEDLINE encompasses information from Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, and International Nursing, as well as other sources of coverage in the areas of allied health, biological and physical sciences, humanities and information science as they relate to medicine and health care, communication disorders, population biology, and reproductive biology. More than 10.8 million records from more than 3,900 journals are indexed, plus records formally indexed in Healthstar, Bioethicsline and Aidsline. Abstracts are included for about 51% of the records.

General Information

National Library of Medicine
MEDLARS Management Section
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Phone: (888) FIND-NLM (888.346.3656)
Website: http://www.nlm.nih.gov
Years of Coverage
For Ovid Online and Most Local Installations:
MESX: Current Month Only
MEDC: 1966-1997 (Corrections only)
MESZ: 1966 - Present (Entire Database)
MEDF: 1995 - Present
MEDL: Second half of 1998 - Present
MED4: 1995- First half of 1998
MED3: 1990-1994
MED2: 1983-1989
MED1: 1966-1982
Default Fields for Unqualified Searches
All Display/Print Fields
Default Display/Print Fields
Elements of SO (Source) Field
Online Update Frequency
Local Update Frequency

Searching the MEDLINE Fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable MEDLINE fields.

=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============

AB           Abstract [Word Indexed]
                bone density.ab.
                drug abuse.ab.

Since 1975, MEDLINE has included author-written abstracts from journals whose publishers gave NLM permission for their use.  These abstracts appear in the Abstract (AB) field.  Approximately 51% of the documents in MEDLINE contain abstracts.

Abstracts which exceed 250 words (or, for core cancer journals or long articles, 400 words) are truncated.  The Abstract field includes a display of number of References in an article.

AF           All Searchable Fields
                whitman walker.af.

All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the source documents, including value-added fields such as Subject Headings. The only thing excluded from an All Fields search are fields such as "floating subheading" or "heading word" which are created by the loading process and do not actually appear in the record.

AU           Authors [Phrase Indexed]
                rise j.au.
                smith $.au.

The Author (AU) field contains up to twenty-five authors.  The format for authors is last name followed by one or more initials:  Smith JC or Smith J.

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and first initial.  If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name (macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the list of names to find the other.

CP           Country of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
                united states.cp.

The Country of Publication (CP) field contains the full name of the country in which an article was published.

EM, UP, IM, ND, LR Entry Month [Phrase Indexed]

The Entry Month field (EM) contains the date (Year, Month and Day) on which a record was completed by NLM. The EM field appears in the format YYYYMMDD. If a revision to a document has occurred, the EM field will also contain the revision date.

FS           Floating Subheading [Phrase Indexed]

Subheadings are qualifiers added to MeSH subject headings to refine their meaning.  Terms such as "etiology" or "therapy", when combined with a MeSH heading, give a very precise idea of what an article covers.

The Floating Subheadings (FS) field contains the 2-letter codes, such as "po" for poisoning.  The fully spelled out subheadings for any particular MeSH heading can be viewed using the pull-down menu TOOLS/Subheadings.

GS           Gene Symbol [Phrase Indexed]

The Gene Symbol (GS) field contains Gene Symbols as they are entered into MEDLINE in the original document.

The Gene Symbol field was added to MEDLINE in 1991.  Beginning in 1996, data will no longer be added to this field.

GW           Gene Symbol Word [Word Indexed]

The Gene Word (GW) field contains individual words from the Gene Symbol field.

HW, ME       Subject Heading Word [Word Indexed]

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every MeSH subject heading that includes a particular word;  this is done by searching the single word in the Subject Heading Word (HW) field.

You can also view every MeSH Subject Heading which contains a particular word by using the pull-down menu TOOLS/Permuted Index. This field is only searchable in the on-line version of MEDLINE.

IN           Institution [Word Indexed]
                case western.in.

The Institution (IN) field contains the primary author's affiliation, which is usually the source for a reprint of the article.  This
information is available for most documents since 1988.  Beginning in 1996, the primary author's email address will also be included, if present in the journal.

IP           Issue/Part [Word Indexed]

The Issue/part field (IP) contains the Issue and/or part for a particular volume of a journal.  The IP field usually displays as part
of the Source (SO) field.

IS           ISSN/ISBN Number [Phrase Indexed]
               0098 7484.is.
               8756 8519.is.

