Ovid Technologies Field Guide


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Read about ClinPSYC's latest additions in the ClinPSYC Reload News!


The PsycINFO and ClinPSYC databases cover the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and other areas. Coverage is worldwide, and includes references and abstracts to over 1400 journals (and in PsycINFO, to dissertations) in more than 30 languages, and to book chapters and books in the English language. Over 50,000 references are added annually. Popular literature is excluded. ClinPSYC differs from PsycINFO in the following ways: (1) ClinPSYC contains references only from the clinically-relevant classification codes, (2) ClinPSYC does not index dissertations, technical reports, books, or chapters, (3) ClinPSYC covers a shorter year range and is updated quarterly.

General Information

American Psychological Association
PsycINFO User Services Department
750 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(800) 374-2722 (in North America)
(202) 336-5650
Fax: (202) 336-5633
Email: psycinfo@apa.org
Website: http://www.apa.org
Years of Coverage
PsycINFO: 1887 - present, updated weekly
ClinPSYC: 1989 - present, updated quarterly
Default Fields for Unqualified Searches
All Display/Print Fields
Default Display/Print Fields
Elements of SO (Source) Field
Online Update Frequency
PsycINFO: Monthly
ClinPSYC: Quarterly
Local Update Frequency
PsycINFO: Monthly
ClinPSYC: Quarterly

Searching the PsycINFO/ClinPSYC Fields

The following alphabetical list provides the two letter label, the relevant alias, and at least one example for all searchable PsycINFO/ClinPSYC fields.

=====        ============
Label          Name/Example
=====        ============

AB, CR       Abstract or Content Representation [Word Indexed]
                     myers briggs.ab.
                     clinical trials.cr.

Abstracts (AB) written or edited by APA are included for all journal articles. APA abstracts are informative, containing information specifically targeted to be of use with various forms of literature.

For example, experimental and empirical articles will always contain the purpose of the study, the hypothesis, the subject population, methodology, results and significant conclusions. Names and genres of instruments used are included wherever possible, as well as names, dosage and route of administration of drugs.

The abstract index contains all searchable words from the abstract. Stopwords, such as "the" and "of" are not searchable in abstracts.

AE           Author E-mail

The Author Email (AE) Field contains the email addresses  of the persons responsible for the work represented by the record.

AF           All Searchable Fields
                 drug abuse.af.

Use the AF label to simultaneously search in all searchable fields in the database.

AG           Age Group [Phrase Indexed]

The Age Group (AG) field contains a standardized description of specific population age groups related to the content of the document. A record may contain multiple Age Groups:

100 - Childhood (birth to 12 yrs)
   120 - Neonatal (birth to 1 mo)
   140 - Infancy (2 to 23 mo)
   160 - Preschool Age (2 to 5 yrs)
   180 - School Age (6 to 12 yrs)
200 - Adolescence (13 to 17 yrs)
300 - Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
   320 - Young Adulthood (18 to 29 yrs)
   340 - Thirties (30 to 39 yrs)
   360 - Middle Age (40 to 64 yrs)
   380 - Aged (65 yrs & older)
   390 - Very Old (85 yrs & older)

Both the code and the term are searchable (but not the modifying text in parentheses). The Age Groups are also available as limits.

AN, UI       Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]
                   2000 95001 102.an.
                   2001 95002 391.an.

The Accession Number (AN) field appears in every PsycINFO record, and uniquely identifies the record. You can retrieve any specific record in the database with its accession number.

It contains 12 numeric characters with or without hyphens. If you do not use hyphens, you must use spaces. It is structured as follows.


YYYY = year record was processed
NNNNN = sequence of processing within a particular year; includes leading zeros
LLL = sequence of record within a journal issue or book; will consist of zeros for Book records


2001 07060 000 (Book record)
2001 07060 005 (Chapter record from above book)
2001 17577 001 (Journal Article, Dissertation, or Report record)
2001 17577 002 (Journal Article record from same journal issue as above)

For browsing convenience, the Publication Type displays to the left of the AN, but is searchable only in the PT field.

