Ovid Technologies Field Guide

Sociological Abstracts [SOCA]

Sociofile [SOCI]


Sociological Abstracts is the premier online resource for researchers, professionals and students in sociology and related disciplines. Sociological Abstracts includes the following subfiles:

Sociofile is a subset of Sociological Abstracts, distinguished only by dates of coverage: 1974 to the present. The coverage for SOPODA is current through 1999.

The following areas are covered in SOCA and SOCI:

	 activism and action research      gerontology
	 case work                         media
	 community organization            policy sciences
	 demographics                      political science
	 family studies                    social security programs
	 feminist studies                  sociology

General Information

Sociological Abstracts
P.O. Box 22206
San Diego, CA 92192-0206
phone: 619-695-8803
fax: 619-695-0416
Website: http://www.socabs.org
Email: socio@cerfnet.com

Years of Coverage
Sociological Abstracts: 1963-present
sociofile: 1974-present

Default fields for unqualified searches

All Display/Print Fields

Default Display/Print Fields

Update Frequency
Six times a year

Ovid Implementation Features


When a searcher enters a natural language subject term it is automatically converted to the appropriate Sociological Abstracts Subject Heading. The Ovid thesaurus provides a graphical display; browsing of broader and narrower terms as well as related terms; and displays important postings information.

Ovid Mapping:

Natural language terms are matched to the appropriate Thesaurus of Sociological Abstracts Subject Headings. Access to the Thesaurus is also available from the Mapping screen.

Extensive On-Screen Support:

Context-sensitive Help, Scope Notes, definitions and task descriptions are all available on screen to guide users through successful and thorough searches.

Searching the Sociological Abstracts/sociofile fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two-letter label, the relevant alias, and an example for each Sociological Abstracts/sociofile field.

=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============

ab           Abstract [Word Indexed]
example 1:   mental illness.ab.
example 2:   israel.ab.

The Abstract (AB) field summarizes the content of the document and
generally describes the background, methods, results, and conclusions.

Once a record has been included in the database with a full abstract,
subsequently published versions selected for coverage are entered with
complete citations, indexing, and a reference in the abstract to the
accession number of the original record.

am           Association Name [Word Indexed]
example 1:   sssp.as.
example 2:   social problems.am.

The Assocation Name (AM) field indicates which association is
responsible for publishing an association paper.  This field includes
the full name of the assocation as well as the Assocation Abbreviation
(AS), and displays as part of the Source [SO] field.

an           Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]
example:     9507689.an.

The Accession Number (AN) field contains an alphanumeric code which
uniquely identifies each record.

The first two digits of the accession number represent the year of
publication in the database; this is followed by a five-digit number
assigned sequentially beginning with 00001 each year.  Prior to 1993,
the first two digits were followed by an alphabetic character and a
four-digit sequential number.

Six alphabetic characters are reserved for specific document types.  For
records originating from Sociological Abstracts:  "a" designates book
reviews, "c" for book abstracts, and "S" for association papers.  For
records originating from SOPODA, three letters are used to identify the
general classification section into which the record fits:  "D" for
Social Development, "P" for Social Planning/Policy, and "W" for Social

as           Association Abbreviation [Phrase Indexed]
example:     sssp.as.

The Association Abbreviation (AS) field indicates which association is
responsible for publishing an association paper.  This field includes
only the association abbreviation; the Association Name (AM) field
contains the full name of the association.

au           Author [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:   huff c ronald ed.ra.
example 2:   huff c ronald.ra.

The Author (AU) field contains all of the authors of an article or
publication.  The author names are indexed in the format of last name
followed by first and middle names or up to two initials, as they
appeared in the original article.  Thus, a person named James Charles
Smith may appear as Smith James C, Smith J. Charles, Smith JC, or Smith

cc           Classification Codes [Phrase Indexed]
example:     0410.cc.

Classification Codes (CC) are 4-digit numbers representing broad subject
categories within Sociological Abstracts.  Both the 4-digit numbers and
the subject categories which they represent are displayed.

Documents having more than one major focus are classified into all
appropriate areas; prior to 1985, each document was assigned one
classification code representing the primary focus of the article.

cd           CODEN [Phrase Indexed]
example:     aslqar.cd.