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published. It appears as an 8 digit number, separated by a hyphen:  0028-4793.

JC        NLM Journal Code [Phrase Indexed]

The Journal Code (JC) is an alpha-numeric code established by NLM which uniquely identifies every journal indexed in the NLM databases.

JN, JT       Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
                 archives of dermatology.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which the article was published.

Journal names are indexed as phrases, so enter enough letters of the journal name to locate the name in the index:  new engl (for New England Journal of Medicine).

Stopwords such as "of" ARE included in the JN index, but when "the" is the first word of a journal, it has been stripped.

JW        Journal Word [Word Indexed]

The Journal Word (JW) field contains individual words from every journal name in MEDLINE.

Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included.  This field is used to retrieve every occurrence of a journal which includes a particular word, such as "obstetrics".

LG, LA       Language [Phrase Indexed]

The Language (LG) field contains the language(s) of publication of an article.  The language name will appear in the index as a 3-letter code (such as fre for French);  the codes are usually, but not always, the first three letters of the language name.

The language index is quickly scrollable to determine all languages which appear in MEDLINE.

MS           Molecular Sequence [Phrase Indexed]

The Molecular Sequence (MS) field contains an organizational acronym and the unique identifier that organization has applied to a molecular sequence.

The acronym appears first followed by a hyphen and the unique identifier:  genbank-57987.

The Molecular Sequence (MS) field was added to MEDLINE in 1988.

NO           Grant Number [Phrase Indexed]
             1a1 52502.no.

The Grant Numbers (NO) field was created by NLM in 1981 to specify documents reporting on federally-funded research.

Grant or contract numbers are displayed in full, but special characters except hyphens have been removed from the index.

OT           Original Title [Word Indexed]
The Original Title (OT) includes any non-English titles in the original language.  If the original title was in a non-Roman
alphabet, then the OT is transliterated. This field is only searchable in the on-line version of MEDLINE.

PB           Publisher [Word Indexed]

The Publisher (PB) field contains publisher information for books, monographs or any non-journal publications.  This information is taken from the source document as it appears, so variant forms of a publisher
are possible.

This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (S0) field.

PG           Page (first page no.) [Phrase Indexed]

The first page on which an article appears is indexed in the Page (PG) field.  Often a journal title combined with the beginning page number is enough to locate a citation.

This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

PM          PubMed Identifier [Phrase Indexed]


The PubMed Identifier (PM) field contains the PubMed number first assigned by NLM. This number is another unique identifier of the records.

PN           Personal Name as Subject [Phrase Indexed]
                 gallo r$.pn.
                 zagury d$.pn.

If an article is an interview or obituary, or simply discusses a well-known person, that person's name will appear in the Personal Name As Subject (PN) field.

The format for Personal Name is the same as for Author -- last name and initials:  Koop CE.  Enter a last name and one initial if known.

PT           Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]

In addition to indexing documents with Medical Subject Headings, the indexers at the National Library of Medicine assign terms to describe the article type.  Publication Type includes such classifications as review,clinical trial, directory and letter.  These terms appear in the Publication Type (PT) field.

RN, NM       CAS Registry Number [Phrase Indexed]
                     ec 1-1-1-101.rn.

The Registry Number (RN) field contains the Chemical Abstracts Service registry number or Enzyme Commission number for a compound mentioned in an article.  If the generic compound name could be determined, then it
is also included.

The Registry Number (RN) field was added to MEDLINE in 1980. Registry numbers appear with hyphens (50-00-0); EC numbers appear in the format ec 1-1-1-3; and chemical names appear with all special characters except hyphens removed.

RW           Registry Number Word [Word Indexed]

The Registry Word (RW) field contains single words from the registry number field and is used to search portions of chemical names.

The Registry Number (RN) field was added to MEDLINE in 1980.

SB           Journal Subset [Phrase Indexed]

The MEDLINE database is divided into subsets of journals in four broad categories.  These journal subsets appear as codes in the Journal Subset (SB) field. To see the Journal Subset, you should use the Limit to Journal Subset. The following is a list of available subset limits.

