Ovid Technologies, Inc.
2000 PsycINFO Reload News

New Fields

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
If present, the URL field contains the Uniform Resource Locator where an online version of the document, a full text version of the document, or additional information is available. This field specifies that the method of access is http://(World Wide Web HTML protocol).

Author E-mail (AE)
The Author Email (AE) Field contains the email addresses of the person(s) responsible for the work represented by the record.

Changes to Current Fields

Publisher (PUB)
The Publisher field, originally for non-serial records only (book and book chapter records), has now been expanded to include journal article records. Also, a new subfield for Publisher URLs has been included. The recommended serial format if concatenating the Publisher information to the Source Field is to have the Publisher Name, Country of Publication, and Publisher URL concatenated after pagination.

Location (LO)
The field once entitled Population Location has been changed to the Location (LO) field for the 2000 Reload of PsycINFO.

Entry Week (EW)
The Entry Week (EW) field has changed from four digits to eight digits in the form of YYYYMMDD. This change may effect current SDIs.

Thesaurus Update

The 2001 Thesaurus has gone through major changes. This includes hierarchy changes, revisions to the terms themselves (mostly spelling changes), as well as some deleted terms.

There has also been terms added which include the following:

New Segmentation

The PsycINFO segmentatation has changed. Please refer to the PsycINFO Field Guide for further information.