The CODEN (CD) field contains the standard 6-letter CODEN for the
journal in which the document was published.

CODENS are assigned by the International Standards Organization (ISO).

cp           Country of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
example:     united states.cp.

The Country of Publication (CP) field designates the country in which
the source document was originally published.

em           Entry Month [Phrase Indexed]
example:     9601.em.

The Entry Month (EM) field contains a four-digit number in the format
YYMM, representing the year and month in which an item was entered into
the database.  This field may also be searched with the UP [update]

ev           Review Evaluation [Phrase Indexed]
example:     very favorable.ev.

The Review Evaluation (EV) field, in review records, indicates whether
the review is favorable or unfavorable.

The evaluations assigned are:  very favorable review, favorable review,
neutral review, unfavorable review, and very unfavorable review.

ey           Edition Year [Phrase Indexed]
example:     1990.ey.

The Edition Year (EY) field contains the year of publication for
monographs.  If previous editions of the monograph exist, the original
edition year is included.

Both the edition year and original edition year are indexed in the
Edition Year index.  Searching for "1994" will retrieve both monographs
originally published in 1994 and monographs published in later years for
which the original publication was in 1994.

hw           Heading Word [Word Indexed]
example:     homelessness.hw.

The Heading Word (HW) field allows you to search using all Subject
Headings (SH) containing a particular word.

The postings for a particular Heading Word will include all postings
which would be obtained by searching every Subject Heading containing
that word.  The old field label, DE, is an alias for HW.

ib           ISBN [Phrase Indexed]
example:     968-6233-04-0.ib.

The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number
(ISBN) for monographs.

id           Key Phrase Identifiers [Word Indexed]
example:     homeless population.id.

The Key Phrase Identifiers (ID) field contains an "abstract of the
abstract," indicating, as appropriate, the dependent and independent
variables, tests and measures, populations and locations, and additional
information such as type of study.

in           Author Affiliation [Word Indexed]
example:     michigan state.in.

The Institution (IN) field contains the complete address of the senior
author when provided in the source journal or by the author in an
author-written abstract.

Beginning in 1987, if the senior author's affiliation is not given, the
second (or third) author's affiliation is used (if available), preceded
by the author's last name.

is           ISSN [Phrase Indexed]
example:     1192-1854.is.

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number
(ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published.

jd           Journal Description [Word Indexed]
example:     anthropology.jd.

The Journal Description (JD) field contains the bibliographic
information needed to find an article within the source publication.  It
includes year, month, volume, issue/part, and pagination.

jn           Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:   journal of social issues.jn.
example 2:   addiction.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in
which an article was published.  This field usually displays as part of
the Source (SO) field.

jw           Journal Word [Word Indexed]
example:     alcohol.jw.

The Journal Word (JW) field contains individual words from every journal
name in the database.

Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included.  This field is used to
retrieve every occurance of a journal which includes a particular word,
such as "society".

lc           Library of Congress Catalog Number [Phrase Indexed]
example:     75-17289.lc.

The Library of Congress Catalog Number (LC) contains the catalog number
assigned by the Library of Congress when available for monographs.

lg           Language [Phrase Indexed]
example:     eng.lg.

The Language (LG) field contains the language(s) of publication of an
article or monograph.  The language name is spelled out in full form.

lr           Reviewed Document Language [Phrase Indexed]
example:     fre.lr.

The Reviewed Document Language (LR) field indicates the language of the
document under review.  The language name will appear in the index as a
3-letter code (such as fre for French); the codes are usually, but not
always, the first three letters of the language name.  The old field
label, DL, may be used as an alias)

nt           General Notes [Word Indexed]
example 1:   available.nt.
example 2:   french translation.nt.
example 3:   comment#.nt.

The Notes (NT) field contains additional notes relevant to the source
document.  The Notes field indicates either that the document being
abstracted is followed by a short article or articles commenting on the
original source document, the document is a translation, or the
association paper is available from sociological abstracts' Document
Delivery Service.

