Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory is a unique, current, comprehensive and continuously updated source of information on selected periodicals and serials published in the United States and throughout the world. It includes annuals, continuations and conference proceedings, deriving input data from over 80,000 U.S. and foreign serials publishers. Approximately 47,000 discontinued titles from 1974 onward are included. Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory gives you full buying and ordering information on the major output of international serials publishing. Complete bibliographic citations, with buying and ordering information, subject information, and Dewey Decimal Classification Number for all currently available issues are provided.
The following alphabetical list provides the two-letter label, the relevant alias, and an example for each ULRI field.
===== ============ Label Name/Example ===== ============ ab Abstract [Word Indexed] baseball.ab. The Abstract (AB) field contains a one or two line description of the periodical. ad Advertising Information [Word Indexed] advertising.ad. The Advertising Information (AD) field contains advertising information and may also include contact and rate information for the available formats. ai Abstracting & Indexing Codes [Word Indexed] bk-rev.ai. The Abstracting & Indexing Codes (AI) contains the code representing the abstracting & indexing service which indexes the publication, e.g. Biological Abstracts. al Annotation Analytic [Word Indexed] The Annotation Analytic (AL) field is no longer in use. Please use the Notes (NT) field instead. an Accession Number [Phrase Indexed] 1420045.an. The Accession Number (AN) field contains a 7-digit number assigned by Reed to uniquely identify a particular record. at Alternate Title [Word Indexed] british edition.at. The Alternate Title (AT) field contains an alternative title for the publication. An alternate title may be a parallel title in another language, a former title, or an original title if translated. This field may also contain the type alternative it is, for example, Former titles (until 1993) and ISSN. bl BLDSC Shelfmark [Phrase Indexed] 3487247140.bl. The BLDSC Shelfmark (BL) field contains an eleven digit number representing the BLDSC Shelfmark. ca Copying Notes [Word and Phrase Indexed] cf.ca. copies provided for fee.ca. The Copying Notes (CA) field contains notes regarding restrictions on copying. Copy notes include: Free copying permitted (FC); No free copying (NC); Copies provided for fee (CF), Photocopies not provided (NP); Free use of abstracts to abstracting service (FCA), No free use of abstracts to abstracting service (NCA). cd CD ROM Availability [Phrase Indexed] also available on cd rom.cd. available on cd rom only.cd. The CD ROM Availability (CD) field indicates if the title is available on CD ROM. This field displays either "Also available on CD ROM" or "Available on CD ROM only" cl Copyright Clearance Center [Phrase Indexed] copyright clearance center.cl. This field (CL) indicates whether the serial is registered with the Copyright Clearance Center. cn CODEN [Phrase Indexed] caacdx.cn. The CODEN (CN) field contains the unique alphanumeric CODEN code assigned to mainly scientific and technical publications. cp Co-Sponsor/Co-Publisher [Word Indexed] united.cp. united nations.cp. The Co-Sponsor/Co-Publisher (CP) field contains the co-sponsor and/or co-publisher of the publication. cr Circulation [Phrase Indexed] 12850.cr. The Circulation (CR) field contains the publication circulation. If the circulation is known to be paid or controlled it is followed by that designation. cs Circulation Numeric [Word Indexed] 00100000.cs. The Circulation Numeric (CS) field contains an eight digit number with the publication circulation (number with fewer than eight digits are padded with 0s). cv CD ROM Vendor [Word Indexed] bowker.cv. If the title is available on CD ROM, the CD ROM Vendor (CV) field contains the name of the vendor(s) from whom it is available. cy Country Code [Word Indexed] us.cy. The Country Code (CY) field contains the name of the country in which the publication originates. dc Documentation Suppliers [Phrase Indexed] adonis.dc. The Document Suppliers (DC) field contains abbreviations for document suppliers which provide articles from the publication. Document Suppliers listed include: ADONIS, CIS, EI, Faxon, UnCover, SWETS, UMI, CASDDS. dn Dewey Decimal Number [Word Indexed] 990.dn. The Dewey Decimal Number (DN) field contains Dewey decimal classifications assigned to the publication. ed Editor [Word Indexed] smith.ed. The Editor (ED) field contains the name and title of the editor and/or publisher (non corporate) of the serial title. fq Frequency [Word Indexed] w.fq. The Frequency (FQ) field contains information about the frequency of