Ovid Technologies Field Guide

PAIS International (PAIS)


PAIS International, produced by the Public Affairs Information Services, Inc., is a bibliographic index with abstracts covering the full range of political, social, and public policy issues. Topics covered include economic, political, and social issues, business, finance, law, international trade and relations, public administration, government, political science, and any topics that are or might become the subject of legislation. The database covers selected journal articles, books, statistics, yearbooks, directories, conference proceedings, pamphlets, reports, government documents, and microfiche. More than 1,600 journals and over 8,000 monographs are indexed each year. Coverage includes documents published worldwide in any of six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. The subject headings and abstracts are in English.

General Information

Public Affairs Information Service, Inc.
521 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036-4396
(800) 288-7247
(212) 736-6629
(212) 643-2848 (Fax)
Website: http://www.pais.org
Email: inquiries@pais.org

Years of Coverage:
1972 to the Present

All Display/Print Fields:

Default Display/Print fields:

Default fields for unqualified searches:

Elements of SO field:

Online Update Frequency:

Local Update Frequency:

Searching PAIS fields

The following list provides the two-letter label and search and limit examples for each PAIS field:

=====        =============
=====        =============

AB           Abstract [Word Indexed]
example:     livestock prices.ab.

The Abstract (AB) field summarizes the content of the document and may
also provide a description of the background, methods, results, and/or
conclusions.  For some documents, publication notes are also included.

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in the Abstract field, but
are not searchable and will not appear in the Abstract index.

AN           Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]
example:     96-0100020.an.

The Accession Number (AN) field contains a numeric code which uniquely
identifies each record.  The first two digits of the accession number
represent the year of publication in the database.

AU           Authors [Word and Phrase Indexed]
example:     montgomery alan l.au.

The Author (AU) field contains all of the authors of an article or
publication.  The author names are indexed in the format of last name
followed by first and middle names or up to two initials, as they
appeared in the original article.  Thus, a person named James Charles
Smith may appear as Smith James C, Smith J. Charles, Smith JC, or Smith
J.  Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last
name, a space, and the first initial.

DN           Superintendent of Docs Number [Phrase Indexed]
example:     sd cat no a 9345.dn.

The Superintendent of Documents Number (DN) field contains the complete
U.S. Superintendent of Documents Number for the government publication.
This number can be used to order or locate government publications in
U.S. Government Document Depository Libraries.

GN           Government Pinting Office Stock Numbers [Phrase Indexed]
example:     stock no 003 024 0315 6.gn.

The U.S. Government Printing Office Stock Number (GN) field contains the
Government Printing Office Stock Number for the document. This number
can be used to order documents from the U.S. Government Printing Office
or from U.S. Government Document Depository Libraries.

IB           ISBN [Phrase Indexed]
example:     88-85246-17-6.ib.

The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number
(ISBN) for monographs.

IN           Institution [Word Indexed]
example:     hawaii employers council.in.

The Institution (IN) field contains the name of the supporting
institution and, when provided in the source journal, the complete
address of the senior author.

IS           ISSN [Phrase Indexed]
example:     9052-5416.is.

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serials Number
(ISSN) for journals and series.

JN           Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
example:     journal of advertising.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in
which an article was published.  This field usually displays as part of
the Source (SO) field.

JW           Journal Words [Word Indexed]
example:     africa.jw.

The Journal Word (JW) field contains individual words from every journal
name in this database.

Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included.  This field is used to
retrieve every occurance of a journal which includes a particular word,
such as "society".

LC           LC Control Number [Phrase Indexed]
example:     90-055357.lc.

The Library of Congress Control Number (LC) field contains the Library of
Congress Control number for the monograph or series that is cited.

LG           Language [Word Indexed]
example:     eng.lg.

The Language (LG) field contains the language(s) of publication of an
article or monograph.  The language name will appear in the index in both
the full form and also a 3-letter code (such as fre for French).

PB           Book Publisher [Word Indexed]
example:     libreville gabon.pb.

The Book Publisher (PB) field contains the publisher of the source
document for monographs as well as bibliographic information, including
page numbers when a record refers to a specific article or chapter.

PT           Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]
example:     "book or monograph".pt.
             journal article.pt.

The Publication Type (PT) field contains the type of article or
monograph that the record describes.

All records in the database are assigned one of the following
publication type designations:  Analytic, Monograph, Periodical, or Main
Entry of Publication Analyzed.

SD           Source Description [Word Indexed]
example:     1996.sd.