Abridged Index Medicus
Aids/HIV Journals (Non Index Medicus)
Biotechnology Journals (Non Index Medicus)
Communication Journals (Non Index Medicus)
Consumer Health Journals (Non Index Medicus)
Dentistry Journals
Foreign Journals
Health Administration Journals (Non Index Medicus)
Health Technology Assessment Journals (Non Index Medicus)
Index Medicus
Nursing Journals
Population Journals (Non Index Medicus)

SH, DE, CT, SW     MeSH Subject Heading [Phrase Indexed]
                           sarcoma kaposi.sh.

The MeSH Heading (SH) field contains the Medical Subject Headings used by indexers at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to describe the content of an article.

NLM's MeSH terms are organized in a hierarchy, or "tree" structure.  You can look up any subject heading using the TOOLS/Tree pull-down menu.

MeSH headings are entered into the index as phrases and should be searched as they appear in the NLM MeSH books or in our Tree display.

SO           Source (JN, PB, PG, YR, VO, IP)
                 tennessee medicine.so.

The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information needed to locate a citation, including the full Journal Name or Monograph Publisher, the Vol/Issue, pagination and year of publication.

TI           Title [Word Indexed]
                 nursing care.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the English language version of a title. For documents which were not written in English, the original or transliterated title appears in a separate field, Original Title.

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not appear in the Title index.  However, the word "a", which is a stopword in other fields CAN be searched in titles.

The title sometimes includes notes, in brackets, about the article, such as an indication that it is a letter, editorial, or comment.

TW           Text Word (AB, TI)

The Textword (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in a database which contain text words and which are appropriate for a subject search.

The Textword field in MEDLINE includes Title (TI) and Abstract (AB).

UI, AN       Unique Identifier [Phrase Indexed]

The Unique Identifier (UI) field contains an 8-digit number assigned by MEDLINE to uniquely identify a particular record.  This number is also the one used to locate the document through NLM's document delivery

VO           Volume [Word Indexed]

The Volume (VO) field consists of the volume and issue of a serial publication.  This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

XM           Exploded MeSH Heading [Phrase Indexed]
                 "dopamine agents*".xm.
                 exocrine glands.xm.

MeSH Subject Headings are hierarchical, with up to twelve levels of narrower terms from the top of a hierarchy. In order to retrieve a term and all of its narrower terms, a subject heading must be "exploded", that is, the subject heading and all narrower terms are "OR'd" together. OVID pre-explodes highly-posted broader terms with their narrower terms during loading.  These pre-exploded MeSH Headings appear in the XM field.

XS           Exploded Subheading [Phrase Indexed]

Sometimes multiple MeSH Subheadings can be logically grouped together. Such related groups of subheadings are "pre-exploded" under one broad subheading.  This means that all the grouped subheadings can be retrieved together by searching on the "pre-exploded" version of the broad subheading.

The 2-letter codes for the pre-exploded subheadings appear in the Exploded Subheadings (XS) field.

YR           Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed]

The Year (YR) field contains the year in which an article or monograph was published.  Only the four digit year appear in the index.


The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Page: Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:
Command Syntax:       ..l/ ab=y
Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to abstracts

Age Groups
Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to infant
                      limit 1 to adult

Command Syntax:       ..l/1 hu=y
Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to human
                      limit 1 to animal

Animal Types
Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to cats
                      limit 1 to rabbits

English Language
Command Syntax:       ..l/1 en=y
Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to english

Command Syntax:       ..l/1 lg=fre
Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to french

Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to female
                      limit 1 to male

Publication Types
Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to journal article
                      limit 1 to clinical trial
                      limit 1 to review

Publication Years
Command Syntax:       ..l/1 yr=1996
Sentence Syntax:      limit 1 to yr=1996