publication for the serial title. For example: annual, bimonthly, biweekly, daily, fortnightly, irregular, monthly, # per week/month/year, quarterly, semiannual, semimonthly, semiweekly or weekly. fx Fax Number [Word Indexed] 319.fx. The Fax Number (FX) field contains the fax number(s) for the publisher, distributor and subscription. Telex numbers will be preceded by the prefix TELEX. ic Special Categories [Word Indexed] united nations publication.ic. The Special Categories (IC) field contains special classifications assigned by Reed to provide classifying information for the serial. is ISSN [Phrase Indexed] 0099-5355.is The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the serial title. lc LC Call Number [Phrase Indexed] cb251.lc. The LC Call Number (LC) field contains the Library of Congress call number that has been applied to the publication. le Language Exceptions [Word Indexed] text in chinese.le. chinese.le. The Language Exceptions (LE) field contains language information in the following cases: 1.) if the text is in a language that is different from the language of the country of publication; 2.) the text and/or summaries are in more than one language; 3.) if different language editions are available; 4.) if the publication is in a non-roman alphabet. ma E-mail Address [Phrase Indexed] wadsworth$.ma. The E-mail Address (MA) field contains the electronic mail address(es) as provided by the publisher. no Telephone Numbers [Word Indexed] 212.no. The Telephone Numbers (NO) field contains the area code and telephone number for the publisher. The field also may contain the phone number for the distributor or the number to which subscription inquiries should be directed. nt Note(s) [Word Indexed] reprint.nt. The Note(s) (NT) field contains special series statements, bibliographic notes, format annotations and back issue notes for the publication. ov Online Availability [Word Indexed] ovid.ov. The Online Availability (OV) field contains the name of the vendor who provides this title online. pa Publisher Address [Word Indexed] poland.pa. The Publisher Address (PA) field contains the address of the publisher. Phone number information is available in the PH field. This field may also include distribution and subscription addresses if applicable. pb Publisher [Word Indexed] williams wilkins.pb. The Publisher (PB) field contains the name of the publisher including the specific department/division if available. If the publisher's name is not English the translated name will appear in parenthesis after the translation. pc Publication Code [Phrase Indexed] lb.pc. "law books and serials in print".pc. The Publication Code (PC) field contains the name of the corresponding print title in which the record appears. pr Price [Word Indexe] foreign.pr. The Price (PR) field contains domestic and foreign prices and variable pricing when applicable. Unless otherwise indicated, the price is for an annual subscription for an individual in the currency of the country of origin. pt Publication [Phrase Indexed] bibliography.pt. The Publication Type (PT) field contains one or more of the following publication types: Abstracting and Indexing Service, Academic/Scholarly Publication, Bibliography, Bulletin, Catalog, Consumer Publication, Corporate Report, Directory, Government Publication, Monograph Service, Newsletter, Newspaper, Proceedings, Trade Publication. sf Special Features [Word Indexed] film rev.sf. The Special Features (SF) field lists the special features contained in the publication. This field may also indicate if the publication is refereed or peer reviewed. sp Sponsor [Word Indexed] government.sp. The Sponsor (SP) field contains the name of the sponsoring organization. st Status Code [Word Indexed] active.st. The Status Code (ST) field contains the status of the publication. The status of a publication can be Active, Announced, Ceased, Forthcoming, Never, Published, Suspended, or Unverified. Note that the status of "Unverified" means that SOME of the information has been updated from a reliable source other than the publisher. su Subject Heading [Word Indexed] medical sciences.su. 00001909.su. The Subject Heading (SU) field contains LC-style subjects used by Reed Reference to describe the content of the serial title. td Title Description [Word Indexed] literacy.td. The Title Description (TD) field displays descriptive information about the serial, e.g. "A Magazine for professional engineers in private practice". ti Title [Word Indexed] new yorker.ti. The Title (TI) field contains the English language version of a title. Stopwords, which include commonly occurring words such as "of" and "the" will not be indexed. yr First Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed] 1997.yr. ceased.yr. The First Year of Publication (YR) field contains the year the publication was first issued.