The Source Description (SD) field contains the bibliographic information
needed to find an article within the source publication.  It includes
the year [YR], month [MO], volume [VO], issue/part [IP], and pagination
[PG] fields.

SE           Series Statement [Word Indexed]
example:     louisiana state.se.

If the article or document is part of a series, the Series Statement
(SE) field contains further information about the series.  In some cases
it will include only the volume number or ISSN, in others the name and
publisher of the series are available.  This information can be used to
locate other publications related by subject or structure.

SF           Special Features [Word Indexed]
example:     table.sf.

The Special Features (SF) field contains notations about additional
content available in the source publication.  Notations indicate the
availability of features such as maps, charts, and illustrations.

SH           Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]
example:     community development.sh.
             north american free trade agreement.sh.

The Subject Headings (SH) field contains the Subject Headings (also
known as "descriptors" or "index terms") used by indexers at PAIS to
describe the content of a document.

SO           Source Fields [JN, PB, SD Fields]
example:     criminal justice quarterly.so.

The Source (SO) field includes a display of all of the basic information
needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Name or Monograph
Publisher, the volume/issue, pagination, and year of publication.

TI           Title [Word Indexed]
example:     health care.ti.
             inner city schools.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the title of an article as it appeared in
the print publication.

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in the document title, but
do not appear in the Title index.  However, the word "a", which is a
stopword in other fields, can be searched in the title.

UP           Update Code [Word Indexed]
example:     9605.up.

The Update Code (UP) field contains a four-digit number in the format
YYMM, representing the year and month in which an item was entered into
the database.

YR           Publication Year [Word Indexed]
example:     1996.yr.

The Year of Publication (YR) field contains the year in which an article
or monograph was published.

PAIS International Limits

The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen

Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits

English Language
Command Syntax:     ..l/1 lg=eng
Setence Syntax:     limit 1 to english

Publication Type
Command Syntax:     ..l/1 pt=journal article
Sentence Syntax:    limit to journal article

Update Code
Command Syntax:     ..l/1 up=9605
Sentence Syntax:    limit 1 to up=9605

Publication Year
Command Syntax:     ..l/1 yr=1995
Sentence Syntax:    limit 1 to yr=1995

Change to PAIS from another database

Command Syntax:        ..c/pais
Sentence Syntax:       use pais

Sample PAIS Documents

  Database Copyright (c) 1996 by Public Affairs Information Service,
Accession Number
  Goldstein, Judith.
  International law and domestic institutions: reconciling North
  American "unfair" trade laws.
  International Organization, 50:541-64 Autumn 1996.
  Analyses US domestic political reasons for entering into apparently
  unfavorable dispute settlement procedures with Canada under the
  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the earlier
  Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUSTA).
Subject Headings
  United States -- Economic relations -- Canada
  Canada -- Economic relations -- United States
  International law
  Free trade and protection
  North American free trade agreement
  Canada -- Treaties -- United States
  United States -- Treaties -- Canada
  English (eng).
Publication Type
  Journal Article.
Special Features
  bibl(s). table(s). chart(s).
Year of Publication
Update Code

  Database Copyright (c) 1996 by Public Affairs Information Service,
Accession Number
  Guia, Elizabeth; Padilla, Oscar.
  Fighting drugs at the source.
  World & I, 11:62-7 N 1996.
  Examines the social costs of coca production and a UN development
  strategy for training farmers in growing, transporting, and
  marketing alternative crops through cooperatives; Peru and Colombia.
  Sponsored by the UN International Drug Control Program (UNDCP).
Subject Headings
  Peru -- Agricultural sector
  Colombia -- Agricultural sector
  Cocaine -- Andes region
  United Nations -- Drug control program
  Narcotics and crime -- Andes region
  Agriculture, Cooperative -- Andes region
 English (eng).
Publication Type
  Journal Article.
Special Features
Year of Publication
Update Code

PAIS Producer Copyright Information

The PAIS International Database is copyrighted and is the property of Public Affairs Information Service, Inc. Users of the database may view screen displays of the data and may make up to five (5) copies per screen display of any portions of such data for internal or personal noncommercial purposes. Such copies of limited portions of such data may be transferred or sold as an incidental part of the attorney-client, consultant-client, or other similar relationship where the principal purpose of the relationship is not the distribution of data. Screen displays of such data may be electronically downloaded in machine-readable form solely for temporary storage as required for permitted use provided that such machine-readable copies of data shall be erased after such temporary use. Users do not acquire ownership rights to any data or portions thereof when they print out or download the data and the data may not be duplicated or distributd for commercial purposes without written permission from the producer except as indicated above.

Last revised 2 April 1997