AU           Authors [Phrase Indexed]
                 smith catherine m.au.

The Author (AU) field contains the names of individual persons responsible for creation of the work represented by the record. If all authors are not included, the last name listed is followed by "et al." The author names are entered into the index as they appeared in the original document, in the format of last name followed by first and middle names or up to two initials.  Thus, a person named "James C. Smith" may appear as "Smith James C," "Smith J. Clinton," "Smith J C" or "Smith J."

Patronymic suffixes, such as Jr., Sr., III, etc., are included for display, but are not indexed, as are non-author roles, which include: Ed - Editor, Comp - Compiler, Trans - Translator, Illus - Illustrator, Photo - Photographer, and Revwr - Reviewer. If no role is present, the role may be assumed to be "author".

Data in the author field may also comprise one or more of the following special cases:

"et al" - subsequent authors were not captured, although they exist
"No authorship indicated" - the documents lists no author
"Anonymous" - the document identifies the author as Anonymous
"Numerous contributors" - the record represents a cluster of chapters, the author of which are identified in the Abstract field (rare).

BT       Parent Book Title [Word Indexed]

The Parent Book Title (BT) field appears in chapter records only, and contains the title of the parent book in which the chapter appears.

This "parent book" information, combined with the publisher and ISBN fields, enables users to obtain complete book bibliographic data from chapter records.

CA           Corporate/Institutional Authors [Word Indexed]
                 national research council.ca.

The Corporate/Institutional Author (CA) field contains corporate or institutional authors or editors, and lists the institution's name and location as well as the department and sub-department.

If all corporate authors are not included, "et al" will appear after the last one.

CC           Classification Codes [Phrase Indexed]

Classification Codes (CC) are numeric/alphanumeric codes representing broad subject categories within PsycINFO, such as "Learning and Motivation" or "Linguistics, Language and Speech." Searching the CC codes is a convenient way to limit an existing subject search to a particular setting (e.g., treatment, education, etc.) or area.

The numerical/alphanumeric CC codes are stored in the index. To view and select from the hierarchical list of codes and their scope notes, use the option "Tools/Classification Codes."

CF           Conference Information [Word Indexed]

Many books and articles contain material that was originally presented at conferences. The Conference Information (CF) field contains the name, number, date and location of a conference at which the content of the document was presented.

Individual words are posted in the conference information index. Standard abbreviations such as those used for institutions are used for the institutional and geographical portions of the CF field (such as "Coll" for "College," "Co" for "Company," "Dept" for "Department," "Hosp(s)" for "Hospitals(s)," and so on.

CN           Conference Note (Display only)

The Conference Note (CN) field contains information about additional conferences at which the content of a document was presented, or information about a conference from which the content of the document was derived.

Conference Note is indexed as part of the Conference Information (CF) field.

CW           Classification Code Word [Word Indexed]

Classification Codes Words (CW) is a word index of the Classification Codes field (CC).

FC           Form/Content Type [Phrase Indexed]
                 empirical study.fc.
                 literature review-research review.fc.

The Form/Content Type (FC) identifies the specific form or function of the document. This field identifies what a document is as opposed to what it is about, e.g., distinguishing a document that is a literature review versus one that is about literature reviews. A record may contain multiple Form/Content Types.

The Form/Content Types are also available as limits.

HW           Subject Heading Word [Word Indexed]
                 academic achievement.hw

Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every Subject Heading that includes a particular word or words; this is done by searching the desired word(s) in the Subject Heading Word (HW) field.

You can also view every Subject Heading which contains a particular word by using the option "Tools/Permuted Index."

IA, AT       Intended Audience [Phrase Indexed]
                  general public.ia.
                  psychology professional research.ia.

Book and chapter records added since 1987 are indexed with the work's intended general audience, something which is often explicitly stated by authors or publishers. APA selects audience types from a standard list which is found in the Intended Audience (IA) field. This list includes the following.

General Public
Psychology: Professional & Research

Intended Audience is also available as a limit.