Change to MEDLINE From Another Database

Sample MEDLINE Documents

Unique Identifier
  Barrett PJ.  Emmins PD.  Clarke PD.  Bradley DJ.
  Medical Advisory Services for Travellers Abroad, London.
  Comparison of adverse events associated with use of mefloquine and
  combination of chloroquine and proguanil as antimalarial prophylaxis:
  postal and telephone survey of travellers.
  BMJ.  313(7056):525-8, 1996 Aug 31.
Abbreviated Source
  BMJ.  313(7056):525-8, 1996 Aug 31.
NLM Journal Code
Journal Subset
  A, C
Country of Publication
MeSH Subject Headings
  Antimalarials/ad [Administration & Dosage]
  *Antimalarials/ae [Adverse Effects]
  Chloroguanide/ad [Administration & Dosage]
  *Chloroguanide/ae [Adverse Effects]
  Chloroquine/ad [Administration & Dosage]
  *Chloroquine/ae [Adverse Effects]
  Comparative Study
  Drug Therapy, Combination
  Great Britain
  Health Surveys
  *Malaria/pc [Prevention & Control]
  Mefloquine/ad [Administration & Dosage]
  *Mefloquine/ae [Adverse Effects]
  *Mental Disorders/ci [Chemically Induced]
  *Nervous System Diseases/ci [Chemically Induced]
  Retrospective Studies
  Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
  Treatment Refusal
  OBJECTIVE: To compare the frequency of adverse events, particularly
  neuropsychiatric effects, from mefloquine and from chloroquine plus
  proguanil as used for malaria chemoprophylaxis. DESIGN: Retrospective
  questionnaire to travellers taking either regimen between November
  1993 and February 1995; telephone interview with those reporting
  pronounced side effects. SETTING: Travellers from Britain who
  consulted an advisory helpline. SUBJECTS: 1214 adults taking
  mefloquine and 1181 taking chloroquine plus proguanil. MAIN OUTCOME
  MEASURES: Reported presence of and degree of disability from 12
  neuropsychiatric and other symptoms, as assessed by the subjects and
  by referees and on the basis of behaviour change. RESULTS: There were
  equal rates of any side effects (40%) and of stopping or changing
  medication. Overall, neuropsychiatric adverse events were
  significantly more common in travellers taking mefloquine. In all, 333
  neuropsychiatric adverse events were reported by 1214 travellers
  taking mefloquine, compared with 189 such events in 1181 travellers
  taking proguanil plus chloroquine (P < 0.001). In all, 0.7% of
  travellers taking mefloquine had disabling neuropsychiatric adverse
  effects, compared with 0.09% of those taking proguanil plus
  chloroquine (P = 0.021). Two travellers taking mefloquine (1 in 607)
  were admitted to hospital as a result of the adverse event, compared
  with 1 in 1181 travellers taking proguanil plus chloroquine.
  CONCLUSION: There is a significant excess of adverse neuropsychiatric
  events of intermediate degrees of severity associated with the use of
  mefloquine compared with proguanil plus chloroquine. This finding may
  also explain the discrepant findings between earlier studies and
  clinical experience.
Registry Numbers
  0 (Antimalarials).  500-92-5 (Chloroguanide).  53230-10-7 (Mefloquine).
  54-05-7 (Chloroquine).
Publication Type
  Journal Article.
Entry Month
  199612.  Entry Week: 1996123.

Unique Identifier
  Murata K.  Araki S.  Okajima F.  Saito Y.
  Department of Public Health, University of Tokyo, Japan.
  Subclinical impairment in the median nerve across the carpal tunnel
  among female VDT operators.
  International Archives of Occupational & Environmental Health.
  68(2):75-9, 1996.
Abbreviated Source
  Int Arch Occup Environ Health.  68(2):75-9, 1996.
NLM Journal Code
Country of Publication
MeSH Subject Headings
  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/co [Complications]
  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/ep [Epidemiology]
  *Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/pp [Physiopathology]
  *Computer Terminals
  Hand/pp [Physiopathology]
  *Median Nerve/pp [Physiopathology]
  Neural Conduction/ph [Physiology]
  Occupational Diseases/co [Complications]
  Occupational Diseases/ep [Epidemiology]
  *Occupational Diseases/pp [Physiopathology]
  Skin Temperature
  Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
  Sensory nerve conduction velocities in the palm-to-finger (SCV-pf),
  wrist-to-finger (SCV-wf), wrist-to-palm (SCV-wp), and wrist-to-elbow
  (SCV-we) segments and the distribution of nerve conduction velocities
  in the right median nerve were determined among 27 female operators
  aged 19-37 and 19 healthy women (controls) aged 19-31 to estimate the
  prevalence of subclinical carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Also, the
  WF/PF ratio, dividing the SCV-wf by the SCV-pf, was calculated to
  assess abnormalities of nerve conduction within the carpal tunnel. The
  operators were engaged in data entry in front of a visual display
  terminal (VDT) for about 6 h/day, and their working duration was
  between 1 and 17 (mean 6) years. The SCV-wf, SCV-wp, and WF/PF ratio
  in the operators were significantly lower than those in the controls.
  The rate of persons with the WF/PF ratio of less than 90%, i.e., below
  normal limits in the 19 controls, was significantly higher in the
  operator group (37%) than in the control group (0%). The operators
  complained of more symptoms related to CTS than did the controls, but
  any symptoms were not associated with slowing of nerve conduction
  velocities in the operators. In the controls, the WF/PF ratio was not
  closely correlated with skin temperature or age despite the presence
  of significant relations between skin temperature and the SCV-wf,
  SCV-pf, and SCV-wp; the interpersonal variability of the WF/PF ratio
  was much smaller than that of all SCVs. In the light of the present
  and previous studies, the rate of VDT operators with subclinical CTS
  seems to be high, independent of its symptoms. Also, the WF/PF ratio
  will be a useful and reliable screening method for the early detection
  of CTS due to repetitive wrist and finger movements involved in work.
Publication Type
  Journal Article.
Entry Month
  199612.  Entry Week: 1996124.

