Ovid Technologies Field Guide

Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry News (PHIN, PHIC, PHID)


Produced by PJB Publications, Ltd., PHID, PHIC, and PHIN contain the complete text of articles reporting on business, market, regulatory, and scientific news and product developments in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, veterinary, agrochemical, and agricultural industries, appearing in the following newsletters.

Other sources available through this database include China News File, Scrip OTC News,ERA News Outcomes Online Plus (a source which provides additional unique articles which will not appear in any printed newsletter), the full text of Scrip's annual publications, and the 1994 Pharmaceutical League Tables.

General Information

PJB Publications LTD.
18/20 Hill Rise
Surrey, TW10 6UA
United Kingdom
+44 181 948 0751 (Online Helpdesk)
+44 181 332 8824 (Fax)
Email: eis@pjbeis.demon.co.uk
Website: http://www.pjbpubs.co.uk/online/onl.html

Years of Coverage
PHIN: 1980 to present
PHID: current one-day coverage
PHIC: current five-weeks coverage

Default fields for unqualified searches

Default Display/Print Fields [All Fields]

Update Frequency
PHIN: Weekly

Searching the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry News fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two-letter label, the relevant alias, and an example for each Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry News database field.

=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============
an           Accession Number
example 1:     00636818
example 2:     P00636818 (for 1980 - 1990 records)

ba           Article Type
example:     multi paragraph type.ba.

pd           Publication Date
example:     19940620.pd.

sf           Special Features
example:     table.sf.

so           Source
example 1:   clinica.so.
example 2:   clinica.so. adj8 608.so.

ti           Title
example:     obsessive compulsive disorder.ti.

tx           Text
example 1:   autoimmune.tx. and colloral.tx.
example 2:   lilly.tx adj10 fluoxetine.tx.

up           Update Code
example 1:   199625.up.
example 2:   1996$2.up.

Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry News Limits

The following limits are available for the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry News databases.

Latest Update
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to latest update
                       limit 1 to up=199625
Command Syntax:        ..l/2 up=199625

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to tables

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to scrip

Change to PHIN, PHIC, PHID from another database

Command Syntax:        ..c/phin
Sentence Syntax:       use phin
                       use phic
                       use phid

Sample PHIN Documents

  Copyright 1999 PJB Publications Ltd. - All Rights Reserved.
Accession Number
  ASI - Agricultural Supply Industry. Issue: 2706 p8.
  Cut in inputs would threaten economy.
Article Type
   Multi Paragraph Article
    Reducing the use of chemical inputs in farming could have a negative
  effect, not just on agriculture but on national economies, and is
  unlikely to bring  major environmental benefits. Moreover, it would
  not contribute to food quality and could encourage natural toxins
  which threaten human health, reports the British Agrochemicals
    Research carried out by Professor Michael Schmitz of Giessen
  University and Dr Monika Hartmann of the University of Frankfurt on
  the effects of reducing inputs in Germany, found that a 50%
  reduction in nitrogen application could result in short-term yield
  reductions of 18%-25%, depending on the crop. Banning pesticide use
  would cut yields by between 23%-35%, while banning both pesticides
  and mineral fertilisers would lead to reductions of between 35%-47%.
    A ban on agrochemical use would also lead to structural changes,
  they say. For example, the German cereal area would decline from 56%
  to 38% of the total farmed area, and farm incomes would fall by
  about 50%.
    Furthermore, a 95% cut in pesticide and fertiliser inputs would
  result in a 36% reduction of total Germany production. It would be
  accompanied by job losses totalling 183,000 in agriculture, with
  more than 400,000 losses across the whole economy. Germany's
  importance in world trade would decline, with exports falling by 50%
  and imports rising by 30%.
    Environmentally, there would be some benefit from the reduced use of
  inputs, admits the research. However, as  restrictions become
  tighter, the costs of environmental agricultural policies rise
  disproportionately to the benefits. A small reduction in inputs is
  more likely to bring a good level of environmental benefit without
  huge costs to the economy, concludes the research.
Publication Date
Update Code

  Copyright 1996 PJB Publications Ltd. - All Rights Reserved.
Accession Number
  ASI - Agricultural Supply Industry. Issue: 2706 p6.
  World wheat output up 5 million tonnes.
Article Type
  Multi Paragraph Article
    World wheat output in 1997 is forecast to total 585m tonnes, 5m
  tonnes higher than in 1996, indicate the first detailed estimates
  from the International Grains Council (IGC).
    Total EU production is forecast at 100.6m tonnes, up from 99.4m
  tonnes in 1996. The increase is largely due to a rise in the planted
  area, with average yields not expected to match those of 1996. In
  France, wheat plantings are up 3.6% at around 4.9m ha. Crops in the
  UK are well established. Frosty weather has slowed plant
  establishment, but helped to contain pest populations.
    US production is forecast to rise from 62.1m tonnes to 63m tonnes,
  despite a 7% decline in the winter wheat area (see ASI, January
  17th, p 6). Overall, if "normal" growing conditions persist, 1997
  could see production sustained in the EU and the US and a recovery
  in output in Russia and the Ukraine. However, these gains could be
  partly offset by smaller crops in Argentina, Canada, China and
  Australia, says the IGC.
Update Code
Publication Date

PHIN Producer Copyright Information

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1. Online users of PJB online databases may download PJB data from those databases onto a personal computer (PC) or into their personal electronic mailbox and integrate that information onto a computer file held on that PC.

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4. Permission is granted to make one (1) electronic copy of the downloaded PJB data for back-up security purposes to be used only in the event of the first copy being rendered unusable.

5. Online users may make one (1) printed hardcopy of the downloaded PJB data and this hardcopy may be examined by members of the customers' organization working at the customer site where the downloading took place. The hardcopy may be kept in a central library for ease of reference.

6. The downloaded PJB data is restricted to employees of the customer and may not be exploited whether by way of sale, licence or otherwise to any third party.

Uses other than those described above require a license agreement between customer and PJB Publications Ltd.

Updated 10 May 2001