IB           ISBN [Phrase Indexed]

The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number, and any qualifying text in parentheses. The qualifying text denotes binding type, volume number(s), publisher and/or the publisher location for which the ISBN was assigned.

The ISBN appears as a number separated by hyphens. Its purpose is to identify uniquely a book title, an edition of a book, or a monograph produced by a specific publisher. Each ISBN number consists of ten digits separated into the following parts:

Group identifier (national, geographic, language, or other group)
Publisher or producer identifier
Title identifier
Check digit

However, despite this standard format, ISBN's vary enormously on the source documents, for example:


Consequently, they have also been put into the index without spaces or dashes. You may search the ISBN with or without hyphens.

The IB field is available in book and chapter records added to PsycINFO since 1987.

ID, KP       Key Phrase Identifiers [Word Indexed]
                   hearing impaired.id.

The Key Phrase Identifiers (ID) field concisely summarizes a document's subject content. Indexers use the Key Phrase to describe a document in ways that are not accounted for by Subject Headings.

For experimental literature, Key Phrases typically contain the independent variable, the dependent variable, and the subject population.

For non-experimental literature, the Key Phrases consist of major concepts,  time lines, populations, implications, or genre--whatever information the indexer thinks will supplement other indexing information.

IN           Author Affiliation (Institution) [Word Indexed]

The Institution (IN) field contains the first author's affiliation, if indicated in the source document.

Enter the single most descriptive word in the institution name, for example, "harvard" not "university."

Standard abbreviations are used in the institution field; the most critical ones include "Co" (Company), "Coll" (College), "Dept" (Department), "Hosp(s)" (Hospital(s)), "Inc" (Incorporated) and "Lab(s) (Laboratory(ies)). Institutions which are commonly known by initials (NIMH, WHO, INSERM) may be listed in initialed form for some records and spelled out for others as in "National Insts of Health."

State and Province names must be searched by both spelled-out name and postal abbreviation. Country names (except USA and USSR) are spelled out.

IP           Issue/Part

The Issue/Part (IP) field contains the issue and/or part for a particular volume of a journal. The IP field usually displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

IS           ISSN [Phrase Indexed]

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published. It appears as a number separated by hyphens.

ISSNs have been included in PsycINFO since 1979.

JN           Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
                psychoanalytic review.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which an article was published. This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

Journal names are indexed as phrases. To view journal titles in the index, enter as many of the words or letters in a journal name as are needed to distinguish it from other journals, for example, "cognitive sci$" for "Cognitive Science."

Stopwords such as "of" ARE included in the journal name index but when "The," "A," or "An," is the first word of a journal, it has been stripped.

JW           Journal Word

The Journal Word (JW) field contains individual words from every journal name in the database. This field is not displayable and has no indexing function.

Stopwords such as "the" or "of" are not included. This field is used to retrieve every occurrence of a journal which includes a particular word, such as "psychological."

LG, LA       Language [Phrase Indexed]

The Language (LG) field contains the language(s) of publication of a document. The language name is indicted both by a 3-letter (such as "fre" for French) and the full language name (French).

Before 1971, the LG field for non-English documents contained only the indication "NonEnglish."

LM             Local Messages (Display only)

The Local Messages (LM) field contains messages created by your Ovid System administrator to indicate holdings information about journals  held in your library or institution.

LO             Location [Word Indexed]

The Location (LO) field contains a standardized description of locations, specifically country names, related to the content of the document. It may contain multiple Locations.

MO           Publication Month/Season [Word Indexed]

The Publication Month/Season (MO) field may appear in Journal Article, Dissertation, or Report records only, and contains the month or season that the journal issue, Dissertation Abstracts International issue, or report was published.

The field usually consists of a three-character alphabetic abbreviation of the month or season.

MP           Mapping Alias (TI, AB, HW, TY, ID)

The Mapping (MP) alias is the "basic index" for PsycINFO/ClinPSYC.  An unqualified search (ie. a search that has not been qualified with the dot-dot syntax) is searched in the subject bearing fields of the database.  The MP Alias includes Title (TI), Abstract (AB), Subject Headings Word (HW),  Table of Contents Titles/Headings (TY) and Key Phrase Identifiers (ID)

MT          Media Type [Phrase Indexed]
                 print paper.mt.