MEDLINE Producer Copyright Information

NLM represents that the data provided within MEDLINE is formulated with a reasonable standard of care. Except for this representation, and as otherwise specifically provided herein, NLM makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied. This includes but is not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the NLM databases, and NLM specifically disclaims any such warranties and representations. Downloading data is permitted for personal use only. Some material in the NLM databases is from copyrighted publications of the respective copyright claimants. Users of the NLM databases are solely responsible for compliance with any copyright restrictions and are referred to the publication data appearing in the bibliographic citations, as well as to the copyright notices appearing in the original publications, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference.

The following use of data from MEDLINE, AIDSLINE, BIOETHICSLINE and HEALTHSTAR requires no written permission from or signed licence agreement with NLM:

Users may download small amounts of data, e.g., the bibliographic citation and MeSH terms, for a small number of citations from the databases listed above for redistribution either via a printed publication or in electronic form using the Internet, World Wide Web, etc. Downloading from a MEDLARS licensee, such as OVID is subject to the licensee's approval.


1. Download includes ftping results of an online search, arranging for the results of an automatic stored search to be available for ftp, ftping MEDLARS data from the NLM server (nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov), or a traditional download using a modem.

2. Small is defined as approximately 1,000 records per month from MEDLINE; 12,000 per year. Retrospective pulls of MEDLINE may include up to approximately 12,000 records for each year covered. For other MEDLARS databases, fewer than 25% of records in the file may be downloaded. For larger portions of a MEDLARS database, contact Janer@nlm.nuh.gov or 301-496-7706 for licensing information.

3. Data is defined as bibliographic citations and MeSH terms. This document grants permission to download only the bibliographic citations and MeSH terms, it does not cover author abstracts from the journals which are included in MEDLINE and other MEDLARS databases. Users should obtain an opinion from their legal counsel for any use they plan for the author-generated abstracts in the MEDLARS database.

Terms and Conditions:

Users must ensure that all downloaded publicly accessable data stored in electronic form for over one year must be in compliance with the following provisions of the NLM license agreement:

A. Users of this data must be provided a clear description of how the product/service was derived, indicating the currency and the source database.

B. At least annually, the data downloaded must be corrected to incorporate the corrections NLM has made to these records during the year and in year end maintenance. MEDLARS data in any subsequently produced product/service must be carefully checked with that maintained on NLM's version of the database at the end of each calender year and corrections made.

C. Users are advised to consult legal counsel to ensure compliance with intellectual property laws. NLM cannot provide advice about copyright issues.

D. Since NLM goes to considerable efforts to assign MeSH terms, it prefers that these be retained as assigned by the indexers.

E. All downloaded NLM records (or portions thereof) must be labeled so as to identify NLM as the source.

F. Trademark symbols must properly be used when referring to the NLM databases, system and products. A product/service using downloaded data must be named in a fashion that clearly distinguishes it from NLM-produced databases accessible at NLM.

Updated 26 September 2001