In dissertation records for dissertations which are available from UMI,
the Notes field supplies a UMI order number.  The old field label, AV, is
an alias for NT.

ot           Original Title [Word Indexed]
example 1:   quebec.ot.
example 2:   fetes feminines.ot.

The Original Title (OT) field contains non-English titles in the
original document language.  If the original article title was in a
non-Roman alphabet, the OT is transliterated.

When searching for French titles, omit article prefixes, e.g., "etude"
not "l'etude."

pb           Book Publisher [Word Indexed]
example 1:   sage publications.pb.
example 2:   london.pb.

The Book Publisher (PB) field contains the publisher of the source
document for monographs as well as bibliographic information, including
page numbers when a record refers to a specific article or chapter.

pr           Book Price and Binding [Word Indexed]
example 1:   "1000".pr.  (this searches for $10.00)
example 2:   paper.pr.

The Book Price and Binding (PR) field contains the binding and format
information for a book in addition to the approximate retail price
associated with the item.

pt           Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:   abstract of journal article.pt.
example 2:   book review.pt.

The Publication Type (PT) field contains the type of article or
monograph that the record describes.

All records in the database are assigned one of the following
publication type designations:  Abstract of a Journal Article,
Association Paper, Book Abstract, Book Chapter Abstracts, Book Review,
Dissertation, Film Review, Game Review, Instructional Kit, Microforms,
or Software Review.

ra           Reviewed Document Author [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:   huff c ronald ed.ra.
example 2:   huff c ronald.ra.

The Reviewed Document Author (RA) field contains the author of a
reviewed work.

The author names are indexed in the format of last name followed by
first and middle names or up to two initials, as they appeared in the
original article.  Thus, a person named James Charles Smith may appear
as Smith James C, Smith J Charles, Smith JC, or Smith J.

Note that the old field label, DA, is an alias for RA.

sf           Subfile [Phrase Indexed]
example 2:   17-1-1995.sf.

The Subfile (SF) field contains the subfile (Sociological Abstracts or
Social Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts) that the record
originates from as well as the edition (volume, issue, and year) of the

sh           Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]
example 1:   sex differences.sh.
example 2:   prisons.sh.

The Subject Headings (SH) field contains the Subject Headings (also
known as "descriptors" or "index terms") used by indexers at
Sociological Abstracts, Inc. to describe the content of a document.

Since 1986, Subject Headings are assigned from the Thesaurus of
Sociological Indexing Terms; prior to 1986, Subject Headings were
assigned from a cumulative authority file.

Since 1996, Subject Headings which describe the major focus of a
document will appear preceded by an asterisk (*); prior to 1996, major
focus was not assigned to Subject Headings.

The old field label, DE, is an alias for SH.

so           Source [JD, JN, PB, YR fields]
example 1:   winter.so.
example 2:   1990.so.
example 3:   "31-47".so.

The Source (SO) field includes a display of all of the basic information
needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Name or Monograph
Publisher, the volume/issue, pagination, and year of publication.

ti           Title [Word Indexed]
example 1:   ethnic relations.ti.
example 2:   childrearing.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the title of an article as it appeared in
the print publication.

English-language translations are included for non-English titles; the
Original Title (OT) field contains the title in the original document

yr           Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
example:     1996.yr.

The Year of Publication (YR) field contains the year in which an article
or monograph was published.

Sociological Abstracts/sociofile Limits

The following alphabetical list contains the Ovid limits relevant to the Sociological Abstracts/sociofile databases. The command line options are outlined below; all available limits are also selectable from the limit list.

command syntax:        ..l/1 ab=y
sentence syntax:       limit 1 to abstracts

Available from UMI
sentence syntax:       limit 1 to available from umi

command syntax:        ..l/1 lg=eng
sentence syntax:       limit 1 to english

command syntax:        ..l/1 lg=fre
sentence sytnax:       limit 1 to french

Latest Update
command syntax:        ..l/1 up=y
sentence syntax:       limit to latest update

Non-English Language
sentence syntax:       limit 1 to non english language

Publication Type
command syntax:        ..l/1 pt=book review
sentence syntax:       limit 1 to book review