The Media Type (MT) field identifies the broad, physical medium of the document or item.

NT           Notes [Word Indexed]

The Notes (NT) field contains various types of descriptive information, such as the relationship of the present work to a previous work. This is a free-text field used most frequently to capture complex publication histories. It contains miscellaneous information about the document, including reprint citations or information about forms of other previous publications of the content.

ON           UMI Dissertation Order Number [Phrase Indexed]

PsycINFO only.  UMI Dissertation Order Number (ON) contains the number assigned by University Microfilms International for ordering full-text dissertations represented in Dissertation Abstracts International. The UMI Dissertation Order Number usually consists of a 10-character alphanumeric sequence.

OP           Translated Parent Book Title [Word Indexed]

The Translated Parent Book Title (OP) appears for chapter records only and contains the English-language translation of the non-English title of the parent book in which the chapter appears. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

OS           Translated Book Series Title [Word Indexed]

The Translated Book Series Title (OS) appears in Book or Chapter records only. It contains the English-language translation of the series title of a document written in a non-English language.

OT, TT       Original Title [Word Indexed]

The Original Title (OT) field contains non-English titles in the original document language. If the original title was in a non-Roman alphabet, the OT is transliterated or is not present.

PA           Parent Book Author [Word Indexed]

The Parent Book Author (PA) appears in chapter records only. Up to the first two authors of the "parent" book in which the chapter appears, are included and displayed as part of the Source (SO) field. If a third or subsequent author exists for the parent book, "et al" appears.

Patronymic suffixes, such as Jr., Sr., III, etc., are included for display, but are not indexed, as are non-author roles, which include: Ed - Editor, Comp - Compiler, Trans - Translator, Illus - Illustrator, Photo - Photographer, and Revwr - Reviewer. If no role is present, the role may be assumed to be "author"

PG           Page [Word Indexed]

The Page (PG) field consists of the inclusive pagination of a document. This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

PI           Parent Book Institutional/Corporate Author [Word Indexed]

The Parent Book Institutional/Corporate Author (PI) appears in Chapter records only, and contains up to the first two institutional authors of the "parent" book in which the chapter appears. If a third or subsequent institutional author exists for the parent book, "et al" appears.

Only the first component of the institution name is included in the field (other name components and geographic information do not appear). This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

PL           Publisher Location

The Publisher Location (PL) field appears in Book and Chapter records only. It contains the location (city, state, country) of up to two publishers of the book, or of the chapter's parent book. This field usually displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

PO           Populations [Phrase Indexed]

The Population (PO) field contains terms describing the subject population of the document.

Population codes include:

10 Human
20 Animal
30 Male
40 Female
50 Inpatient
60 Outpatient

Both the code and the term are searchable. Population groups are also available as limits.

For records added to the database prior to 1997, a document which includes both animal and human subjects are specified as "animal." From 1997 on, both "animal" and "human" is specified when both subjects are included.

Age group terms also display in this field and are searchable in the Age Groups (AG) index.

PT, DT   Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]
                        edited book.pt.
                        secondary publication.pt.

The Publication Type (PT) field identifies the general type of document. Publication Types (PT) include:

Book 100
Authored Book 120
Edited Book 140
Chapter 160
Journal Article 250
Secondary Publication 300
Dissertation Abstract 350
Report 400

Publication Types are also available as limits.

PU           Publisher [Word Indexed]

The Publisher (PU) field contains publisher information for books and chapters added since 1987.

The Publisher (PU) field—originally for non-serial records such as book and book chapter records only—has been expanded to include journal article records.  Also, a new subfield for Publisher URLs has been included. It usually displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

RY           Reprint Year [Phrase Indexed]

The Reprint Year (RY) field contains the year in which a book or chapter was reprinted. The Reprint Year (RY) field must be searched as four digits, for example, "1994."

