Ovid Technologies Field Guide

Pharmaprojects Online

Pharmaprojects (PHAZ)


The Pharmaprojects database reports on pharmaceutical products under development in all major markets by over 800 companies. International journals, business newsletters, conference proceedings, stock brokerage and annual reports and publications are scanned by PJB Publications for inclusion in Pharmaprojects.

Pharmaprojects (PHAZ) is updated weekly. It follows the progress of these compounds from the laboratory through all phases of clinical development to registration and worldwide launch. Included is the latest news on the development and licensing status of each compound and a digest of relevant chemical, pre-clinical and clinical details.

Alerts are launched for the following events in pharmaceutical research and development.

To facilitate online searching, the unique accession number of each article is included in the profile's reference.

For further information on the new categories visit Pharmaprojects' website at www.pjbpubs.com/pharma or contact Rebecca Kirk at rebecca@pharmmar.demon.co.uk

General Information

PJB Publications LTD.
18/20 Hill Rise
Surrey, TW10 6UA
United Kingdom
+44 181 332 8965 (Online Helpdesk)
+44 181 332 8994 (Fax)
Email: enquiry@pharmmar.demon.co.uk
Website: http://www.pjbpubs.co.uk

Years of Coverage
PHAZ: 1980 to present

Default fields for unqualified searches

All Display/Print Fields

Default Display/Print Fields

Update Frequency

Searching the Pharmaprojects fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two-letter label, the relevant alias, and an example for each Pharmaprojects field.

=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============
an or ui     Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:   015073.an.
example 2:   015073.ui.

The Accession Number (AN) field is a unique six-digit number assigned to
each document.  If you know the Accession Number of a particular
document from a previous search and wish to view the document again,
entering the number qualified to the AN field is the quickest and
easiest way to retrieve the document.

ci or rw     Chemical Information [Word Indexed]
example 1:   methyl.ci.
example 2:   methyl.rw.
example 3:   metho$.ci.
example 4:   phenol.rw

The Chemical Information (CI) field contains the systematic name for the
compound under development.  From 1990 onward, all compounds entered in
Pharmaprojects with a CAS Registry Number will have fully systematic CAS
index names in the CI field, others will have the original author's
chemical name in the CI field where available.

cn           Company Name [Word Indexed]
example:     sanofi.cn.

The Company Name (CN) field contains the name of the compound's
originating company and any licensees which may currently be
developing or co-marketing the drug.  The company names in the CN field
are those of the PARENT (or share-holding) company. Further explication
will appear in the Text (TX) field.

The CN field also contains the resident country of the originating
company's head office.

Compounds originating from non-industrial sources, for example, research
groups, do not have their nationality in the CN field, although the full
address is searchable in the Text (TX) field.

cy           Country Information [Word Indexed]
example:     canada.cy.

The Country Information (CY) field contains the countries and country
codes where the compound is currently under development, and the stages
of development and licensing availability with a particular country.
The CY field may contain up to 28 countries representing major
pharmaceutical markets, and always contains a "WORLD" market
representing the most advanced stage of development in the world for
that compound.  Additional countries or markets may be searched in the
Text (TX) field.

dc           Drug Code [Word Indexed]
example:     enzyme.dc.

The Drug Code (DC) field contains a brief code, description of
pharmacological activity from broad type to specifics, synonyms, and a
hierarchical code.  Enzymes will also include an IUB code number.

de           Descriptors [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:   hormone h04z.de.
example 2:   anaesthestic injectible n01a2.de.

The Descriptors (DE) field contains the standardized Pharmaprojects Drug
Activity Descriptors and Codes based originally on the European
Pharmaceutical Market Research Association (EPhMRA) coding system.  The
major activity (or type) of the product is given followed by any
additional activities it may have.

If you wish to consider a broad range of codes, you may either truncate
the code after the first two or more significant characters, or select
the appropriate codes from the index after entering one or more
significant characters.

The Code appears within parentheses after the Descriptor.

hw           Heading Word [Word Indexed]
example 1:   h04z.hw.
example 2:   hormone.hw.

The Heading Word (HW) field includes words from the Title (TI) field,
the Synonyms (SY) field, and the Descriptors (DE) field. All words are

ic	     Indication [Word Indexed]
example:  acne.ic.

The Indication (IC) field contains data on the precise diseases for
which the drug is/will be used.

ln	     Therapy, Pharmacology and Development Table [Word Indexed]
example:  H4B.ln.

The Therapy, Pharmacology, and Development Table (LN) contains
information on development stage by therapy and pharmacological
activity by therapy.

mf	     Molecular Formula [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:  2c13h25no3 3h2o.mf.
example 2:  c102h172n36032s7.mf.

