Ovid Technologies Field Guide


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INSPEC is produced by the Institution of Electrical Engineers and provides access to the world's leading scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers and computing, and information technology. The INSPEC database offers access to international journal articles, conference proceedings, reports, dissertations and books. Producer-assigned classification codes, descriptors and identifiers enhance subject access. Retrieval may also be restricted to any of the print counterparts.

General Information

The Institution of Electrical Engineers
Marketing Department
Michael Faraday House
Six Hills Way
Stevenage, Herts SG1 2AY
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1438 767297
Fax: +44 (0) 1438 742840
Email: inspec@iee.org.uk
379 Thornall Street
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone: 732-321-5575
Fax: 732-321-5702
Email: inspec@inspecinc.com
Website: http://www.iee.org.uk
Years of Coverage
INSP, 2000 - Present
INSP5, 1997 - 1999
INSP4, 1994 - 1996
INSP3, 1988 - 1993
INSP2, 1982 - 1987
INSP1, 1969 - 1981
Default fields for unqualified searches
All Display/Print Fields
Default Display/Print Fields
Elements of SO (Source) Field
Update Frequency
Online: Weekly
Local: Weekly

Searching the INSPEC fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two-letter label, the relevant alias, and an example for each INSPEC field.
=====        ============
Label        Name/Example
=====        ============

ab           Abstract [Word Indexed]
             Two-dimensional black holes.ab.

The Abstract (AB) field summarizes the content of the document and may
also provide a description of the background, methods, results, and/or

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in the Abstract field, but
are not searchable and will not appear in the Abstract index.

an           Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]

The Accession Number (AN) field contains a unique 9-digit number.
This number is composed of a variable length number provided by
INSPEC and is preceded by zeros.

ao           Astronomical Object [Word Indexed]
             cen x-3.ao.

The Astronomical Object (AO) field contains designations for
astronomical objects discussed in the bibliographic item to which the
record refers.  This field may contain an acronym (e.g. LMC) or
positional information (e.g. 013022+30233).  Or, it may contain an
acronym for a catalogue followed by a catalogue entry number
(e.g. NGC 204) or the approximate location in the sky (usually in terms
of right ascension and declination) or galactic coordinates
(G 345.01+1.79).

INSPEC follows the guidelines produced by the International Astronomical
Union.  A thesaurus-type document entitled "Nomenclature of Astronomical
Catalogue Designations" is available from INSPEC.

au           Author [Phrase Indexed]
             hawking sw.au.

The Author (AU) field contains the names of the authors or editors of an
item.  In the case of a patent, the field contains the names of the
inventors.  The format for authors is Smith AE, or Smith A.

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and
the first initial.  If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name
(macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the
list of names to find the other.

ax           Abstract Number [Phrase Indexed]

The Abstract Number (AX) field contains the number(s) within the various
sections of the INSPEC database.  These sections are A (Physics), B
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering), C (Computing & Control
Engineering), and D (Information Technology). Items starting with A, B,
and C are those assigned to the item as published in one of the INSPEC
Abstracts Journals.  An item may appear in more than one section, and
may have more than one Abstract Number.

ca           Corporate Author [Word Indexed]

The Corporate Author (CA) field contains the name of the issuing
organization for a dissertation or a report.

Enter the single most descriptive word in a corporate author name, for
example, "Harvard," not "University." Consider both full spellings and

cc           Classification Codes [Phrase Indexed]
             crystal growth.cc.

The Classification Codes (CC) field contains the appropriate code or
codes from the INSPEC Classification.  Codes begin with a letter
identifying the section of the Classification they appear in. Any item 
may appear in more than one section.  Sections include Physics (A), 
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (B), Computers and Control (C) 
and Information Technology (D).

The numerical Classification Codes and the phrases that describe them
are each stored separately in the CC index so that one could search on
A9650D.cc. to retrieve the same documents as "Interplanetary dust".cc. 
To view and select from the hierarchical list of codes with 
corresponding terms, use the Tools/ Classification Codes option.

cd           CODEN [Phrase Indexed]

The CODEN (CD) field contains the full 6 character CODEN, including
check digit. The CODEN corresponds with the journal in the Source
field.  The CODEN for the translated source can be viewed in the
Translated Source (TS) field.

cf           Conference Information [Word Indexed]
             fuzzy logic.cf.