The following are the Ovid limits for Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory.
Copyright Clearance Center Sentence Syntax: limit to copyright clearance center Sentence Syntax: limit to cc Publication Type Sentence Syntax: limit to bibliography Status Code Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to active Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to ceased
Command Syntax: ..c/ulri Sentence Syntax: use ulri
<1> Publication Code Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory (UI) Accession Number 4194184 Title New England Journal of Medicine (International Edition) Publisher Massachusetts Medical Society; Publishing Division Status Code Active Frequency Weekly Country Code United States (US) Dewey Decimal Number 610 Circulation 55,588 Abstracting & Indexing Codes Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research Subject MEDICAL SCIENCES (00001788) Editor Dr. Jerome Kassirer Abstract Presents original articles and reviews of developments in medical science and art, medical practices and the position of medicine in today's sociopolitical structure. Sponsor Publishing Division Publisher Address 10 Shattuck St., Boston, MA 02115. Copying Notes Copies provided for fee (CF); No free copying (NC); No free use of abstracts to abstracting services (NCA) Advertising Information Advertising Telephone Numbers 617-734-9800 Publication Type Academic/Scholarly Publication <2> Accession Number 1421566 Title The New Yorker Publisher Advanced Magazine Publishers, Inc. Status Code Active Frequency Weekly Price US. $39.95 (Canada $83) (effective 1996) Country Code United States (US) ISSN 0028-792X Dewey Decimal Number 051 Format Code Microform from UMI Special Features film reviews, music rev., play reviews (theater reviews), illustrations, book reviews Circulation 808,545 Abstracting & Indexing Codes Reader' Guide Abstracts; Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature; Book Review Digest; Bibliography of English Language and Literature (Now: Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature); Bk. Rev. Ind. (1965- ); Annual Index to Poetry in Periodicals (Now: Roth's American Poetry Annual) (Ceased); Abstracts of English Studies; Academic Index; Chicano Periodical Index (Now: Chicano Index); Child. Bk. Rev. Ind. (1965- ); Deep Sea Res. & Oceanogr. Abstract; Film Lit. Ind. (1973- ); Children's Literature Abstracts; Bibliography and Index of Geology (Also known as GeoRef); Index to Book Reviews in the Humanities (Ceased); Magazine Index; Media Review Digest; Music Index; Popular Magazine Review (Now: Magazine Article Summaries); R I L A (International Repertory of the Literature of Art) (Now: BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art)); T O M (Text on Microfilm); Index to Periodical Articles Related to Law; R I L M Abstracts of Music Literature (International Repertory of Music Literature) Subject LITERARY AND POLITICAL REVIEWS (00001697) Editor Pub. Diane M. Silberstein; Tina Brown First Year of Publication 1925 LC Call Number AP2 Abstract Contains fiction, poetry, cartoons, longer essays, articles and profiles of artists, writers, politicians, and other notables, for readers interested in cultural issues. Publisher Address 950 Fingerboard Rd., Staten Island, NY 10305, Subscr. to: Box 56447, Boulder, CO 80322. Copying Notes No free copying (NC); Photocopies not provided (NP) Advertising Information Advertising Telephone Numbers 212-840-3800; Subsc. 800-825-2510 BLDSC Shelfmark 6089.821000
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Updated 8 June 2001