The Molecular Formula Field (MF) contains
the compound's molecular formula calculated from its structure.

mr	     Market Rating [Word Indexed]
example:     3.mr.

Market Size Rating (MR) field contains data on which 5 bands of
recorded worldwide sales the compound's primary therapeutic
activity falls into.

nm           Drug Name
example 1:   gm$.nm.
example 2:   uraprene.nm.

Name (NM) is an alias for Title (TI) and Synonyms (SY).

nr           Novelty Rating [Word Indexed]
example:     3.nr.

The Novelty Rating (NR) field looks at the combination of the
compound's primary therapy and pharmacology and records whether this is
a first-of-kind, 2nd, 3rd or 4th of kind, or a 'me-too'.

nt           Notes [Word Indexed]
example 1:   activator.nt.

The Notes (NT) field contains information on the reasons for updating or
changing the documents within the database since May 1989 (beginning of
the printed Pharmaprojects, Vol. 10) and the month and year in the
format YYMM00 of the printed update in which the change was reported
(which is not necessarily the month and year in which the event

or	     Origin of Material [Word Indexed]
example:     antibody.or.

The Origin of Material Field (OR) contains
information on how the drug was produced ie. whether it was a natural
product, a biological or whether it was chemically synthesized.  A
number of subcategories exist.

pc	     Pharmacological Activity Code Breakdown [Word Indexed]
example:     acchol.pc.

The Pharmacological Activity Code Breakdown (PC) field contains
information to use the hierarchy in the pharmacological codes to
perform broader or narrower searches.

pn	     Patent Number [Word Indexed]
example 1:     02150293.pn.
example 2:   be858864.pn.

The Patent Number (PN) field contains the patent number associated
with the product being discussed. The number can be searched either
with the two digit country code prepended or without.

pr 	     Priority Date [Word Indexed]
example:     at880513.pr.

The Priority Date (PR) field contains the Priority Date for the patent.

rn           Registry Number [Phrase Indexed]
example:     113558 89 7.rn.

The Registry Numbers (RN) field contains the registry numbers given to
the chemical compounds by CAS.

ro	     Route of Administration [Word Indexed]
example:     bronchial.ro.

The Route of Administration Field (RO) contains information on by
which route the drug will be administered into the body, with a
hierarchical classification.

rt 	     Rating
       - This is a display field only -

sg   	     File Segment [Word Indexed]
example:     launched.sg.

The Segment (SG) field indicates the status of the product as being
either Active, Undeveloped, Discontinued or Launched.

sh           Subject Headings
example 1:   hormone$.sh.
example 2:   acadesine.sh.
example 3:   albunex.sh.

Subject Headings (SH) is an alias for Title (TI), Synonyms (SY),
and Descriptors (DE) fields.

so           Source
- This field is display only -

sr           Speed of Development [Word Indexed]
example:     2.sr.

The Speed of Development (SR) field records whether the compound
completed its last developmental milestone in faster, slower or average
time compared to other compounds in its therapeutic class.

sy           Synonyms [Word Indexed]
example 1:   artificial tear$.sy.
example 2:   uraprene.sy.

The Synonym (SY) field contains names and codes other than that listed
in the Title (TI) field by which a compound is known.  You may use the
field label NM to search Titles and Synonyms.

tc	     Transaction Code [Word Indexed]
example:     new.tc.

The Transaction Code Field (TC) field contains the entry month in the
format YYYYMM and one of the following document types:

NEW DOCUMENT indicates that the document was added during the most
recent update.

REVISED DOCUMENT indicates that the document underwent minor revision
during the most recent update.

AMENDED DOCUMENT indicates that the document underwent major revision
during the most recent update.

ti           Title [Word Indexed]
example 1:   exendin amylin.ti.
example 2:   gm$.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the name or code by which a product is
currently found in Pharmaprojects, depending on the stage of development
and the type of product.

The Title may include the Generic Name (INN), Research Code,
Pharmaprojects Number, Compound Identifier (therapeutic class usually
followed by the developing company's name), Formulation Name (generic
compound name followed by either the company's name, technology used, or
site of action of the formulation), or the Trade Name.

tr	      Total Rating [Word Indexed]
example 1:    2.tr.
example 2:    speed.tr.

The Total Rating field (TR) contains the sum of the novelty,
market size and speed ratings (maximum value=12).

tx           Text [Word Indexed]
example 1:   inhibit$.tx.
example 2:   cloned.tx.
example 3:   side effect.tx.