The Conference Information (CF) field contains the title, location, and
dates of the conference and may contain the name of the sponsoring

ch           Chemicals [Phrase Indexed]

The Chemicals (CH) field, which first appears in 1987, contains data on
the significant substances and material systems discussed in a paper.
Organic substances are not covered by this indexing.

Search on either an entire chemical compound, or any chemical group that
is a subset of that compound.  For example, search on H2S04 or simply
search on S04 for all compounds containing S04.

Roles can be applied to compounds to indicate the number of elements in
the compound. For example, to retrieve a binary system containing H2,
enter the compound followed by the appropriate code for the type of role
you are interested in.  For example,  "H2 bin" will search for H2 as
part of a binary system.  Or, search for H2 and use the Limit/Chemical
Role menu to select a role.

Roles which can be used are:

el - Element
bin - Binary System
ss - System with 3 or more components
dop - Dopant
int - Interface System
sur - Surface or Substrate
ads - Adsorbate or any sorbate

cl           U.S. Government Clearing House Number [Phrase Indexed]
             ad 672317.cl.

The US Government Clearing House Number (CL) field contains the
identification number assigned to a report by the US Government
Clearing House for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.

cn           Contract Number [Phrase Indexed]
             af 19 628 5098.cn.

The Contract Number (CN) field contains the contract number(s) under
which work described in a technical report has been performed.

cp           Country of Publication [Phrase Indexed]

The Country of Publication (CP) field contains the full name of the
country where the work was published.  Country names are indexed as
phrases.  Enter the first few letters of the country and select it from
the index.  For example, enter "Pacific" to select "Pacific Islands."

cw           Classification Code Words [Word Indexed]

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every classification code that
corresponds with a particular word; this is done by searching a single
word in the Classification Code Words (CW) field.

dn           Document Number [Phrase Indexed]
             s0010 938x 96 00040 6.dn.

The Document Number (DN) field contains the publisher's unique document-
specific identity number.  These are being increasingly used by
publishers particularly to identify documents in electronic journals.

ed           Editor  [Editor Indexed]
             Smith, B.ed.

The Editor (ED) field contains the names of an editor of an item.
Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, the last name and the
first initial.
hw           Heading Words [Word Indexed]

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every subject heading that contains
a particular word; this is done by searching a single word in the
Heading Word (HW) field.

You can also view subject headings which contain a particular word by
using the Permuted Index under the Tools option.

ib           Standard Book Number [Phrase Indexed]
             3 540 60084 1.ib.

The IB (Standard Book Number) field contains the International Standard
Book Number (ISBN) or Standard Book Number (SBN) when applicable.

id           Key Phrase Identifiers [Word Indexed]
             knowledge based systems.id.

The Key Phrase Identifiers (ID) field contains free-language words or
phrases which are assigned by INSPEC indexers.  These give a more
exhaustive description of the content of the document than that which is
provided by the original title or by controlled index terms.

in           Institution [Word Indexed]
             cambridge univ.in.

The Institution (IN) field contains the primary author's or editor's

Enter the single most descriptive word in an institution ("harvard," not
"university").  Consider both full spellings and abbreviations.

ip           Issue/Part [Word Indexed]

The Issue/Part (IP) field contains the issue and/or part for a
particular volume of a journal or other publication.  The IP field
displays as part of the Source (SO).

is           ISSN [Phrase Indexed]
             1051 8215.is.

The ISSN (IS) field contains the ISSN of the original journal.  The
ISSN of the translation can be viewed in the Translated Source field.

jn           Journal Name  [Phrase Indexed]
             theoretical computer science.jn.
             ieee journal of quantum electronics.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in
which the article was published. The Journal Name displays in the
Source (SO) field.

Journal names are indexed as phrases, so enter enough letters of the
journal name to locate the name in the index: "human comp" for "Human
Computer Interaction."