Years must be searched individually; do not enter a range of years.

The Reprint Year is available for book and chapter records added since 1987, and normally displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

SD           Source Description [Word Indexed]

The Source Description (SD) field contains bibliographic information about the source document, including year & month of publication, volume and issue numbers, and pagination. Source description appears for journal articles only.

The Source Description is made up of the Date of Publication (DP), Issue/Part (IP), Publication Month/Season (MO), Pagination (PG), and Volume (VO) fields. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

SF           Special Feature [Phrase Indexed]
               computer software.sf.

The Special Feature (SF) field identifies the presence of specific features in, or items accompanying, the document.

Index 100
Non-English Abstracts 200
References 300
Assessment Instrument 400
Auxiliary Materials 500
Audiocassette 510
Computer Software 520
Instructors Manual 530
Study Guide 540
Test Bank 550
Transparencies 560
Videocassette 570
Workbook 580
Manual 590
Peer Reviewed 600

Special Features are also available as limits.

SH, DE, CT, SW   Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]
                 childhood development.de.

The Subject Headings (SH) field contains the Subject Headings (also known as "descriptors" or "index terms") used by indexers at the American Psychological Association (APA) to describe the content of a document.

ClinPSYC's  Subject Headings are taken from APA's Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms. You can look up any of these terms by using the pull-down menu option "Tools/Thesaurus."

Subject Headings are entered into the index as phrases and should be searched exactly as they appear in the Thesaurus.

Subject headings which describe the major point (focus) of a document will be preceded with an asterisk (*).

SI           Special Issue Title [Word Indexed]

The Special Issue Title (SI) field may appear in Journal Article records only, and contains the special issue title of the journal in which the article appears.

SO           Source
                american psychologist.so.

The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Name or Monograph Publisher, the vol/issue, pagination and year of publication. The fields which make up the Source field are Journal Name (JN), Parent Book Title (BT), Date of Publication (DP), Issue Part (IP), Publication Month/Season (MO), Translated  Parent Book Title (OP), Translated Book Series Title (OS), Parent Book Author (PA), Pagination (PG), Parent Book Institutional/Corporate Author (PI), Publisher Location (PL), Publisher (PU), Book Reprint Year (RY), Book Series Title (ST), and Volume (VO).

ST           Book Series Title [Word Indexed]

If present, the Book Series Title (ST) field appears in Book or Chapter records only. It contains the series title (and volume or number, if applicable) of the book or of the chapter's "parent" book.

The ST field is present in about one-third of book records.

TC           Table of Contents [Word Indexed]

The Table of Contents (TC) field exists in book records added since 1987, and includes "front matter" such as prefaces, forewords and introductions, section headings and subheadings, chapter titles, substantive headings and subheadings of sections within chapters, and "back matter" such as appendices, conclusions, afterwards, glossaries, indexes, and so on. If the Table of Contents is abbreviated, it contains the indication "abbreviated". Author names follow the chapter titles.

TI            Title [Word Indexed]

The Title (TI) field contains the English language version of a title.

If the language of the document is not English, you will see the language of the document in square brackets after the title.

For documents which were not written in English, the original or transliterated title usually appears in a separate field, Original Title (OT).

TW           Textword (TI, AB, ID, TY)
                 defense mechanism$.tw.

The Textword (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in the database which contain text words and which are appropriate for a free-text subject search.

The Text word fields in PsycINFO include Title (TI), Abstract (AB), Key Phrase Identifiers (ID), and Table of Contents Titles/Headings (TY).

TY           Table of Contents Titles/Headings [Word indexed]

The Table of Contents Titles/Headings (TY) field exists in book records added since 1987, and includes portions of the Table of Contents that reflect subject content: section headings and subheadings, chapter titles, substantive headings and subheadings of sections within chapters, and "back matter" such as appendices, conclusions, afterwords, glossaries, indexes.  "Front matter" and author names that are part of a book’s table of contents are not searchable via TY.

