Using the PrintRAP Utility from ISI



Request-A-Print is a convenient method for generating requests for reprints on forms supplied by ISI- Thomson Scientific. Each form is a postcard addressed to the reprint author containining bibliographic information about the requested article and your name and address.

Installing the ISI- Thomson Scientific Print R-A-P Utility

Before you can run the Print R-A-P utility for the first time, you must run a set-up program to install the utility on your computer. The name of the utility is RAPUtil. Once installed, the it is ready to use whenever you want to print requests for reprints.

1. Insert the Current Contents disc in the CD drive of your computer.

2. From the Start menu in Windows, select Run.

3. In the Run dialog box, click the Browse button.

4. In the Browse dialog box, navigate to the CD-ROM drive of your computer (e.g., D:).

5. Open the ISI- Thomson Scientific folder. Select the file Rapsetup, and click Open. Then click OK when the file name Rapsetup.exe appears in the Run dialog box.

6. Follow the instructions on your screen to install the Print R-A-P utility. During installation, note where Ovid creates the Print R-A-P Utility folder. The default location is the C:\Program Files directory. You may want to store the Print R-A-P Utility folder in C:\Ovid instead.

7. If you intend to generate reprint requests for documents retrieved from a Current Contents Annual database, perform the following copy operation after installing the Annual CD:

    1) Open Windows Explorer to see a directory of the folders stored on the hard disk of your computer.

    2) Navigate to the Ovid folder on your hard disk (i.e., C:\OVID).

    3) Inside the Ovid folder, open a folder containing a weekly CC Database (e.g., Life or Beha or Tech).

    4) Select Printrap.fmt. Then copy it from the weekly folder and paste it into the folder containing the Annual. A folder containing an Annual indicates the year of the Annual (e.g., Life97 or Beha98 or Tech99).

    5) When you see the prompt asking you whether you want to overwrite the Printrap.fmt file in the Annual folder, click Yes.

The Rapsetup.exe file is also archived on the Ovid FTP Server in the /pub directory.  Click the following link for more help on getting files via FTP:

Retrieving files from the Ovid FTP server

How to Save Ovid Documents for Request-A-Print

Request-A-Print format is an Ovid Output Format that you select from the Save Documents dialog box.  You may save documents either from a set on the Main Search Page, or from the Document Display screen.

1. Click the Save button at the bottom of the window, or select Save from the File menu.

2. Click the Options button in the Save Documents dialog box.

3. From the displayed list of formatting options, select Output Format. Then select Modify to make changes.

4. In the Output Format box, select Request-A-Print and click OK.  You will be returned to the Save Documents dialog.

5. Name your file and click OK.  When Ovid saves the file, it adds the extension *.rap to the file name you assign.
The saved RAP file may now be printed using the ISI- Thomson Scientific Print R-A-P utility on the special ISI- Thomson Scientific Request-A-Print forms.

Output Format - Default Setting

For users of the Current Contents databases, Ovid offers three output formats for saved documents:  Ovid Format, Reprint Format, and Request-A-Print format.  The default for Saved Documents is Ovid Format.

If you wish all documents to be saved by default in Request-A-Print format, you may change the default Output Format using the Ovid Configuration Editor:

1. From the Options menu on the Main Search Page, select Default Settings.

2. Select Current Contents from the list of databases. Click Modify.

3. Select Print/Save Options. Click Modify.

4. Select Output Format. Click Modify.

5. Select Request-A-Print. Then click OK.

Close the Configuration Editor.

Using the Print R-A-P Utility

After you have saved Ovid documents in Request-A-Print format, you may print the file on ISI- Thomson Scientific Request-A-Print forms using the ISI- Thomson Scientific Print R-A-P utility.

1. Load the Request-A-Print forms in your printer.

2. From the Start menu in Windows, select Run.

3. In the Run dialog box, click the Browse button to navigate to the folder Print R-A-P Utility. (This folder will be in Program Files, unless you saved it elsewhere when you installed the utility. See step 6 under Installing the Print R-A-P Utility.) Open the folder, select RAPUtil, and click Open. Then click OK in the Run dialog box.

4. From the File menu in the Print R-A-P program, select Open Saved RAP File.

5. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder containing the file of saved documents for which you want to generate requests for reprints. The file must have the extension .rap. Click Open.

6.  From the Options menu, select Requester Information. Fill in the SHIP TO Address with the name and address of the person to whom the reprints should be sent. After completing the form, click OK. Note: you must complete this form each time you run the RAPUtil program.

7. From the File menu, select Print R-A-P Order.

8. The RAP Print Options dialog box lets you:

9. Click OK to close the RAP Print Options dialog box.

10. Click OK in the Print ? RAP Order dialog box to print the order.

Using the Print R-A-P Utility on Another Computer

ISI- Thomson Scientific has granted permission to copy the Print R-A-P utility to another computer. This is  useful if you search Ovid on one computer but want to print the forms on a printer attached to a different computer. This procedure is necessary if you save Current Contents documents via Ovid Web Gateway.

Follow these steps to run the Print R-A-P utility from a floppy disk at another computer.  Alternatively, you may modify this procedure to run the utility from a directory on the computer's hard disk.

1. Save your documents in Ovid using Request-A-Print output format.

2. Record the file name of your output file for later reference.

3. Copy the saved output file along with the RAPUtil.exe file to a floppy disk.

4. Insert the floppy disk in the floppy disk drive of the computer attached to the printer that you want to use to print out your reprint requests.

5. Insert the special Request-A-Print forms in the printer.

6. From the Start menu in Windows, select Run. Then in the Run dialog box, click Browse and nagivate to the floppy drive. Select RAPUtil.  Click Open, and then click OK.

Ordering Request-A-Print Forms

To order Request-A-Print forms, contact the ISI- Thomson Scientific Sales Department:

North America
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia,  PA  19104  USA
Telephone:  215-386-0100, ext. 1483
or (toll-free) 800-336-4474
Fax:  215-386-2911

Brunel Science Park
Uxbridge UB8 3PQ, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-1895-270016
Fax: +44-1895-256710

Thomson Corporation K.K.
Palaceside Building 5F
1-1-1 Hitotsubashi
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0003 Japan
Phone: +81-3-5218-6530
Fax: +81-3-5218-6536

Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan)
60 Albert Street
#15-01 Albert Complex
Singapore 189969
Phone: +65-338-7747
Fax: +65-338-9949

Latin America and Mexico
3501 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104 U.S.A.
Phone: +1-215-386-0100
Fax: +1-215-243-2246