Stopwords such as "of" ARE included in the JN index, but when "the"
is the first word of a journal, it has been stripped.

jw           Journal Word [Word Indexed]

The Journal Word (JW) index contains individual words from every
journal name in INSPEC.  This field is used to retrieve every occurrence
of a journal that contains a particular word, such as "lasers."

Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included.

lg           Language [Word Indexed]

The Language (LG) field contains the language or languages of the item

nd           Numeric Data [Word Indexed]

The Numerical Data (ND) field, which first appears in 1987, contains
structured numeric data.  The data is more likely to be operating or
experimental parameters rather than measured values or experimental
results.  Only data which is in the title or abstract or is encountered
by the indexer in writing the abstract is considered for inclusion.

To limit to articles discussing a particular type (such as Velocity)
without actually searching on the actual numeric value, use the
Limit / Numeric Data option.

pb           Publisher Information [Word Indexed]

The Publisher Information (PB) index contains the words in the name of
the publisher of a book, conference proceedings, dissertation, and from
1996, journals.

pg           Pages [Word Indexed]

The Pagination (PG) field contains either the number of pages in a book,
conference proceeding, or dissertation, or the inclusive page numbers of
the original journal paper, conference paper, report section, or book

pi           Patent Information [Word Indexed]
             bissett berman.pi.

The Patent Information (PI) index is used in documents dating prior to
1977 only.  The Patent Information field contains information unique to
patents such as the application number, country of application, date
filed, and patent assignee.

pj           Translated Source Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
             fluid dynamics.pj.

The Translated Source Journal Name (PJ) field contains the full name of 
the journal in which the translation was published. The Translated 
Source Journal Name displays in the Translated Source field.

pt           Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]

The Publication Type (PT) field defines the type of document the
bibliographic record refers to.

All records in the database are assigned one of the following
publication types: Journal Paper, Book, Book Chapter, Conference
Proceedings, Conference Paper, Patent (prior to 1977 only),
Dissertation, Report, or Report Section.

pu           Publisher [Word Indexed]

The Publisher (PU) field contains the publisher of a record. This field
usually displays as a part of the Source (SO) field.

rn           Report Number [Phrase Indexed]
             mpa 891.rn.

The Report Number (RN) field contains the primary identification number
of a report.  This is normally the number given to the report by the
issuing organization (not the US Government Clearing House Number).
INSPEC treats IEEE Standards as reports.  If no report number is
available, the field contains the word "unnumbered."

The Report Number field is word indexed so any part of the report
number can be searched separately, if desired.

sh           Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]
             magnetic resonance.sh.

The Subject Heading (SH) field contains controlled index terms assigned
to the document from the INSPEC Thesaurus.

Subject Headings are entered into the index as phrases and should be
searched as they appear in the published INSPEC Thesaurus or in the
Thesaurus display that you can go to by using the Tools/Thesaurus

si           SICI  [Phrase Indexed]
             0453 4654.si.

The SICI (SI) field contains the Serial Item Contribution Identifier as
defined in ANSI Standard Z39.56 (1991).  This code is generated
automatically for journal articles, from other data elements, where

enough of these have been collected by INSPEC to produce a valid SICI
code.  The code contains some or all of the following elements: ISSN,
Chronology, Enumeration, Location Number, Title Code, Standard Version
Number, and Check Character.

so           Source
             physical review letters.so.

The Source (SO) field displays all of the basic information needed to
locate a citation, including full journal name, or monograph, publisher,
the vol/issue, pagination, and date of publication.

ti           Title [Word Indexed]
             quantum coherence.ti.
             information society.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the bibliographic record, for example,
titles of journal papers, book chapters, conference proceedings,
conference papers, patents, dissertations, and report sections.

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not
appear in the Title index.  However, the word "a", which is a stopword
in other fields CAN be searched in titles.

tr           Treatment [Phrase Indexed]
             new development.tr.

The Treatment (TR) field can be used to enhance searching when a search on
subject descriptive data elements is not enough.  Treatments can be
searched directly using the phrase or code, or they can be applied using
the Limit option.