UP           Update Code [Phrase Indexed]

The Update Code (UP) field appears in all PsycINFO records and contains the date the record was released into the PsycINFO database. It is sometimes referred to as "Entry Month."

It consists of eight digits, in YYYYMMDD format, where YYYY is the release year, MM is the release month, and DD is the release day.

UR           Uniform Resource Locator

If present, the URL field contains the Uniform Resource Locator where an online version of the document, a full text version of the document, or additional information is available.  This field specifies that the method of access is http:// (World Wide Web HTML protocol).

VO           Volume [Phrase Indexed]

The Volume (VO) field contains the volume number of a journal issue.  The VO field usually displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

YR, PY       Publication Year [Phrase Indexed]

The Publication Year (YR) field contains the year in which a document was published. The year must be searched using four digits, for example, "1994."

Only individual years may be searched here; do not enter a range of years. (Use the "Limit to Publication Year" to restrict sets to range of years.)

PsycINFO/ClinPSYC Limits

The following limits are available from the Limit menu on the Main Search Page:
Popular Command and Sentence Syntax Limits:
Age Groups
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to adult

Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to animal

Disordered Populations
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to disordered

Empirical Human Populations
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to Childhood 
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to Adolescence 
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to Adulthood 

English Language
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 en=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to english

Command Syntax:        ..l/1 hu=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to human

Journal Articles
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to journal articles

Command Syntax:        ..l/1 lg=fre
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to french

Latest Update
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 up=y
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to latest update
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to update
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to up=20010725
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to up=20010606-20010627

Non-Disordered Populations
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to non disordered

Publication Types
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to book
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to report

Publication Year
Command Syntax:        ..l/1 yr=1993
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to yr=1993

Tests/Measurements as Subject of Article or Study
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to tests

Treatment and Prevention
Sentence Syntax:       limit 1 to treatment

Change to PsycINFO/ClinPSYC From Another Database

Search Label:
PsycINFO frontfile: PSYF
PsycINFO backfile: PSYB
PsycINFO historic: PSYH


use psyf

Sample PsycINFO/ClinPSYC Documents

 Accession Number                                                       
     Journal Article:  2001-07472-003.                                     
     Schulz, Richard;  Beach, Scott R;  Lind, Bonnie;  Martire,            
     Lynn M;  Zdaniuk, Bozena;  Hirsch, Calvin;  Jackson,                  
     Sharon;  Burton, Lynda.                                               
     U Pittsburgh, U Ctr for Social & Urban Research, Dept of              
     Psychiatry, Pittsburgh, PA, US.                                       
     Involvement in caregiving and adjustment to death of a                
     spouse: Findings from the caregiver health effects study.             
     Jama: Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol                
     285(24) Jun 2001, 3123-3129.                                          
     American Medical Assn, US, http://www.jama.com                         
 Special Issue Title                                                    
     No Special Issue Title Available                                      
     Assessed the effect of bereavement on family caregivers by            
     examining pre- vs post-death changes in self-reported and             
     objective health outcomes among elderly persons providing             
     varying levels of care prior to their spouse's death. A               
     prospective, population-based cohort study was conducted in           
     4 US communities between 1993 and 1998. 129 66-96 yr olds             
     whose spouse died during an average 4-yr follow-up were               
     classified as noncaregivers (NCs), caregivers reporting no            
     strain (NSCs), or strained caregivers (SCs). Ss were                  
     assessed for changes in depression symptoms (assessed by              
     the 10-item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression             
     [CES-D] scale), antidepressant use, health risk behaviors,            
     and weight. CES-D scores remained high but did not change             
     among SCs, while these scores increased for both NCs and              
     NSCs. NCs were more likely to be using nontricyclic                   
     antidepressant medications following the death than the               
     NSCs. The SCs showed improvement in health risk behaviors             
     following the death of their spouse, while the NCs and NSCs           
     showed little change. NCs experienced weight loss following           
     the death, while SCs and NSCs did not show significant                
     weight change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2000 APA, all            
     rights reserved)                                                      
 Key Phrase Identifiers                                                 
     bereavement; family caregivers; stress; pre- vs post-death            
     changes; health outcomes; depression symptoms;                          
     antidepressant use; health risk behaviors; weight change              
Subject Headings                                                       
               *Caregiver Burden             Body Weight                        
               *Death and Dying              Caregivers                         
               *Grief                        Health                             
               *Health Behavior              Major Depression                   
               *Stress Reactions             Psychiatric Symptoms               
               Antidepressant Drugs                                             
Classification Code                                                    
     Home Care & Hospice [3375]                                            
Population Group                                                       
     Human;  Male;  Female.  Adulthood (18 yrs & older);  Aged             
     (65 yrs & older);  Very Old (85 yrs & older).                         
Form/Content Type                                                      
     Empirical Study;  Longitudinal Study;  Prospective Study.             
Special Feature                                                        
     References;  Peer Reviewed.                                           
Publication Type                                                       
     Journal Article                                                       
Publication Year                                                       
Update Code                                                            
Media Type                                                             
     Print (Paper)                                                         
     http://jama.ama-assn.org/issues/v285n24/rfull/joc10038.html# aainfo                                                