Publication Year
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 yr=1994

Review Evaluation
sentence syntax:       limit 1 to very favorable review

sentence syntax:       limit 1 to soca
command ayntax:        ..l/1 sf=soca
command syntax:        ..l/1 sf=spda

Update Code
command syntax:        ..l/1 up=9402

Change to SOCS or SOCI from another database

Sociological Abstracts
Command Syntax:        ..c/soca
Sentence Syntax:       use soca

Command Syntax:        ..c/soci
Sentence Syntax:       use soci

Sample SOCA Documents

Accession Number
  Abstract of Journal Article:  97W25866.
  Suris, Joan-Carles;  Parera, Nuria;  Puig, Conxita.
  Unitat Adolescents Instit U Dexeus, E-08017 Barcelona Spain.
  Chronic Illness and Emotional Distress in Adolescence.
  Journal of Adolescent Health, 1996, 19, 2, Aug, 153-156
  Compares emotional distress & suicidal ideation among adolescents
  with & without chronic illness via 1993 survey data collected from
  1,027 students in Spain. It was found that adolescents with chronic
  conditions were no more likely to visit a mental health professional
  than were healthier teenagers. However, females with chronic
  conditions exhibited more symptoms of emotional distress than did
  males or nonchronic females. 2 Tables, 36 References. Adapted from
  the source document. (Copyright 1997,
  Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.)
Key Phrase Identifiers
  emotional distress, non- vs chronically ill adolescents; 1993 survey
  data; Spain.
Subject Headings
  *Psychological Distress
  *Chronic Illness
  Sex Differences
  Classification Codes
  social welfare -- illness & health care (6140).
Country of Publication
  United States.
Publication Type
  Abstract of Journal Article.
  Social Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts: 19(1) 1997.
Entry Month

Accession Number
  Abstract of Journal Article:  83N0892.
  Bouillier, Veronique.
  When Women Have Festivals...Women's Festivals among High Caste
  Indo-Nepalese. [French].
Original Title
  Si les femmes faisaient la fete...A propos des fetes feminines dans
  les hautes castes indo-nepalaises.
  L'Homme, 1982, 22, 3, July-Sept, 91-118
  Women are entirely excluded from some high-caste festivals of the
  Indo-Nepalese calendar. Other festivals, however, are exclusively or
  predominantly for women. Analysis of six festivals shows how certain
  mythic & ritual elements contain discourse about women's lives &
  roles. Within the annual cycle of these six festivals, the completed
  picture of the ideal woman's behavior is demonstrated, showing her
  functioning as perfect sister, wife, & mother. However, though these
  festivals are about women, they mirror the goals of the dominant
  masculine society, as well as the fundamental ambivalence of Hindu
  society toward women & sexuality (illustrated, eg, in the myth of
  Siva & Parvati). These festivals, reserved in character, are also
  informed by the social theme of a woman's status, in her family of
  origin & in her married state. Modified HA
  (Copyright 1983, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.)
Key Phrase Identifiers
  women's festivals, high caste Indo-Nepalese, lives/roles
Subject Headings
  Caste Systems
Classification Codes
  culture and social structure -- social anthropology (0514).
Country of Publication
Publication Type
  Abstract of Journal Article.
  Sociological Abstracts: 31(3) 1983.
Entry Month

Sociological Abstracts and Sociofile Producer Copyright Information

Sociological Abstracts, Inc. (SAI), is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights to the SAI databases.

Temporary storage from an electronic search is permitted for purposes of subsequent editing. Practices such as combining and deduplicating results from multi database searches, and storing copies of results for personal use, is recognized as fair and valid use of material from the SAI databases.

No part of the database may be duplicated in hard-copy or machine-readable form without prior written permission from SAI, except that reproduction of up to 25 copies of search output is permitted within the searcher's organization, solely for research or scholarship purposes. Recipients of search output from the SAI databases must be informed of SAI's copyright.

Although the SAI databases have been formulated with a reasonable standard of care, and in conformance to professional standards, SAI makes no warranties or representations of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, assumes no liability for errors or omissions, and shall not be liable for direct, indirect, or consequential damages.

Last Revised 8 April, 1997