Nine types of treatment can be assigned to a document.  The treatments,
along with a short code, are Application (A), Bibliography (B),
Economic (E), General Review (G), New Development (N), Practical (P),
Product Review (R), Theoretical or Mathematical (T), and
Experimental (X).

The Treatment Field was first used in 1971.

up           Update Code [Phrase Indexed]

The Update Code (UP) field contains an six-digit number indicating the
year and week of the update.  For example, 199805 represents the update 
for the fifth week of 1998.

ur           URL [Phrase Indexed]

The URL (UR) field contains the Internet Uniform Resource Locator of
electronic documents and document collections that have URLs that are
believed to be stable.

Each part of the URLs and file names are indexed, so enter the most
descriptive word or words in a URL or file name.

vo           Volume [Word Indexed]

The Volume (VO) index contains the volume number of a serial
publication. This field is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

yr           Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed]

The Year (YR) index contains the year in which an article or monograph
was published.  The year is indexed as four digits.

The Following Fields Are For Display Only:

av         Availability
-- display only --

The Availability (AV) field, when present, indicates where copies of
the original document can be obtained.

It is also used to convey information about the medium in which the
document is available (such as microfiche).

ce          U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code
-- display only --

The US Copyright Clearance Center Code (CE) contains the US Copyright
Clearance Center Code.  The Copyright Clearance Center (21 Congress St,
Salem, Massachusetts 01970) conveys authorizations to photocopy to users
of copyrighted material from thousands of copyright owners, mainly
publishers; royalty fees are collected from photocopy users and
distributed to appropriate publishers.

cr         Copyright
-- display only --

The Copyright (CR) field contains a statement on the copyright of the
bibliographic record.  It does not indicate the copyright ownership of
the published item to which the bibliographic record refers.

ED         Editor
--display only--

The Editor (ED) field contains the names of the editors of a monograph.
Editors can be searched in the Author (AU) access point.

EN         Editor Affiliation
--display only--

The Editor Affiliation (EN) field gives the affiliation of the first-
named editor at the time the work was done.

LH          Local Holdings
--display only--

The Local Holdings (LH) field indicates (with a "Y" or an "N") if a 
journal is held locally.

LM           Local Messages
--display only--

The  Local Messages (LM) field contains messages created by the System
Administrator to indicate information about journals held in your local
library system.

ts           Translated Source
--display only--

The Translated Source (TS) field contains the full title of an English
language cover-to-cover translation journal, along with the date,
volume, issue, page number, ISSN and CODEN of the translation when


The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Screen:
New documents are added to the INSPEC database at regular intervals. A limit to latest update will restrict retrieval to documents which were most recently added to the database. Journal Papers make up approximately 80% of the total items in the INSPEC database. A limit to Journal Papers will restrict retrieval to items abstracted from journal articles. Limit to abstracts restricts retrieval to records which contains "an abbreviated, accurate representation of a work, usually without added interpretation or criticism, accompanied by bibliographic reference to the original work when appearing separately from it." (ALA Glossary) A limit to English will restrict retrieval to articles written in the English language. Popular Command and Sentence Limits:
Publication Year
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to yr=1996
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 yr=1996

You can restrict retrieval to any of the years covered by the INSPEC 

If you choose this option you will be prompted to enter the desired
year; the format is 4 digits (1989) or a range (1994-1995).

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to spanish

A limit to Language will restrict your retrieval to any of the languages
in the limit list. If you choose this option you will be presented with
an alphabetic list of languages from which to select.

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to application

The Treatment (TR) field can be used to enhance searching when search
on subject descriptive data elements is not enough. Nine type of
treatment can be assigned. By selecting this option, you will be
presented with a list of treatments and their descriptions.

Publication Types
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to book
                       limit 1 to conference paper
                       limit 1 to report

A limit to Publication Types can restrict retrieval to one of nine
publication types. By selecting this option, you will be presented
with a list of publication types and descriptions to choose from.

Chemical Roles
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to binary system
                       limit 1 to el

Chemical Roles can be applied to compounds to indicate the number of
elements in the compound. For example, to retrieve a binary system
containing H2, search on H2.ch. and then limit the search to binary.