Accession Number                                                       
     Authored Book:  2001-01573-000.                                       
     Rogers, Wendy Stainton;  Rogers, Rex Stainton.                        
     Open U, School of Health & Social Welfare, Milton Keynes,             
     The psychology of gender and sexuality:  An introduction.             
     Buckingham, England: Open University Press. (2001). xii,              
     0-335-20225-X (hardcover);  0-335-20224-1 (paperback)                 
     No ISSN Available                                                     
     (from the cover) Provides a comprehensive introduction to             
      both gender and sexuality from a psychological perspective.           
     Discusses questions such as: (1) To what extent are gender            
     and sexuality "programmed in the genes' and to what extent            
     are they acquired through learning and from culture?, (2)             
     What is wrong with traditional ways in which psychology has           
     addressed these topics and what better alternatives are               
     there?, and (3) What do these new approaches have to offer            
     us in understanding out own gender and sexuality, our life            
     experiences and our relationships. Gender and sexuality               
     have a profound influence on who we are and what we feel,             
     think, and do. This book reviews early psychological                  
     studies of gender and sexuality and then sets out a number            
     of challenges that have been made to them in more recent              
     times: libertarian, feminist and postmodern. It shows how             
     these challenges raise important questions about gender and           
     sexuality by applying them to topic of interest in today's            
     world. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2000 APA, all rights             
Key Phrase Identifiers                                                 
     gender; sexuality; sex differences; sociocultural factors;            
     learning; libertarian; feminist; postmodern; biology;                 
Subject Headings                                                       
               *Gender Identity              Feminism                           
               *Human Sex Differences        Learning                           
               *Psychology                   Liberalism                         
               *Sex Roles                    Postmodernism                      
               *Sexuality                    Sociocultural Factors              
Classification Code                                                    
     Sex Roles & Women's Issues [2970]                                     
Population Group                                                       
     Human;  Male;  Female.                                                
Form/Content Type                                                      
     Classroom Material;  Textbook.                                        
Special Feature                                                        
     Index;  References.                                                   
Intended Audience                                                      
     Psychology: Professional & Research.                                  
Table of Contents                                                      
           Part 1: Mainstream psychological approaches to gender and            
            Biological paradigms                                                
            Social and cultural paradigms                                       
            Interactive paradigms                                               
           Part II: The challenges to mainstream approaches                     
            Introduction to Part II: Challenges                                 
            Liberatory challenges                                               
            Feminist challenges                                                 
            Postmodern challenges                                               
           Part III: Applications of a critical approach                        
            Where's the action?                                                 
            Aliens and others                                                   
            Sex crimes                                                          
            New men, new women, new relationships?                              
Publication Type                                                       
     Authored Book                                                         
Publication Year                                                       
Update Code                                                            
Media Type                                                             
     Print (Paper)

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Revised 23 August 2001