The Text (TX) field contains the descriptive text of the product.
Depending on the stage of development and licensing status, the text may
contain information on preclinical and clinical trial results,
side-effects, dosages, current development and licensing status,
agreement types, sales potentials, estimated launch and registration
dates, patent information, and reference source information.

The TX field may also include more specific diseases names or technical
entities than the Descriptor (DE) field, countries (other than those
entered in the Country Information (CY) field, and patent numbers from
the US, UK, West Germany, Europe and Japan.  All words are searchable.

tw           Textword [from TX, CN, DC, CY and NT fields]
example 1:   norway.tw.
example 2:   sanofi.tw.
example 3:   vaso$.tw.

The Textword (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in a database
which contain text words and which are appropriate for a subject search.

The Textword field in Pharmaprojects includes Text (TX), Company Name
(CN), Drug Code (DC), Country Information (CY), and Notes (NT).

up or ew          Update Week [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:   19990222.up.
example 2:   new document.ew.

The Update Week (UP) field contains the entry week in the format YYYYMMDD
and one of the following document types: NEW DOCUMENT, REVISED DOCUMENT

NEW DOCUMENT indicates that the document was added during the most
recent update.

REVISED DOCUMENT indicates that the document underwent minor revision
during the most recent update.

AMENDED DOCUMENT indicates that the document underwent major revision
during the most recent update.

Pharmaprojects Limits

The following are the Ovid limits for the Pharmaprojects databases. Both forms of syntax for applying the limit directly at the command line are given where relevant.

Amended Documents
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to amended documents

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to canada

Drug Status...
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to registered

File Segment...
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to active

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to licensee

New Documents
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to new documents

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to originator

Revised Documents
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to revised documents

Sample PHAZ Documents

Copyright PJB Publications Ltd.  
Accession Number
  Pharmaprojects No.1341
  Pharmaprojects. PJB Publications Ltd., Richmond, Surrey, UK
Chemical Information
  Benzeneethanamine, 4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxy-N,N,alpha-trimethyl- (CAS).  
CAS Registry Numbers
  85563-10-6. 90064-51-0. 90064-52-1.  
Company Name
  Originator: Non-industrial source (  ): No Development Reported.  
  V4A (Imaging agent).  
Therapy,Pharmacology,and Development Table
  V4A:NA:N:No Development Reported.  
Drug Code
  NA: Not applicable: NA.  
Pharmacological Activity Code Breakdown
  UN: .  
Molecular Formula
  This was the most promising of a series of imaging agents, synthesized at the
  University of California, the US. When labelled with iodine
  (I) 131, it had a brain/blood uptake ratio of 9.0 in rats, with 3.4% of the
  total iv dose localized in the brain. In dogs, it had a rapid brain uptake
  (maximum at 5min), a relatively long retention in the brain (65% of the
  maximum value by 30min) and rapid clearance from blood (a constant and low
  value after 5min). Direct iodination of its precursor,
  N,N-dimethyl-2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)isopropylamine (CAS-67707-78-2 and
  90064-45-2), gave yields of 90% in 10sec which would be satisfactory for use
  with I122 (t1/2 of 3.6min). A dose of 12mCi of I122-labelled compound will
  remain 14.4min (4 t1/2) after extraction (every 20-30 min) from 200mCi of the
  parent isotope 122Xe (t1/2 20hr) (J Med Chem, 1984, 27, 1071).  
Development Status
  World: No Development Reported.  
  USA: Preclinical.  
File Segment
Update Code

Copyright PJB Publications Ltd.  
Accession Number
  Pharmaprojects. PJB Publications Ltd., Richmond, Surrey, UK
Company Name
  Originator: Schering AG (DE): Launched.  
  A11A (Nutritional supplement).  
Therapy,Pharmacology,and Development Table
Drug Code
  NA: Not applicable: NA.  
Pharmacological Activity Code Breakdown
  UN: .  
  Market Size: 2 (Therapeutic category market $501-2000 million worldwide).  
  Novelty Rating: N (Novelty not applicable).  
  Development Speed: E (Development completed).  
  Total Rating: N (Overall rating not available).  
  Tracefusin is a mineral supplement, containing zinc, copper, manganese,
  iodine and fluorine, designed to satisfy the trace element
  requirements in parenteral nutrition, developed by Leiras Oy and launched in


  Registration applications had been submitted in Bulgaria, Mexico and the
  former USSR, but it is no longer under active development (Company
  communication, Jun 1987). Updated by ML on 18/12/91.  
Development Status
  World: Launched.  
  Mexico: Pre-registration.  
File Segment
Update Code


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Last Revised 10 March, 2000