Numeric Data
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to altitude
                       limit 1 to galactic distance
                       limit 1 to wavelength

Select this option to select from a descriptive list of the different
types of numeric data limits available.

The data is more likely to be operating or experimental parameters
rather than measured values or experimental results. Only data which
is in the title or abstract or is encountered by the indexer in
writing the abstract is considered for inclusion.

Change to INSPEC from another database

Command Syntax:        ..c/insp
Sentence Syntax:       use insp

Sample INSP Documents

Accession Number
  Sessler AM.
  Center for Beam Phys., Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA, USA.
  The cooling of particle beams.
  AIP. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.356,
  1996, pp.391-407.  USA.
Country of Publication
Conference Information
  Future of Accelerator Physics. The Tamura Symposium. Austin, TX, USA.
  Nov. 1994.
  A review is given of the various methods which can be employed for
  cooling particle beams. These methods include radiation damping,
  stimulated radiation damping, ionization cooling, stochastic cooling,
  electron cooling, laser cooling, and laser cooling with beam coupling.
  Laser cooling has provided beams of the lowest temperatures, namely 1
  mK, but only for ions and only for the longitudinal temperature.
  Recent theoretical work has suggested how laser cooling, with the
  coupling of beam motion, can be used to reduce the ion beam
  temperature in all three directions. The majority of this paper is
  devoted to describing laser cooling and laser cooling with beam
  coupling. (20 References).
Abstract Number
  A9703-2925-014; B9702-7410B-018
Subject Headings
  Beam handling techniques; Cooling; Particle beams.
Key Phrase Identifiers
  particle beam cooling; radiation damping; stimulated radiation
  damping; ionization cooling; stochastic cooling; electron cooling;
  laser cooling; beam coupling; longitudinal temperature; beam motion;
  1 mK.
Classification Codes
  Beam handling, focusing, pulsing, stripping and diagnostics [A2925F];
  Beams in particle accelerators [A2921]; Particle beam handling and
  diagnostics [B7410B].
  General or Review.
Numeric Data
  Temperature 1.0E-03 K
U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code
Publication Type
  Conference Paper.
Update Code
  Copyright 1996, IEE.

Accession Number
  Aminneborg S; Bengtsson I; Holst S; Peldan P.
  Stockholm Univ., Sweden.
  Making anti-de Sitter black holes.
  Classical & Quantum Gravity, vol.13, no.10, Oct. 1996, pp.2707-14.
  Publisher: IOP Publishing, UK.
Country of Publication
  It is known from the work of Banados et al. (1992) that a spacetime
  with event horizons (much like the Schwarzschild black hole) can be
  obtained from (2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter space through a
  suitable identification of points. We point out that this can be done
  in 3+1 dimensions as well. In this way we obtain black holes with
  event horizons that are tori or Riemann surfaces of genus higher than
  one. They can have either one or two asymptotic regions (with non-
  standard topology). Locally, the spacetime is isometric to anti-de
  Sitter space. (9 References).
Abstract Number
Subject Headings
  Black holes; General relativity; Space-time configurations.
Key Phrase Identifiers
  antide Sitter black holes; event horizons; (2+1)D antide Sitter space;
  (3+1)D study; tori; Riemann surfaces; asymptotic regions; isometric
Classification Codes
  Black holes [A9760L]; Geometry, differential geometry, and topology
  [A0240]; Relativity and gravitation in astrophysics [A9530S]; General
  relativity [A0420]; Continuous media; electromagnetic and other mixed
  gravitational systems [A0440].
  Theoretical or mathematical.
U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code
Publication Type
  Journal Paper.
Update Code
  Copyright 1996, IEE.

INSPEC Producer Copyright Information

INSPEC database, Copyright Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1969 to (current year). Compiled and produced by the IEE in association with FIZ Karlsruhe. INSPEC data may not be duplicated in hard-copy or stored or duplicated in machine-readable form without written authorization from the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, except that data may be temporarily stored (for up to one month) in machine readable form for re- formatting or editing and that limited reproduction of printed output up to twenty-five (25) copies is permitted for distribution within the customer organization only. Under no circumstances may copies be made under this provision be offered for resale.

Revised 03 October 2001